Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1841 Mutation

Until this moment, the turmoil in the starry sky in the sea of ​​consciousness finally stopped, and everything returned to a stable state.

"It turns out that this is the end of the evolution of the secrets of the stars..."

Lu Yu said silently in his heart.

Jiujiu Liansheng...

Just like the Seven Apertures Exquisite Jade, this was also a name that was automatically generated in his mind, indicating that this was a language that was originally cast in the starry sky, and its existence itself already contained endless truths and mysteries.

"I didn't expect that behind the Nine Stars Qianmo, there would be such a change hidden. According to the Bixiao Palace, the Nine Stars Qianmo is already the best among the golden elixirs. If I can transform this scene of the Nine-Nine Lotus, the same will happen. It is shaped by the golden elixir law. I wonder what it will look like when the time comes... Will it be called a super super super golden elixir? "

Lu Yu thought about such a scene, and couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion in his heart.

However, he also knows that it is not easy to completely complete the Nine-Nine Lotus Life. For him at the moment, it can be said that he has no clue.

When he originally used Jiuxing Qianmo as the blueprint, he spent countless efforts to move from the original big world to the current Guantian world, and only completed a mere 30% of it. If now he uses Jiujiu Liansheng as his blueprint. The blueprint, with the current progress, is probably less than 1%...

"This is really a problem for me!" Lu Yu muttered to himself.

Originally, he picked the "fruit" from Mrs. Ru, which greatly improved the progress of the golden elixir. He thought that things had turned around, but after a lot of trouble, he discovered that not only was this not a turning point, but it also made things worse. The original progress has fallen back a lot.

But after knowing the existence of Jiujiu Liansheng, it is not his character to ask Lu Yu to give up his pursuit of the strongest power and instead use Jiuxing Qianmo's golden elixir blueprint. He can only take one step first and see one step at a time. Fortunately, Jiujiu Liansheng was originally built on the basis of Jiuxing Qianmo, and his current accumulation is not in vain.

"In any case, let's get the first Nine Stars Qianmo out first! Whether we should form elixirs on the spot or continue to pursue Jiujiu Liansheng depends on the specific situation at that time!" Lu Yu finally made up his mind.

In fact, the harvest this time is not just the structural blueprint of Jiujiu Liansheng.

Lu Yu also confirmed another piece of information, which was equally important. Originally, he thought that in order to fully realize the blueprint of Nine Stars Qianmo, all eighteen stars in the universe must be used, but now it seems that is not the case. , the mysterious power collected from Mrs. Ru can also be used to construct the golden elixir law, and the effect is not compromised in the slightest.

This also means that he does not have to travel all over the world and find all the secrets of the stars to truly form an elixir. To a certain extent, this can also be regarded as simplifying the difficulty of forming an elixir for him.

Of course, the "fruit" of the Seven Wonderful Jade in Mrs. Ru's body is also hard-won, but in any case, it is easier than gathering the secrets of the eighteen stars in the heavens and the world.

"It seems that it's time to have a good chat with Xu Zhiyang to see how they cultivated Madam back then and whether there is any way to recreate it again..."

When he thought of this, Lu Yu was suddenly shocked.

He suddenly realized that a long time had passed, and he didn't know what the situation was on the shore now, and whether the spell on Xu Zhiyang would be loosened...

At that moment, he no longer hesitated, and suddenly opened his eyes under the water, swung his arms, and suddenly came out of the water!

After a few scattered figures, he turned back to the Water Palace.

However, the Water Palace was already empty. Neither Fu Jing, her daughter, nor Xu Zhiyang were seen, and there was no trace of anyone from the Great Evil Empire. Moreover, there were obvious signs of fighting in the surrounding buildings.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown, but he didn't worry too much. There was a flash of flying flowers on his body, and he appeared dozens of feet away in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yu searched around the area again, but still found no trace of anyone. Finally, he had to leave the range of Suyu Cloud Pond and entered the area covered with vines.

Originally, there was an extremely lush and thick vine outside the Suyu Cloud Pond. When he first entered this place, these vines left a very profound impact on Lu Yu. But what made Lu Yu feel strange was that the vines here had changed. It was very sparse and seemed to wither soon.

Lu Yu couldn't help but become more confused, but he couldn't think of any clues. He could only follow the direction of the vines' vitality and continue to search forward.

Fortunately, he didn't rush into the air this time, and he finally found traces of a living person. A graceful figure appeared among the vines, and it was Mrs. Ru.

Lu Yu's body flashed with flying flowers again, and in the next moment, he appeared next to Mrs. Ru with a "whoosh".

Mrs. Ru was taken aback. She raised her hand and swiped towards Lu Yu with one palm.

The power of the powerful palm of the Grand Duke is astonishing! It would have been difficult for anyone else to deal with it, but Lu Yu already knew Madam Ru's power very well, especially after having an in-depth understanding of the Qiqiao Exquisite Jade, he was even more able to deal with it.

I saw Lu Yu reaching out and gently dispelling her power, and he also grabbed her hand to prevent her from continuing to attack.

"Madam, why are you so excited? You don't even look at who's coming, but you just kill him?"

"A Feng? Is it you?" Mrs. Ru was stunned, and then she lost control of her emotions: "Son of a bitch, you finally came out of the lake! You bastard, what on earth have you been doing for so long?"

While talking, she scratched and scratched Lu Yu, seeming to vent all her dissatisfaction on Lu Yu.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be confused. They hadn't seen each other for a few days. He really couldn't figure out why the other party reacted like this.

He had no choice at the moment. Faced with Mrs. Ru's shrewish behavior, he had no choice but to trip her up, press her to the ground, and slap her ears twice in a row, which finally made her calm down.

"What's going on? Why don't you wait and talk properly?" Lu Yu asked.

Mrs. Ru wiped away her tears and her voice was still crying: "Jing'er... she, she was captured by the people of Hades Temple..."

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