Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1863 Let’s talk

"Elder Kou, right?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "When we were in the Imperial Palace of Rui, I did have some misunderstandings with Mr. Ling, but I think the situation between us should not be a fight to the death."

"Misunderstanding?" Kou Xianyuan sneered: "The entire Blue Lion Temple of our sect has been coerced by you. My useless son went to resolve the matter, but was detained instead. He has not been released yet. , you actually have the nerve to say it’s a misunderstanding?”

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "It is indeed just a misunderstanding. In fact, I have something to discuss with a senior member of Yunyan Pavilion like you, but there is no way to meet. Even if I come to my door, you probably won't listen to me well, so I have to take this last step. …”

"Do you think you are qualified to speak now?"

Kou Xianyuan snorted coldly: "If I read correctly, your cultivation level should not have officially reached the Earthly Ming Realm. Although you can temporarily compete with us by using special means, this is just a heresy after all, and it cannot last... Wait a moment Once time passes, the effect of the dragon you control disappears, what can you do to compete with us?"

This remark goes to the heart of the matter.

In fact, this was exactly the doubt in the hearts of Mrs. Ru and other powerful men. The reason why Lu Yu was able to fight against Kou Xianyuan was because of his peak control over the flame dragon's mimicry.

Although they are also flaming dragons stimulated by the Red Flame Dragon Controlling Pill, it can be clearly felt that the flaming dragon he controls has a more agile feeling, as if the scenes in the mythical stories really appear in the world. In front of him...why didn't he quickly pursue the victory and waste precious time here?

"Diming Realm? Elder Kou thinks too highly of me..." Lu Yu had a weird look on his face.

The Diming Realm is actually another way of saying the Grand Duke’s Realm. Once promoted to the Diming Realm in the secular world, they are often awarded the title of Duke. Therefore, the secular world often refers to the Diming Realm as “the Grand Duke’s Realm”. But among the three major sects, there is naturally no such habit of calling them.

"It's not just the Earth Ming Realm. In fact, I haven't even reached the Golden Core Realm yet..." Lu Yu was honest and frank, and then changed his tone: "But, so what? Sometimes the cultivation realm does not represent everything!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and grabbed it in the air, and the flame dragon entrenched on him suddenly shrank.

Everyone felt a surge of power like a tidal wave, which made their hearts palpitate inexplicably. When they came back to their senses and looked again, they saw that the originally huge flame dragon had shrunk to only about a foot in size, and it was in the palm of Lu Yu's hand. Swimming slowly among them.

"This is... the dragon rune?"

Kou Xianyuan, Guo Kun and Yao Po were greatly surprised.

According to the guidance of the miracle, the three of them only knew that capturing the mimics of these flame dragons was the key to obtaining the divine dragon runes. However, how to extract the divine dragon runes from the mimics of the flame dragons, but the three of them still failed. They didn't have time to study it...but no matter what, they couldn't do whatever they wanted like Lu Yu!

"Tell me, how did you do it!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "This is not difficult, but are you sure this is what you need? Do you want to change your appearance?"

As he spoke, he transferred the red dragon on his palm to the other hand. As the two hands kept moving back and forth, every time he transferred the red dragon on his palm, it switched to a completely different kind. Brand-new postures, each posture is full of endless mystery, making people fascinated and endless aftertaste.

The faces of Kou, Guo and Yao were full of shock.

The dragon postures that Lu Yu switched back and forth at this time happened to contain the various divine dragon runes they needed... In other words, Lu Yu at this time had the ability to completely decipher the secrets of miracles!

What is going on?

Judging from the determination on this guy's face, it was obvious that he had known for a long time that these dragon runes were exactly what they needed... But how did he know all this? Could it be that he has been secretly spying on him?

The three of them thought about it carefully, and their eyes gradually turned to fear as they looked at Lu Yu.

"Who...are you?" Yao Po asked in a deep voice.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Who I am depends on you..."

