Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1817 Bottom of the Lake


There was a shrill sound under the water.

It was the sound of Lu Yu's bones breaking under the strong pressure of the lake water.

However, even so, Lu Yu remained unyielding and dived unswervingly into the depths of the lake.

Because while the lake water broke all his bones, under the influence of the ethereal realm, his bones also healed rapidly. The healing speed just right offset the damage caused by the strong pressure, so that the battery life could be guaranteed.

But the damage can be offset, but the painful process cannot be avoided. Lu Yu has been struggling back and forth between the fragmentation and healing of the bones. The pain he experienced is absolutely unbearable.

Fu Jing couldn't bear this process. Although she had an extremely powerful field, it was completely useless here. Lu Yu knew this, so in the final sprint, he changed two The human hugging position used the golden elixir seeds in his body to build a small force field on his chest, protecting Fu Jing in this small force field.

Although the scope of the force field is very limited and cannot fully protect Fu Jing, even partial protection has played a very critical role, at least allowing Fu Jing to survive the last, most difficult distance. , so as not to be unable to withstand the strong water pressure and faint.

At this time, the two people's positions changed to Fu Jing curling up and being held tightly in Lu Yu's arms. Only in this way can the damage caused by the water pressure to Fu Jing be minimized.

It has to be said that in this situation, Lu Yu's body is still stronger after all. The golden elixir in his body, which is only 30% complete, plays a very crucial role at this moment. Otherwise, even if there is I'm afraid they can no longer endure the ethereal state.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The sound of bones breaking became clearer and more intense.

Fu Jing curled up tightly in Lu Yu's arms and felt frightened for a while.

Suddenly, she felt a fishy and salty taste in her mouth. It turned out that Lu Yu couldn't bear the severe pain, and he accidentally bit his tongue due to the tight jaw.

At the same time, she felt her body pause slightly, as if Lu Yu's body had hit something. At this depth, there was only one thing they could hit, and that was the bottom of the lake here.

They finally reached the bottom of Suyu Yunchi.

Fu Jing tried her best to open her eyes, trying to see clearly what it looked like here. However, the light here was too dim. Even with her level of cultivation as a powerful Grand Duke, she could only see a huge group of The object appeared in front of them, but it was just a vague outline. They couldn't tell what exactly it was that appeared at the bottom of the lake...

Fu Jing couldn't help but look up at Lu Yu, only to see that he had closed his eyes at this time. She didn't know whether he was in too much pain or was sensing everything around him through meditation.

Fu Jing was a little worried that it was the former, so she pushed him gently. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu didn't react at all. Now Fu Jing couldn't help but become more worried. She was about to use her own strength to take Lu Yu away from here first. .

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu suddenly opened his eyes at this moment. As his eyes opened, the surrounding water stirred up, driving the two bodies to swim at the bottom of the lake.

Fu Jing felt that they seemed to be trapped in a whirlpool, but this whirlpool was not trying to suck them in, but to push them out. A strange force lifted their bodies and made them It began to spiral upward and gradually broke away from the bottom of the lake.

Fu Jing was stunned. Could it be that the Su Yu rough stone, which had always been a pool of stagnant water, had undergone such a change at this time.

During this process, the two people's bodies were completely out of control, and they gradually got further and further away from the bottom of the lake. Just when the two of them were spinning for a while, Fu Jing suddenly saw misty green lights suddenly lighting up everywhere on the bottom of the lake. These bright lights seem to form a special pattern.

Unfortunately, before Fu Jing could fully see the pattern, they were completely out of the deep waters and could no longer see anything.

Then the body began to rise rapidly.

Within a moment, they were lifted up by a water column and floated to the lake. After the water column fell back, they happened to stop on a purple and white bead.

Fu Jing was surprised and filled with questions, but it was obviously not the time to ask questions at this moment, because both of them still had injuries caused by the strong underwater pressure, especially Lu Yu, who still had at least half of his bones in his body. It's broken and hasn't healed yet.

Therefore, the two of them still kept kissing each other so that the ethereal realm could quickly heal their injuries.

Just hearing a crackling sound, all the injuries on Lu Yu's body quickly recovered, and the broken bones rejoined.

After another moment, Lu Yu finally let go of Fu Jing, and the two of them escaped from the ethereal realm at the same time.

Fu Jing didn't care about anything else and immediately looked back at the lake and asked, "Did you see it just now? There seems to be something at the bottom of the lake..."

Lu Yu nodded and said with emotion: "I see..."

"What on earth is that?" Fu Jing asked again.

"Are you referring to the pattern you just saw?" Lu Yu thought for a moment and said, "If it is that pattern, I think it should be a lock..."

"A lock?" Fu Jing was shocked.

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "This Jade Cloud Pond does hide a huge secret. I originally thought I could find out what it was when I got to the bottom of the lake, but now it seems I was wrong. All the secrets have been revealed." Lock, I tried to open this lock just now, but unfortunately it failed, so we were sent out by it..."

Fu Jing couldn't help but be surprised. She felt that Lu Yu's words were full of magic.

It turns out that they were sent out of the bottom of the lake as a result of Lu Yu's confrontation with that strange pattern?

Didn't expect that so many things happened in that short moment at the bottom of the lake?

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