Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1814 The price of stability

Seeing the two disappear in the lake, Ru Furen couldn't help but feel anxious.

The biggest reason why she followed this time was to prevent the two from being alone, so as to avoid the opportunity for further development between the two. However, she didn't expect that Fu Jing dared to follow him and dive into the lake. She didn't have such courage, so she could only worry on the surface.

However, what worried her most at this moment was not whether the two would take advantage of the opportunity to be alone underwater to create any sparks, but whether the two could be safe and sound in such a dangerous situation.

Everyone present knew that the lake in front of them was far from being as quiet as it looked on the surface. The actions of the two were tantamount to jumping into a sea of ​​fire alone without any protective measures.

"Your Majesty..."

The ministers around gathered around Xieyedi, looking at the lake surface that was constantly rippling, and they wanted to say something but stopped.

In fact, their mood at the moment was also very complicated. As the controllers here, they naturally knew the degree of danger under the lake. The danger that Lu Yu encountered on the lake just now was far less than one ten-thousandth of the danger under the lake. In this situation, the best outcome is that Lu Yu and Fu Jing are buried at the bottom of the lake at the same time. In this way, all the troubles will be solved. It is just that the restrictions on King Ye may not be able to be lifted for the time being, but this is not a big problem. When Xihai City no longer poses a threat, as long as time is delayed long enough, any restrictions will naturally become invalid. However, it is not a pity for these two guys to die, but they are afraid that they will not die quietly. If they struggle before dying, it is very likely to trigger a series of chain reactions. If the spiritual energy of the entire Suyuyun Pond is finally erupted, not to mention them present, the entire Wangjing City will be destroyed. This is undoubtedly the most likely scenario...

Therefore, the people on the shore were torn. They hoped that Lu Yu and Fu Jing would pay the price for their recklessness and die under the lake, but at the same time, they hoped that they could return safely in time to avoid irreversible consequences.

Emperor Xieye waved his hand, signaling the ministers not to continue. He turned his head and looked at Madam Ru, his eyes revealing an extremely sharp edge, and said: "Madam, your daughter and her subordinate are really skilled and daring, but the danger of this activity is probably far beyond their imagination. I wonder what kind of restraint they have? Have they done their homework in advance?"

Madam Ru couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart. She knew that this was Emperor Xieye testing her. Although she had no idea at this time, she couldn't weaken her momentum at this time.

"Your Majesty, the Great Evil Emperor, you don't need to test me. In fact, I don't know what methods Jing'er and Afeng have to deal with the current situation. What I know is that they have made a huge breakthrough in their cultivation recently, and their achievements far exceed the level I can see. Your great-grandfather King Ye was defeated by them, which is the best proof! So, don't waste your efforts. Not only can I not see through their strength, but you can't see through it either, and your great-grandfather King Ye is the same!" Xieye Emperor said: "So, Madam thinks that the two of them can come back safely!" Madam Ru had no idea in her heart, but she still forced herself to be calm and said: "Of course! You can wait and see!" Xieye Emperor's face was as gloomy as water. The faces of the ministers around him changed slightly. After a moment, a minister who was closest to the Xieye Emperor said, "If that's the case, then your majesty, we should prepare early!"

Madam Ru was shocked. She didn't know what the people of the Great Evil Empire were going to prepare, and what kind of tricks they were going to play...

The Xieye Emperor nodded and said in a deep voice, "Then go and invite him over! Let him take charge of the situation today!"


The minister agreed, bowed and retreated respectfully.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Madam Ru was even more surprised. She didn't know what kind of person could make the Xieye Emperor mention him in such a tone and willingly give up the command.

This person must not be a subordinate of the Great Evil Empire, and he has extremely powerful strength and a very high status...

Suddenly, Madam Ru thought of a possibility, and her face changed drastically.

"Your Majesty, who exactly are you going to invite?"

Emperor Xieye said, "Madam, don't worry. The person we are going to invite is the great-grandfather of King Ye whom you just mentioned... But in addition to the great-grandfather, there is another important person who is treating the great-grandfather, and he will also come!"

Madam Ru couldn't help but stare at him and asked, "Who is it?"

Emperor Xieye smiled, "Madam, you have guessed it yourself, haven't you? There are only a few upper-level bigwigs that our Great Xie Empire can contact. It was you who contacted us through his relationship to discuss the alliance. In order to give him face, we all facilitated this matter. I didn't expect that it would end up like this..."

Madam Ru's face turned pale immediately, "Are you talking about... the one in the Hades Temple?"

"Yes! It's the one in the Hades Temple!"

The smile on Emperor Xieye's face suddenly turned a bit cruel: "Actually, it's not easy to ask him to take action. Our Great Evil Empire also needs to pay a very expensive price. Compared with the conditions you require, I'm afraid It’s not much different… However, after careful consideration, I still feel that it is safer to pay him this price!”

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