As people from the Great Evil Empire arrived one after another, Madam Ru was in fear for several days.

In fact, up to now, she no longer cares about telling Lu Yu the details of the original. Anyway, she has already exposed the most unbearable side of her life to Lu Yu. What does it matter if she talks more...

But the question is after talking about these details? What is Lu Yu's purpose?

It would be fine if he was just out of curiosity, but what if he had other purposes?

What Mrs. Ru is most worried about is that Lu Yu also wants to imitate what the Hades Temple did back then, so that he can once again breed the pure blood of the Guanlan clan? Or maybe his purpose was more radical and he directly asked Jing'er to be responsible for the pregnancy... Otherwise, she really couldn't figure out why Lu Yu wanted to inquire about these things?

In the past, Mrs. Ru would not have been too concerned about this. After all, the process of giving birth to Fu Jing had consumed a lot of manpower and material resources. Apart from the Temple of Hades, she did not think that anyone else in the world could do this. But after seeing the effect of Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill, she couldn't help but be shaken.

Just because others can't do it, doesn't mean that Lu Yu can't do it. Maybe he does have some special means to accomplish what only the entire Hades Temple can accomplish with one person...

So Mrs. Ru couldn't help but feel uneasy. She didn't dare to go to Lu Yu to ask questions face to face, nor did she dare to just leave. After all, the hope of saving Fu Jing was all on him. Originally, she had no idea about Lu Yu's so-called "cannon fodder plan". She was not optimistic, but after seeing the power of Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill, she now really feels that this matter has become promising...

Fortunately, Lu Yu seemed to be very busy these days. He left early and came back late every day in order to explore the enemy's situation, so he didn't have time to take care of this matter.

Even the "cannon fodder alliance" strategy he had set before did not even bother to implement it. Instead, he directly handed the matter over to a group of powerful men who had just arrived to deal with it themselves.

"You guys can decide what to do! Will it be a threat? Will it be an intimidation? Anyway, I have given you a sample. Anyone who refuses to join us will be killed. Just like I did to the Jiden Sect before. Do that!”

Lu Yu explained to everyone.

When he said this, he couldn't help but look at Madam Ru again: "If you encounter a tough opponent, you can ask Madam for support!"

Madam Ru's strength is actually not top-notch among the many powerful men, especially when there is a legendary powerhouse like King Ye present. But at this time, everyone already knows that Madam Ru has been with her for a while. The box that they refused to leave was actually a big killer weapon. With just one pill in it, Lu Yu summoned the flame dragon and killed the three strong men of Jidian Sect in one fell swoop. And like this I don’t know how many pills there are in that box...

Therefore, everyone looked at Mrs. Ru with awe, and they had no objection to Lu Yu's instructions.

In this way, the group of people who had just rushed to the rescue turned into ferocious wolves, tigers and leopards. Starting from the stronghold, they quickly expanded to the surrounding areas. With the support of the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill, anyone who refused to surrender All the forces have been cut off, and it has truly been achieved, just as Lu Yu said - those who follow will prosper, and those who go against will perish.

Suddenly, the entire Fenghe Prefecture was once again a bloody storm. In this process, Mrs. Ru actually became the person in charge of the overall situation. Firstly, because she was of the Guanlan royal family, she was more suitable to show her face. Secondly, The reason why she came was because she had a whole box of Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill in her hand.

As for Lu Yu, he simply became a hands-off shopkeeper...

He still went out early and late every day to spy on the enemy, and his whereabouts were very secretive. In the end, even Mrs. Ru couldn't help but become curious. She didn't know what he was doing. In short, it couldn't be as simple as just spying on the enemy...

For several days, fighting continued, and the sky was dark in the southwest corner of Fenghe Prefecture. There were countless casualties, but the casualties were all those enemies who were against the "Cannon Fodder Alliance". As for the Cannon Fodder Alliance, whether it was There were no casualties among either the Great Evil Empire or the Great Rui Empire.

Zero casualties!

In such a fierce battle, not only did the alliance win a complete victory, but it was also a crushing victory!

These are naturally all due to the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill!

Under such circumstances, naturally no one dared to confront the "Cannon Fodder Alliance" head-on. Wherever Bingfeng pointed, all parties chose to join, and the scale of the "Cannon Fodder Alliance" quickly grew.

Everything went as planned by Lu Yu in advance. The "Cannon Fodder Alliance" was like a greedy snake, gradually strengthening itself by constantly eating away at the surrounding forces. Gradually, even if the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill was no longer used, The forces that can fight it...the only ones that can still dominate the "Cannon Fodder Alliance" are the few top sects.

Yunyan Pavilion, Shenyu Palace, Wanqiu Sect...these three are the most powerful sects in the world. They all have very profound foundations. Even in terms of their apparent momentum, these three major sects are more powerful than the Hades Temple. Better - Hades Temple has always kept a low profile. The last time they showed their strength was the battle with the Guanlan Empire a thousand years ago. The world does not really understand its profound heritage hidden under the iceberg.

Regarding these three major sects, naturally everyone can no longer fight casually like before. The specific strategy to be adopted still needs to be decided by Lu Yu.

Unexpectedly, until this moment, Lu Yu was still acting clandestinely. Sometimes he was not seen even for two or three days, and he never gave clear instructions on how to deal with the three top sects in front of him.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, the three major sects took the initiative to send people to the door...

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