"We can become friends, and I will help you solve your current problems. I can guarantee that you will get what you want in the end, but in return, you must also help me solve some problems!"

"If you are not satisfied with this, then we can also become enemies. But in this case, there will be nothing to say!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu suddenly threw the dragon on his palm upwards. The dragon immediately grew in size. In just the blink of an eye, it had already soared into the sky and returned to the wild and ferocious flame dragon form before. Mimicry.

Everyone just watched in amazement.

From the flame dragon to the dragon rune, and then the dragon rune transformed into the flame dragon, all the changes were as easy as a juggler's trick in Lu Yu's hands, but everyone knew that this was by no means a juggler's trick!

"So, what are your choices, three of you?"

Lu Yu looked at the three people in front of him with a smile and said.

Although he had a warm smile on his face and seemed harmless to humans and animals, the three of them did not dare to be careless. Through the changes in his hands just now, the three of them had completely understood that the strength of the man in front of them was beyond the control of common sense. Guess, once you piss him off, everything may turn upside down in the next moment.

"Can you make it clearer?" Guo Kun stared at the other party warily, "What problem can you help us solve? And what problem do you need us to help you solve?"

"What I said is not clear enough, is it? Then I will completely explain it today!"

Lu Yu paused and glanced at the faces of the three people one by one: "I can help decipher the secrets behind the miracles and help you enter the inside of the miracle treasures!"

Everyone was suddenly in an uproar.

Lu Yu moved his gaze away from the faces of the three people and looked at the surrounding powerful men. After looking around, he continued: "Not only the three major sects, but also everyone present..."

"Perhaps most of you don't know me. When you joined the Renaissance Alliance, my wife and King Ye failed to explain things clearly to you. Now I have said it once and for all: all members who join the Renaissance Alliance will eventually You will all have access to the miraculous treasure!"

At this moment, everyone suddenly exclaimed.

Frankly speaking, these powerful Grand Dukes were forced to join before this. They just succumbed to the power of the flame dragon. In their hearts, they had no sense of identity at all with the so-called "revival of the Guanlan Empire". Once the Renaissance Alliance loses power, they will Immediately the trees will fall and the hozens will scatter.

It is precisely for this reason that Kou, Guo, and Yao, who came on behalf of the three major sects, were so unscrupulous and completely ignored the hundreds of powerful princes, because they knew that they only needed to kill the few leaders. Once the people are eliminated, the seemingly mighty Renaissance Alliance will immediately turn into a mess.

However, at this moment, after Lu Yu gave a clear guarantee, the people around him recognized the "Revival Alliance" for the first time. Originally, they were reluctant to fall into the current situation, but now they are secretly grateful.


Lu Yu suddenly changed his tone and continued: "All this is not without cost, and my request is also very simple, that is, you must work with me to deal with the Temple of Hades. From now on, the Temple of Hades will be your biggest enemy!"

The scene immediately became quiet.

Sure enough, there is no free bargain in the world. The opportunity to enter the miraculous treasure is indeed very tempting, but the price to be paid is also very huge.

That is the majestic Temple of Hades. Although its reputation in the world is not obvious, it has existed for countless thousands of years. Even the former Guanlan Empire collapsed in front of it. How can they fight against it? Got it?

"Why are you an enemy of the Temple of Hades?" In the silence, Guo Kun suddenly asked: "Does it need to eradicate the Temple of Hades to unlock the miraculous treasure?"

Lu Yu glanced at him and asked: "If the Hades Temple is not eradicated, do you think the Hades Temple will be able to convince us to leave with the treasures in the miracle?"

Guo Kun couldn't help but be startled.

Others around him also showed thoughtful expressions.

"Then fuck them!"

Suddenly, Guo Kun slapped his thigh suddenly: "I don't care what they think, but I promise you, even if Shenyu Palace doesn't agree, I, Guo Kun, will follow you! I don't deserve to be the Lord of the Western Mountain of Shenyu Palace!"

While laughing, he loosened the large robe in his hand and released all the flame dragons he had robbed before...

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