Fenghe Prefecture Government Office.

To be precise, this is just the former site of Fenghe Prefecture Government Office.

Due to years of fighting, Fenghe Prefecture has actually never had a fixed owner, and there is no fixed position for the government office. Until the past ten years, the surrounding empires fell into civil strife, and the Darui Empire took full control of Fenghe Prefecture. , only then set up a formal government office here.

Unfortunately, as the miracle came, powerful forces from all sides poured in, and chaos and battles continued to break out. The Da Rui Empire was defeated one after another, and the government office was also destroyed. It retreated to the last position in the southwest corner. Stronghold.

It wasn't until the "Cannon Fodder Alliance", with the support of the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill, regained the lost ground and pushed the front here again that a temporary government office was set up here again.

"Madam, is there still no news from Master Feng?"

King Ye's old body took long strides and walked into the temporary government office, and asked Mrs. Ru.

At this time, the Cannon Fodder Alliance is no longer just the Da Rui Empire and the Da Xie Empire. Coupled with the temporary patchwork of Xihai City, it already has more than ten empires or sects under its command. The number of powerful Grand Dukes has already Close to a hundred people.

Including the once arrogant Jidian Sect, after they moved in to reinforce their troops, they didn't even need Lu Yu to take action again. Just King Ye and others had completely defeated them and were forced to join the alliance.

As a legendary strong man with a lifespan of nearly a thousand years, and the only strong man in the Tianhuang realm, King Ye has a very high status in the entire alliance at this time, even far surpassing that of the Great Evil. The emperor's Xie Ye Emperor was only inferior to Mrs. Ru who had the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill.

Mrs. Ru, at this time, naturally became the supreme commander of the entire alliance... Of course, this is only the view of those who joined later. For King Ye, who has witnessed the entire alliance from scratch, he naturally knows the status of the entire alliance. Who is the real backbone?

Mrs. Ru shook her head and replied: "Not yet..."

King Ye frowned and said, "It's been two days, right? Master Feng...where did he go this time?"

It stands to reason that both Madam and Ye Wang should have strong opinions on Lu Yu's recent performance of not doing his job properly. But the last time Lu Yu was "not doing his job properly" like this, he suddenly took out the Scarlet Flame Controlling Dragon Pill like this. A big killer weapon... Therefore, although everyone is very curious about Lu Yu's whereabouts, they don't have much opinion. The overall military morale of the alliance remains stable.

Mrs. Ru glanced at him and said, "According to what he said, he was going to the place where he met Jing'er..."

King Ye was stunned for a moment: "In other words, where was the Miracle Sword originally found?"

Mrs. Ru nodded silently.

King Ye suddenly couldn't help but feel a storm in his heart. Due to the infinite circle in his body, he already had a deep understanding of Lu Yu's details. Thinking about the previous rumors about the miraculous treasure, he suddenly I can't help but think of many...

"Master Feng... is he trying to determine the specific location of the miraculous treasure?" King Ye said with a trembling voice.

Mrs. Ru said: "You can only know this by asking him..."

King Ye sighed softly: "Since Master Feng is not here, how should we deal with the three major sects? It won't be long before their envoys officially come to visit!"

Not long ago, the Cannon Fodder Alliance received a notice from the messengers of the three major sects, and they would immediately send messengers to visit. Although they did not say the specific reason, they chose to visit suddenly at this time, which was obviously with bad intentions.

In this case, without Lu Yu, the Dinghai Shenzhen, in charge, it would be difficult to make a decision.

Mrs. Ru said in a deep voice: "If that doesn't work, let me see them! In their eyes, I am the one who makes the decision here, and the person they named is me!"

King Ye smacked his lips and was noncommittal. In fact, both of them knew that this was not the best choice, but with Lu Yu's current whereabouts uncertain, there was no other better way.

"I wonder how many Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills are left in Madam's box?" King Ye asked in a low voice.

Mrs. Ru said: "The number is not much anymore, but it is just to deal with their envoys. I think it should be enough!"

You must know that this is a lake of true essence formed by the liquefaction of countless spiritual energy resources. It is almost impossible to mobilize such a power. In the past long years, Suyu Yunchi has never seen anything like this. scene.

"Ah, this is..."

"Is this the blood power of the Guanlan royal family?"

"It seems that this is not only the power of the Guanlan royal family, but also the power of Lu Afeng..."

"Lu Afeng...is he really a god?"

"Whether they are gods or not...their power is clearly above this world!"

For a moment, everyone was either shocked, emotional, scared, or grateful...with different expressions. This was all extremely exciting.

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