Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1845 Cannon Fodder Alliance

Lu Yu said: "His Royal Highness Ye is determined. You are right. Everything must be strategic. So I don't need you to help me take the lead, because this is not a strategic approach!"

King Ye couldn't help being stunned, with doubts in his eyes.

In fact, if we really want to fight against the Temple of Hades, he is the only one in the entire Great Evil Empire who can really be useful. The others are just a bunch of cannon fodder at best. The only difference is whether they are big cannon fodder or small cannon fodder. , he believed that Lu Yu should also know this very well, but what he didn't expect was that Lu Yu actually refused...

I heard Lu Yu continue to say: "If you want to rescue my young lady, it seems that there is only one way at the moment, and that is to defeat the Temple of Hades from the front in an upright manner."

"His Royal Highness King Ye also said just now that if the Great Evil Empire wants to continue to exist well, it can only overthrow the Temple of Hades, otherwise you are destined to be dependent on others for the rest of your life."

"At present, it seems that the goals of both of us are the same. Therefore, don't think about any dangerous tactics. Let's just discuss one question now, and that is - how can we defeat Mingshen Temple in an upright manner?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone had different expressions.

Before coming here, even Mrs. Ru had never thought that Lu Yu’s plan was to defeat the Hades Temple from the front. Although he did say that he would come here to find some helpers, Mrs. Ru only thought that he was looking for helpers. The purpose was just to carry out conspiracy, but I didn't expect that his idea was so simple, crude and direct.

"Master Feng, with all due respect, if we want to defeat the Hades Temple from the front, we have no chance of winning..." Emperor Xieye said, "Even the Guanlan Empire failed to do this, let alone us?"

"Even if we, the Great Evil Empire, unite with Xihai City, Hengyue Principality, and Darui Empire with the strength of the whole country, we will not have any chance of winning. Our little strength is nothing more than cannon fodder in front of the Ming Temple..."

Lu Yu took his time and said with a faint smile: "Everyone, I actually know the power of Hades Temple better than any of you, because I know what kind of characters are standing behind them... With what we have on hand, These people are indeed not enough to fill their teeth. I also agree with the word 'cannon fodder' you said..."

"However, what if we can unite more people? Xihai City, Hengyue Principality, Darui Empire, these forces are not enough, then we will unite other more empires... If more empires still can If it is not enough, then we will unite with other sects, such as Yunyan Pavilion, Shenyu Palace... We will try our best to unite all the forces that can be united!"

"Although in the eyes of Hades Temple, we may all be just a group of cannon fodder, but what if the number of these cannon fodder is enough?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect Lu Yu's idea to be so crazy.

"Master Feng, then...what do you mean?"

"Didn't I make it clear enough?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and snorted softly: "It's very simple, that is to unite all the forces that can be united. Let's unite together to knock down the Temple of Hades! You will be responsible when the time comes. Deal with the minions, and I will take action personally to solve their most difficult problem! "

As he spoke, his eyes revealed an extremely sharp edge. Anyone who came into contact with his eyes would feel frightened.

Thinking back to the scene that happened in Suyu Cloud Pond not long ago, no one doubted that he had the ability to fight with the top powerhouses of Hades Temple.

But even so, it's not an easy task.

First of all, there are countless top powerhouses in the Temple of Hades. The high priest like Xu Zhiyang, who is active in the eyes of the world and is in charge of the nine halls and thirteen gods, is just the tip of the iceberg of the power of the Temple of Hades. It is said that there are more top powers. He was hidden deep in the Temple of Hades and never showed his face, just like the Coconut King who was previously hidden in the Great Evil Empire...

Secondly, even if a large number of cannon fodder can divide the strength of the Hades Temple and allow Lu Yu to use his own advantages to defeat them one by one, these "cannon fodder" all have their own ideas. Why should they follow Lu Yu's arrangements and risk their own wealth? Are you going to fight for your life against the Temple of Hades?

"Master Feng, if you want to unite so many people, this is not an easy thing..." Yeshuluo frowned, thinking about his words and said, "It would be okay if we just unite the various empires in the surrounding area. But big sects like Yunyan Pavilion and Shenyu Palace are very arrogant beings, so it is difficult for us to offer conditions to impress them!"

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "I have no intention of negotiating terms with them! Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish! If they refuse to join our alliance, they are our enemies! Before the Hades Temple is officially solved, then Of course we have to do surgery on them first!"

Everyone was immediately shocked.

I didn't expect Lu Yu to be so extreme. If he really did this, he would probably not have many enemies in the alliance. It is hard to say who they will unite to deal with...

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous. This matter is not as difficult as you think. Think about it half a month ago, when the Great Evil Empire and the soldiers of Xihai City were fighting fiercely. I'm afraid you didn't expect us. Will we fight together now?"

Everyone couldn't help but smile bitterly. If Lu Yu wanted to use this as an example, they would really have nothing to say.

Lu Yu continued: "Of course I will also pay attention to methods. It is impossible to directly threaten the major sects to join our alliance. I will start with the small forces first, and then recruit them one by one, and then go to the big ones. Sectarian forces..."

"Have you ever played a game called Snake? We are just a little snake now, but after being devoured step by step, we will eventually turn into a wild python, enough to compete with the Temple of Hades. This This is the strategy His Royal Highness spoke of.”

Everyone was silent again.

They began to seriously think about what Lu Yu said. If they could really implement it in the way Lu Yu said, they had to say that this strategy was indeed feasible.

"But what about time?"

At this time, Mrs. Ru suddenly questioned: "Even if this strategy can really work, how much time will it take for you to get this alliance to a point where it can compete with the Temple of Hades?"

"Generally speaking, this is indeed very time-consuming!" Lu Yu replied, "But now there is a very convenient opportunity, because there is a place where almost all the forces from various empires and major sects are gathered. As long as we get there , we can quickly promote this matter!”

Everyone immediately understood that the place he was talking about was naturally the miraculous place that was in the midst of a war - Fenghe State.

Lu Yu turned his attention to Grand Duke Heng again and said, "Grand Duke, now do you understand what the current situation is like?"

Duke Heng Yue nodded silently.

Lu Yu said again: "Then please make another trip and help me contact the Da Rui Empire. Now we must rush to Fenghe Prefecture as soon as possible!"

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