Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1813 Just take a stroll

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Your Majesty, why should you be impatient? Since we came here in person and handed the person into your hands early, we will definitely not embarrass the king again and return him to your hands intact. It's just a matter of time..."

Emperor Xieye took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said again: "What exactly do you want?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "To be honest, I don't know yet..."

"you do not know?"

Seeing that Emperor Xieye's face became slightly distorted, Lu Yu added: "The main reason is that we don't know the situation here yet. We don't know anything about what His Majesty has in his hands, so naturally we don't know what is going on here." You know what kind of price is appropriate... How about we take a tour here first?”

The implication of these words was that he was obviously going to severely rip off the Great Evil Empire. Not only did Emperor Xieye's face darken when he heard this, but all the ministers around him were also furious.

However, when they broke out, Lu Yu said again: "Of course, you can also take advantage of this time to find King Ye as soon as possible. As long as we reach an agreement here, I can immediately release the restrictions on him."

After hearing what he said, everyone forcibly held back.

In any case, the most important priority for the Great Evil Empire is to save King Ye first. Whether in terms of reputation or personal strength, King Ye is of great significance to the Great Evil Empire. He is like a divine needle that can fix the sea. .

Over the long years, countless legendary stories have brought the Great Evil Empire's personal worship of King Ye to its peak, and he has become a banner of the University Empire.

It would be fine if he died of natural causes, but if anyone knew that he was defeated and died during a fight with Xihai City, it would be a fatal blow to the entire Great Evil Empire.

"Okay... If that's the case, then Mr. Yunyang loves you, so I'll trouble you to make another hard trip and take three guests from afar to visit this place carefully again!" Emperor Xie Ye said secretly holding a breath. , anyway, he was in no mood to serve the three guys in front of him.

Lu Yu waved his hand and said: "Don't bother me! Just let me wander around here by myself!"

After saying that, he walked straight to the back of the Water Palace.

Since the Water Palace is actually a pavilion structure with no cover behind it, walking from here leads directly to the center of Suyu Cloud Pond.

In view of the strength he showed as soon as he entered, no one dared to stop him. They just followed him to see what he wanted to do.

Lu Yu walked straight to the end of the corridor and looked at the mirror-flat lake in front of him, looking eager to try.

Seeing this scene, Duke Yunyang quickly persuaded: "General Lu, you don't know something. Although this place looks harmonious, it is full of unknown dangers. Why don't I introduce it to you in detail? "

Lu Yu stared at the lake in front of him without responding. After a moment, he turned around and said with a smile, "How dangerous can it be? Like... like this?"

After saying that, Lu Yu jumped directly out of the scope of the corridor and plank road, and jumped straight into the lake.

Everyone immediately exclaimed in surprise.

You must know that this place is actually a forbidden demon territory. The extremely rich spiritual energy directly turns this place into a dangerous situation like a gunpowder barrel. Lu Yu's actions, even if he did not use any of his own power, are very dangerous. Dangerous, and if he uses his power, it is likely to cause a series of chain reactions.

Suddenly, the lake surface suddenly cracked, and ice crystal-like thorns appeared on the lake surface. It was like a ferocious beast opened its bloody mouth, revealing its mouth full of sharp fangs.

Seeing that Lu Yu was about to be completely pierced by these sharp ice crystal prisms, suddenly his body made a strange twist, just right to avoid the piercing of these ice crystals, and just right to get stuck in the middle of a gap.

Everyone watched in fear, but before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the ice crystals on the lake suddenly melted away and turned into scorching fire dragons, sweeping towards Lu Yu.

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the originally pure blue lake was dyed fiery red.

This was a sea of ​​fire caused by liquid true energy, and its violence was far beyond ordinary. Even a strong man would not dare to say that he had the ability to withstand such a sea of ​​fire.

The sea of ​​​​fire lasted for a while, and then gradually subsided and calmed down.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Yu should have been severely injured by the sea of ​​fire, and even if he didn't die, he would be burned and bruised, but they didn't expect that he was still standing there unharmed, as if nothing happened.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but be completely shocked. They had no idea how Lu Yu did all this.

Even though the Great Evil Empire has been operating here for many years, it took a lot of effort to build this water palace on the lake, and then it was barely able to move freely in this area and collect the things that grew in the lake. The purple and white plants that grew up.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu had the ability to step onto the lake with his bare hands.

"It seems that this is not too dangerous!" Lu Yu smiled and said: "Everyone, please stay here for a while, then I will take a closer look and come back!"

After saying that, he plunged into the lake.

Strangely enough, the lake water, which was originally extremely violent, did not arouse any reaction this time, and was even quieter than when he stepped into the lake just now.

Everyone was speechless, and they didn't know what to say for a moment.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Fu Jing silently watched the lake where Lu Yu disappeared for a moment, and suddenly followed him and said: "I'll go and see too!"

After that, she followed Lu Yu's footsteps and plunged into the lake.

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