Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1842 Untitled

Lu Yu frowned and said, "Did someone come from Hades Temple again? Who did it?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's Xu Zhiyang!" Mrs. Ru replied, "It's all your fault! Zai Shuiyang broke free from the control of the curse!"

"Xu Zhiyang?" Lu Yu couldn't help showing a surprised look, "Is it just him? Can he beat the lady?"

He has absolute confidence in the spell of the infinite circle, and Xu Zhiyang will never be able to decipher the infinite circle head-on.

The only possibility is that as time went by, the effectiveness of the spell began to gradually weaken, and Xu Zhiyang took the opportunity to break free without continuous reinforcement... But if he really broke free in this way, Xu Zhiyang must be in a very weak state. , it is impossible to be Fu Jing's opponent.

"Jing'er...she didn't resist at all..."

Mrs. Ru said.

"What exactly did you do that day? Since that day, Jing'er has been hiding like you and has been missing..."

"It wasn't until Xu Zhiyang got out of trouble and wanted to take away a purple and white tree by force that the Miracle Sword suddenly appeared and started fighting with Xu Zhiyang. Only then did we know that Jing'er was hiding in the crown of the purple and white tree. , but throughout the entire battle, she still did not show up, and was finally abducted by Xu Zhiyang, including the purple and white plants..."

"What the hell is going on? What on earth are you doing?"

Mrs. Ru became angrier as she spoke, with a look of indignation on her face.

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Unexpectedly, after Fu Jing separated from him that day, he would be in a completely closed state like himself, losing contact with the outside world.

It seems that the previous interaction of power also inspired her a lot, and perhaps the benefits she gained are also not simple...

"Don't worry, ma'am, at least it's not the worst situation now..."

As Lu Yu said this, he released Mrs. Ru and helped her up from the ground.

But Mrs. Ru did not accept his kindness, and shook off Lu Yu's hand and said: "That's the Temple of Hades! Do you know what this means? If this is not the worst situation, then what is the worst?" A bad situation?"

Lu Yu said: "Isn't there two factions within the Hades Temple? At least Xu Zhiyang's faction is not the one who wants to kill you Guanlan clan... Besides, didn't you also say that Xu Zhiyang and Zibai are the same faction? They were kidnapped together with the plants. Since he went to such great lengths, it means that he has not yet killed the young lady. At least the young lady is safe for the time being..."

"In addition, the most important point is that even if the lady has been in seclusion and has not awakened, as long as the miraculous sword is there, it will not be easy to hurt her."

Mrs. Ru was silent for a while.

She had to agree with Lu Yu's view. Indeed, the mess everywhere in the Canyon of the Dead at this time was caused by Xu Zhiyang's battle with the Miracle Sword, and during the battle between the two, the Miracle Sword seemed to She also injured Xu Zhiyang, which caused the other party to flee in a hurry without causing more casualties. Otherwise, even she herself would definitely not be able to escape...

She snorted heavily and said: "No matter what, you must find a way to rescue Jing'er as soon as possible...otherwise, they will never let Jing'er go!"

Lu Yu didn't say anything, but turned to ask: "Where are the people from the Great Evil Empire? How are they?"

Mrs. Ru said: "The people in the Great Evil Empire were not injured at all. Xu Zhiyang's attention was not on them at the time, but after something like this, how could they have the intention to stay here? I don't know what they are. Where are you going... Maybe you think that if you let the tiger return to the mountain this time, a disaster will come soon, so you think of a way to escape! "

"Let's go! Let's go find them first!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu looked around, seemingly trying to determine the direction, trying to determine the location of Wangjing City.

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned: "What are you going to do with them? Are you listening to me? We should go find Xu Zhiyang now! Isn't your escape spell very powerful? Use your escape spell quickly. Chase him!"

Lu Yu ignored him and continued to go his own way. He quickly confirmed the specific location of Wangjing City, then turned around and said, "I can sense the location of the Miracle Sword. It is far away from us now. Even if There is no way to catch up with the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth... If you want to save the lady, there is only one way, and that is to kill the lair of the Hades Temple! But do you think that with our current strength, we can rush to the lair of the Hades Temple! What are the chances of winning?"

"Not a single one..." Mrs. Ru replied truthfully.

Lu Yu glanced at her and said: "It seems that you really have a heavy psychological shadow on the Temple of Hades. Although I am not as pessimistic as you, I still feel that if we rush over alone like this, the chance of winning is really slim... So we must look for more." It only takes some helpers, but it won’t work if you don’t fight alone.”

As he spoke, Lu Yu raised his hand to perform a Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape, and a colorful light band appeared at the feet of the two of them.

"Let's go! Let's go to Wangjing City to see the situation first!"

While speaking, Lu Yu had already stepped into the light belt, and turned around to make a "please" gesture to Mrs. Ru.

Mrs. Ru stepped into the light belt half-heartedly, but her face was still full of doubts: "So, you want the Great Evil Empire to be your helper? But, do you think that adding them will make it possible?" Did you fight against Mingshen Temple?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Who said they are the only helpers I have?"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the two figures immediately rose up from the ground in the direction of the light belt, and in the blink of an eye they were on top of the clouds.

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