Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1816 Join forces for deep diving

As his internal energy flow resumed, Lu Yu suddenly felt the pressure on his body suddenly reduce.

At this time, he was 100% sure that the strange changes that occurred in his body during the last accident with Mrs. Ru must be related to the blood power of the Guanlan clan, because this happened to be the biggest difference between mother and daughter. commonality.

However, Lu Yu still doesn't know why the Guanlan clan's bloodline power caused such a situation to occur. What is the specific reason?

At this moment, Lu Yu didn't care to delve into this point. He would have time to study the reasons later. What he was thinking about now was whether he could use this state of ethereal realm to continue diving deeper and explore this first. The secret of the crisp jade cloud pool.

However, this matter obviously cannot be decided by him alone. Fu Jing must cooperate.

With the effect of the ethereal realm, Lu Yu's inner breath quickly reversed, and Fu Jing also quickly recovered. She also quickly noticed the strange state of her body, and couldn't help but widen her eyes, looking at it in disbelief. Lu Yu is very close.

Parted lips.

"What exactly did you do?" Fu Jing asked in shock.

Although they are underwater, considering the two people's cultivation, this does not hinder their communication at all.

Obviously, Mrs. Ru did not reveal anything about the ethereal realm to her. Fu Jing did not know how the ethereal realm was created. She thought that all this was the result of Lu Yu's action, but she did not know that this was actually the result of Lu Yu's action. It is the interaction between the two people that achieves the effect.

Lu Yu didn't explain much, but asked: "Why are you following me?"

Fu Jing's face turned slightly red and she said, "I just wanted to follow you and have a look. I originally thought I could handle it, but who knew you kept swimming so fast, I almost..."

Lu Yu shook his head and did not blame her for her recklessness. He said, "Now that you are here, are you interested in going to the bottom of the lake to find out what's going on?"

"Bottom of the lake?" Fu Jing was still frightened, "Is this possible? The position just now was already my limit..."

Lu Yu said: "Only one person can't do it. I almost reached my limit just now... But if the two of us join forces, it will be different. I think we can give it a try!"

Fu Jing's face was full of confusion: "How to join forces?"

Lu Yu didn't hesitate and kissed her directly on the lips.

Fu Jing was caught off guard and her eyes widened again, feeling angry, anxious, ashamed and angry.

However, as the two people's breaths connected, she quickly noticed the subtlety. Then she realized that Lu Yu did not deliberately take advantage of her, but that such an action could make the two of them enter a very wonderful ethereal state. state.

In this state, the inner energy of the two people was rushing like a tide, and the recovery speed of various vital signs was unknown many times faster than before, so that the strong pressure could no longer hinder them.

"Are you ready?" Their lips parted again, and Lu Yu asked, looking into Fu Jing's eyes.

Fu Jing nodded slightly and asked, "What on earth is going on?"

At this time, she also somewhat realized that this wonderful state was the result of the interaction between the two, and was not just Lu Yu's "spell".

Lu Yu said: "I don't know what is going on yet. This issue can be studied slowly after we go back... In short, if the two of us join forces, we can achieve this wonderful state. With this state, We might be able to go directly to the bottom of the lake to find out, but this is still a very dangerous thing after all. Are you sure you want to take this risk with me? "

Fu Jing nodded.

Lu Yu said again: "Then don't move around later, and pay attention to keep cooperating with me... If there is no problem, let's start now!"


Fu Jing responded briefly, with a bit of shyness on his face.

"Start" means that they have to kiss together like before. Although they have kissed twice before, she was already unconscious the first time, and she was completely unprepared for the second time, but this time she was conscious Xing Xing was well prepared before receiving Lu Yu's kiss, which made her a little embarrassed.

Fu Jing couldn't look into Lu Yu's eyes and closed them involuntarily.

Lu Yu didn't hesitate much and kissed her directly.

The ethereal realm swept over the two of them again.

Lu Yu used his hands and feet to drive the lake water like a fish and dive deep into the bottom of the lake again.

Fu Jing hugged Lu Yu tightly with both hands, making the two bodies fit together closely, while her feet kept kicking and swinging, moving forward in line with Lu Yu's rhythm.

During this process, the two of them maintained a mouth-to-mouth posture and never separated.

As the depth continued to increase, the water pressure also continued to increase exponentially. The two could only resist the strong pressure by relying on the ethereal realm. Gradually, they could no longer be separated, and all communication could only be achieved through eyes and gestures.

The whole process was undoubtedly very dangerous, and the thrill of it could not be described in words. But for some reason, Fu Jing still had an untimely and absurd feeling in her heart. She always felt that the two of them were in the same state at this time. She looked at the mating fish, and this feeling made her blush even more.

Lu Yu also noticed something unusual about her, but he didn't think too much about it. He just thought it was the result of the strong pressure of the lake.

The two of them dived no matter how far they dived.

At this time, the light in the lake was extremely dim, and even with Lu Yu's eyesight, it was difficult to distinguish the specific situation around him.

Perhaps it was because the light dimmed that it brought a kind of psychological comfort to Fu Jing. She finally no longer felt shy and gradually began to move freely.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly stopped swimming and stood still.

Fu Jing couldn't help but be startled, and then saw the gestures made by Lu Yu's arm that had been slightly twisted under the strong pressure, and then realized that he wanted to make one last adjustment before breaking through to the bottom of the lake in one go.

Because the bottom of Suyu Cloud Pond is already close at hand, this means that they may soon come into contact with the truth formed here.

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