Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1847 The truest self

After some inner struggle, Mrs. Ru agreed to Lu Yu's request, and the two began "close contact" again.

Originally, during this process, Lu Yu planned to talk to her about the "nurturing" of her by the Temple of Hades, but when he saw that she looked ashamed and angry, Lu Yu shut his mouth knowingly.

Forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future anyway, and he doesn’t have the extra energy to think about it now...

After the two of them completed the process of "restoring vitality", Lu Yu walked into the Canyon of the Dead again, completed the final steps of alchemy, and collected all the elixirs.

Mrs. Ru was originally curious about this, but the two had just had an "intimate contact" and she really couldn't face Lu Yu alone, so she had to stay outside and wait.

After about an hour, Lu Yu held a strange-shaped box and walked out of it.

"Is everything done now?" Mrs. Ru asked.

Lu Yu patted the box in his hand and said with regret: "Unfortunately, the material inventory of the Great Evil Empire's palace is limited, and only so many elixirs have been refined for the time being..."

Mrs. Ru looked at the box in Lu Yu's hand with a surprised look on her face: "Is this... a purple and white plant?"

"That's right." Lu Yu nodded: "The effect of the elixir is very easy to lose, so it must be preserved with special utensils. But I couldn't find a suitable utensil in a hurry, so I made a temporary one with a purple and white strain. Although this box is a bit wasted, the effect should be quite good!”

Mrs. Ru was speechless for a moment.

What a precious treasure the Purple and White Plant is. Even if it were to occupy the entire Suyu Cloud Pond, not many of them would be formed, not to mention the difficulty of collecting them.

That is to say, Lu Yu's extremely barbaric alchemy technique, which allows him to use local materials without any reason, can make him so wealthy, but in any case, it is a waste after all...

"Now I'm very curious about what kind of effect these elixirs of yours will have..." Mrs. Ru shook her head and said.

"Want to know?" Lu Yu smiled mysteriously, and suddenly handed the strange box in his hand to Mrs. Ru's hand, "Don't worry! You will know soon... But not now, these pills are being prepared It’s not easy, good steel must be used on the blade!”

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned: "What...what do you mean?"

"I asked you to take care of it, what else could it mean?" Lu Yu said, "This is the key to whether we can successfully rescue the young lady, and it is most appropriate to put it on you... Besides, I have to deal with everyone in the Great Evil Empire these days. You are also the person, and it is up to you to decide who should give these elixirs to you!"

Seeing that Mrs. Ru seemed to want to refute, Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "I have a lot of things to worry about. It's impossible for me to do everything myself, right?"

Mrs. Ru had no choice but to shut her mouth obediently, but she still couldn't help but curse in her heart: Isn't the most important thing right now not to save Jing'er? Is there anything else you need to worry about?

She was thinking this in her heart, but she would not say it out loud because she knew it would be useless...

The two of them didn't waste any more time. Lu Yu directly used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape, and a colorful light belt extended towards the horizon, leading directly to Wangjing City.

After stepping onto the light belt, Mrs. Ru couldn't help but turn around and look back at the Suyu Cloud Pool behind her, and asked: "Is this place just left alone?"

Lu Yu said: "There is no need to pay attention to it for the time being. It is now in the safest state, or the most dangerous state. Ordinary people cannot enter the interior of the lake at all... Didn't you experience this yourself just now? "

Mrs. Ru shuddered involuntarily when she thought of the scene she had experienced before, and said: "Since you have such a powerful method, why didn't you use it before? You also specially summoned Duke Heng from his hometown... If I guessed correctly, Your original purpose of calling him here was to make him responsible for guarding Suyu Yunchi, right?"

"This moment, that moment." Lu Yu sighed softly: "I have only recently mastered such a method. If I had had the method I have now, maybe many things would have been solved..."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but feel something in her heart. She instinctively thought that this matter might be related to the interaction between the two of them on the lake... Maybe it was because of that interaction that Lu Yu was touched, so he understood. Such a magical method as now.

"You still haven't told me what happened last time you and Jing'er were on the Suyu Cloud Pond... Why did it cause such a violent turmoil?" Mrs. Ru frowned and asked.

Lu Yu was silent for a long time.

Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "Maybe we have seen each other's truest side."

When Mrs. Ru heard this, her face turned pale.

It's a pity that Lu Yu was busy sighing and sighing and didn't seem to notice this.

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