Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1815 The ethereal realm returns

Under the lake.

Lu Yu swam freely in the lake.

Although everyone above thought that the water here was full of great dangers, it didn't seem to be the case for him.

Objectively speaking, the water here was indeed very dangerous, but with Lu Yu's previous actions on the water, he had already explored some of the operating rules here, so as long as he made targeted adjustments, using the golden elixir seeds to stimulate the star track, and then using the star track to shield the strong pressure under the water, he could move freely underwater.

After all, his golden elixir has reached about 30% of its completion, and the power that the golden elixir seeds can exert has become stronger.

But even so, he can only move freely in shallow waters. For deeper waters, even if he stimulates the golden elixir seeds to the maximum efficiency, it is still difficult to resist.

Lu Yu was not in a hurry to go to the bottom of the lake, but now he casually checked around.

In the process, he saw the growth of many purple and white plants.

The purple-white plant did grow out of the lake water. Although the specific breeding process is not clear, at first glance, its growth pattern is somewhat similar to coral, that is, it grows slowly from underwater, and finally its top is produced above the water surface, growing into towering trees.

Observing everything from underwater is undoubtedly clearer, so Lu Yu has a general grasp of the overall situation of these purple-white plants.

In short, the output of purple-white plants here is very amazing. Similar to the plant sent by Yunyang Gong, at least hundreds of plants have grown under this area of ​​water. Compared with such a huge output, the more difficult point is the mining process.

Even if Lu Yu personally looked at it underwater, he didn't know how to quickly collect these purple-white plants. In this case, the method he could choose was to use soft and hard grinding little by little, and use water grinding skills to loosen the roots of the purple-white plants, and finally pull out the whole purple-white plant...

It is estimated that the Great Evil Empire also uses a similar collection method. The plant sent by Yunyang Gong before must have taken a lot of effort to collect it.

If you want to collect the purple and white plants here more quickly, you must further understand the operation rules here, make targeted adjustments, or even use the rules here.

So Lu Yu decided to try to dive deep again.

Putting aside other reasons, the formation principle here alone has made Lu Yu very curious, and all this can only be explored by going deep into the bottom of the lake...

Lu Yu stayed still and adjusted his internal breath until he took a full breath before diving deep down.

Soon, he felt a strong resistance.

Due to the special environment of the Su Yu Yunchi, the pressure generated by the lake water formed by the liquid true essence is far beyond the ordinary. With his dive, the pressure increased exponentially. The strong pressure squeezed from all directions, and the pressure generated almost squeezed out the last breath he held in his chest.

Lu Yu still refused to give up, and just gritted his teeth and continued to dive deep.

He didn't know how deep he had dived. The pressure increased again. The circulation of the true energy in his meridians almost stagnated. Only the golden elixir seeds in his body still emitted a faint light. Under the mutual attraction, he maintained the minimum vital signs.

At this moment, Lu Yu knew that he had reached his limit, and he couldn't help but feel helpless.

It seems that it is not an easy thing to explore this place. It is unlikely to explore with such a physical body. Other ways must be thought of...

With this in mind, Lu Yu wanted to return along the original route. However, when he started to dive upward, he suddenly hit a soft object on his back.

Lu Yu was stunned. He turned his head and found that it was Fu Jing.

Due to the special environment here, his powerful spiritual perception seemed to become less useful. He didn't notice that Fu Jing also jumped into the lake with him.

Lu Yu didn't know what she had experienced during this period, but looking at the situation at this time, she was obviously also under extremely strong pressure. She didn't have Lu Yu's ability to stimulate the star track. She was almost reaching her limit after swimming here. Her beautiful face, which was originally rosy and white, had turned purple at this time.

In this case, Lu Yu didn't care so much. He hugged her directly, then kissed her, and passed the last breath in his chest to her.

After the attempt just now, Lu Yu himself was already at the end of his strength, but it was obvious that Fu Jing needed this breath more than himself at this moment.

Sure enough, Fu Jing greedily swallowed the air that Lu Yu passed over. After passing it all in one breath, Lu Yu had completely reached his limit and was about to return to the shallow waters at the fastest speed, but at this moment a magical scene happened!

The ethereal state that was produced when he had close contact with Madam Ru came again.

The internal breath that was about to stagnate suddenly began to circulate and recover at a very fast speed.

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