Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1846: Sharpen your sword and keep it from chopping wood

Lu Yu's purpose of letting Duke Heng Yue return to the Da Rui Empire was naturally to let him do mobilization work.

On the one hand, the forces of the Great Evil Empire will likely pass through the Great Rui Empire, and this matter must be coordinated in advance.

On the other hand, it is also to allow him to recruit more people. Although he does not belong to either the imperial party or the rear party, he is a genuine grand duke after all, and plays a decisive role in the political situation of the Darui Empire. For him to help run errands and spread the word, this matter itself already has full weight.

As Grand Duke Heng left, the two empires quickly mobilized, rolling and turning like a machine at full power. The whole country was full of soldiers, and the situation was actually the same as that of Xihai City before. It's strikingly similar, but the area affected far exceeds Xihai City.

However, while everyone was busy, Lu Yu returned to the Suyu Cloud Pond alone, and told no one to come near and disturb them.

In this regard, Mrs. Ru was naturally full of complaints. However, Lu Yu had made up his mind and set up a special barrier outside. Even if she wanted to complain, she couldn't see Lu Yu's people. In the end, she had to be patient outside the Canyon of the Dead. wait.

Another three days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the barrier around the Canyon of the Dead finally broke through a hole, and Lu Yu walked out of it.

Mrs. Ru rushed over immediately, and the resentment that had been accumulated for several days suddenly burst out, and she angrily shouted: "Asshole, you finally gave up! Do you still remember what you promised me? Have you ever said Do you care about Jing'er?"

Lu Yu glanced at her and said: "Believe me, madam, I am more urgent than you are about rescuing the young lady... But this matter cannot be rushed. Sharpening the knife will not delay the woodchopping, we must You have to be fully prepared!”

"So, you have been here for the past three days to prepare for rescuing Jing'er? Then I want to see what you have prepared in the past three days!"

As he said that, he wanted to cross Lu Yu and rush into the Canyon of the Dead to see what was going on.

"Don't go in!" Lu Yu quickly tried to stop him.

However, after all, Madam Ru had the strength of a powerful archduke and had planned this move for a long time. However, after three consecutive days of hard work, Lu Yu was exhausted both physically and mentally. He was caught off guard and allowed Madam Ru to dash out of the entrance of the barrier. Got in.

Suddenly, a wave of hot air hit his face.

The originally peaceful and peaceful Suyu Cloud Pond is no longer what it was before. It has become like purgatory. Long snakes in the shape of flames are circling in it, densely entangled, and there are probably tens of thousands of them. So much that the entire Canyon of the Dead seemed to have turned into a huge snake cave.

As if sensing the sudden intrusion of a stranger, these long snakes in the form of flames suddenly turned around and opened their bloody mouths towards her.


Accompanied by a violent roar, towering horns burst out from the heads of these long flame snakes. In the blink of an eye, they transformed from long snakes into the form of giant dragons, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"Ahhh..." Mrs. Ru shouted in horror. She never expected to see such a scene in the original Canyon of the Dead.

Just when she was about to be swallowed by the flame dragon, Lu Yu rushed over, but it was not seen how he acted. It seemed that he just waved his hand. Suddenly, the flame dragons retreated and put away their majestic horns. They transformed into the form of long snakes again and continued to entangle and surround each other...

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu brought Mrs. Ru out and closed the entrance gap of the barrier to prevent any more of the scenes inside from leaking out.

"Just now...were those...dragons inside?" Mrs. Ru said with lingering fear.

There are no giant dragons in the world of Guantian, or it should be said that there are no existing living giant dragons. However, various myths about giant dragons still exist in this world. Tracing their origins, these legends should They all come from the heavenly myth created by the Storm Clan.

Lu Yu turned around and said calmly: "These are just imitations of spiritual energy shaping, not real dragons..."

"This... is really amazing!" Mrs. Ru's face was full of disbelief. Even if it was just a mimicry of spiritual energy shaping, it was already extremely amazing to her: "How did you do it?"

Lu Yu glanced at her and said, "It would be a long story to talk about this... Madam, are you sure you want to discuss this issue with me?"

Mrs. Ru shook her head: "I just said it casually..." After a pause, she added: "So you have been busy with these things for the past three days? I thought you were hiding here to make alchemy. Woolen cloth……"

Lu Yu said: "Madam, you really have good eyesight! Yes, I have been refining elixirs here for the past three days."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but widen her eyes again: "You call this... alchemy?"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "The environment here is unique. The spiritual energy is sealed and will not leak out. It is a natural alchemy furnace. The rich true essence water in the Suyu Cloud Pond can be turned into pure Yang flames, and there are purple colors in the lake water. White beads can be used as a good alchemy material, which saves fuel and materials at the same time... The whole specific process is very complicated to explain, but in short, we are indeed making alchemy now!"

Mrs. Ru was beyond surprised.

This Jade Cloud Pond is originally a very dangerous situation. Everyone in the Great Evil Empire regards it as a natural forbidden area. A few days ago, they were still here, walking on thin ice...

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu now transformed this place into a natural alchemy furnace and started practicing elixirs here with great fanfare. This reality really made her don't know what to say.

Mrs. Ru's eyes widened in confusion for a long time before she finally digested this unacceptable fact.

There are always so many incredible things about this guy...

"What about the elixir you made? Why didn't you bring it out?" Mrs. Ru asked again.

With such an incredible method of alchemy, the elixir produced should be extraordinary. She couldn't wait to see it. After all, it was related to whether the subsequent rescue operation of Fu Jing could go smoothly.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "It's not finished yet. Didn't you see everything inside just now? The alchemy furnace is at work..."

Mrs. Ru's eyes widened and she suddenly became anxious again.

It's been three days and it hasn't been refined yet... Even if the power of this elixir is incredible, I'm afraid it won't be of use by then.

"However, there is no need to worry, Madam, it's just the last bit of cooking time..." Lu Yu continued, "When Madam helps me regain my strength, it should be ready!"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but stuttered every time she spoke: "Help... help you recover your strength?"

Lu Yu's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he looked matter-of-factly: "What? You don't want me to rescue the young lady like this, do you?"

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