Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1862 Re-acquaintance

"What's going on?" Guo Kun said.

"Kou Xianyuan, are you playing some kind of self-torture trick?" Yao Po's face was also full of suspicion.

Kou Xianyuan struggled to get up from the ground, but ignored the two people and looked directly in the direction of the giant fire dragon that suddenly appeared, his eyes full of vigilance.

As he was knocked away, the giant hand shadow in the void naturally disintegrated.

The giant fire dragons that were originally pinched by him were all released at this time, but these giant fire dragons did not scatter, nor did they escape back to the original controllers, but as if they were summoned by something, they automatically lined up and followed the giant fire dragon that suddenly appeared.

Guo Kun and Yao Po were immediately surprised.

Although the two had noticed that this giant fire dragon that suddenly appeared was a little different, they did not expect it to be so different.

In fact, at first glance, the size and shape of this giant fire dragon are not much different from those other giant fire dragons, but for some reason it gives people a completely different feeling, as if it stands out from the crowd.

"You were hit back by it?"

"Can't your Xianyuan Divine Art deal with it?"

Guo and Yao asked one after another.

Although Kou Xianyuan did not answer, his expression said it all.

"Who are you?"

Kou Xianyuan looked ahead and asked in a deep voice.

His face was full of solemnity, no longer relaxed and carefree as before.

Affected by him, Guo Kun and Yao Po also took a defensive posture at the same time, and even ignored the giant fire dragon that broke free from their hands.

Obviously, they had regarded the mysterious man opposite as an opponent of the same level as themselves, and they had to deal with him carefully.

At the same time, they couldn't help but have doubts in their hearts. There were only a handful of Tianhuang Realm masters in the world, and they were basically in the three major sects. They really couldn't figure out why a Tianhuang Realm master suddenly appeared here...

Could it be someone from the Underworld Temple...

But how could this be possible?

The giant flame dragons formed a wedge-shaped array, slowly moving forward, and after passing through the billowing smoke and dust, a figure finally walked out of the billowing smoke and dust.

The three people narrowed their eyes slightly at the same time and looked at the man intently.

It was a very young man with an upright posture, sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes... He looked very handsome, but his cultivation was just ordinary. Even the three of them did not sense the existence of the golden elixir in him!

The three were very surprised and quickly exchanged glances, and found that the other party was just like them, and they could not see through the depth of this person.

However, just when they were confused, some of the powerful dukes around them shouted excitedly:

"It's Master Feng!"

"It's Master Feng!"

"Master Feng is back!"

"Just now, he was the one who repelled Kou Xianyuan back?"

"How did he do it?"


This person is naturally Lu Yu.

Seeing Lu Yu appear in this way, some people were surprised and happy, while more people were confused.

After all, the "Cannon Fodder Alliance" was just established not long ago, and Lu Yu has been in a hands-off state for this period of time. Therefore, many people who joined later only knew that the alliance was led by Madam Ru and King Ye, and did not know the existence of Lu Yu at all.

Even the three major sects that came to the door this time believed that Madam Ru was the leader of this group of rabble, and had no idea what role the so-called Lu Afeng played in it.

At this time, after hearing the exclamations of the people around him, Kou Xianyuan also reacted quickly, and his face changed slightly: "You are... Lu Afeng?"

"Lu Afeng?" Guo Kun's eyes suddenly condensed.

Because of the relationship with Elder Gu He, he naturally heard of the name Lu Afeng, but he did not expect that this Lu Afeng would be so powerful, which was completely inconsistent with the information he had obtained before.

"Lu Afeng..." Yao Po also murmured the name, and after a while, she finally remembered: "Is it the guy who helped Fu Jing escape all the way back to Xihai City with the Sword of Miracles?"

The three people had different expressions, but they were all equally shocked in their hearts.

At this time, Lu Yu had already walked into the field

A beam of flame light was added to his body, which was the body of the fire dragon. Lu Yu did not see how he moved. Suddenly, the fire dragon in the air shook its head slightly a few times, and the fire dragons following it flew out one after another and returned to the original controller.

With the return of these fire dragons, the controllers recovered instantly as if their souls returned to their bodies.

Guo, Yao, and Kou watched this scene with their eyes wide open, and did not stop it.

In fact, they did not know how to stop it. Just now, Kou Xianyuan could not withstand the opponent's attack in a head-on confrontation. If he was distracted to care about the fire dragons around him at this time, what kind of consequences would happen was really unpredictable.

"A Feng!"

Madam Ru shouted.

One of the fire dragons that Kou Xianyuan had captured just now was controlled by her. After the fire dragon was forcibly stripped off, her consciousness was still clear and she did not feel any pain. It was just that the strength of her whole body seemed to be drained. It was extremely difficult to move a finger while lying on the ground.

At this time, the flame dragon returned to its original form, and her whole body's strength also recovered, and she immediately approached Lu Yu.

From the moment she received the notice from the three major sects, although she had always behaved calmly, in fact, she had always been uncertain in her heart. Until this moment when she saw Lu Yu reappearing, she suddenly calmed down.

"Ma'am, we'll talk later!"

Lu Yu shook his hand at her, then turned around and faced the three people in front of him.

He smiled slightly and said: "Three of you, maybe you have heard some rumors about me more or less, but in fact those rumors are not accurate... Now, why don't we get to know each other again, I am Lu Afeng. Nice to see you three here! ”

The three people had different expressions, but no one answered at the first moment.

After a while, Po Yao suddenly chuckled and said: "This is the real fear of future generations! Lu Afeng, today I really get to know you... But, Kou Xianyuan, didn't you say before that you had some issues with a person named Lu Afeng?" , shouldn’t it just be the one in front of you?”

Kou Xianyuan's face suddenly darkened.

Guo Kun also followed up and said: "Kou Xianyuan! How did you do this? How can you let go of your son when he is captured? Although our Shenyu Palace and your Yunyan Pavilion have always been in a competitive relationship, who is far away? I can still pick it up, if you want to take revenge today, I will help you!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Yao Po again and asked: "Old witch, what do you say?"

Yao Po smiled: "It's rare for you, a damn fat man, to know the general situation so well. How can I let you compare... It's okay for our three major sects to fight among themselves behind closed doors. When we meet outsiders, we must first communicate with each other in unison. ! Today, let the three of us truly fight together!"

When Kou Xianyuan heard what the two said, his nose almost became angry.

Naturally, he would not believe that these two people would really be kind enough to help him. To put it bluntly, it was just because they still had the flame dragon in their hands and had a chance to get the dragon rune, so they wanted to deal with Lu A Feng in front of them first, and then Just keep growing.

When the fight actually started, he believed that these two guys would buy him immediately. The reason why he said this was just to let him help them hold off the other party.

But at this moment, Kou Xianyuan couldn't expose them, which was of no benefit to him.

So he took advantage of the situation and pretended to be pretentious and said: "Lu Afeng, you really opened my eyes today, but do you think you alone can deal with the three of us?"

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