Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1866 Comprehensive View

"What did you say? Touch yourself?"

Lu Yu was quickly attracted by one of Mrs. Ru's narrations, and showed a puzzled expression: "What is self-touching?"

Mrs. Ru gave him a stern look, her face turned red to her ears, and she bit her lower lip: "Are you pretending to be stupid on purpose? Do you just want to embarrass me?"

Lu Yu was slightly startled. He really didn't understand it at first, but seeing Mrs. Ru's reaction, he immediately understood. In fact, this meant solving it by oneself with hands, but Mrs. Ru was embarrassed to say it directly. So I changed it to a word that is easily ambiguous.

"I... didn't react just now, but now I understand..." Lu Yu shook his head, "Go on!"

In fact, what Mrs. Ru narrated was only the part she knew.

Every time the Hades Temple wanted to "cultivate" her, the venue was carefully designed. Some of the "designs" she could see, but many others couldn't, so she could only rely on her own guesses. To understand, the only thing that is certain is that all the "designs" cost a lot of money, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are rare treasures.

Through many of these expensive designs, the Temple of Hades built a platform similar to an array. This platform was very strange, or shrouded in clouds and mist, or shrouded in starlight, or bursting with sea tides... Many sights that Madam Ru had never seen appeared on it. , she took off her clothes, and then began to "touch herself". When she gradually came to feel it, something magical happened, and the image of the supreme power from thousands of years ago appeared in front of her.

"You mean, the supreme strongman of the Guanlan clan really appeared next to you?" Lu Yu asked in surprise, "What kind of image did she appear in?"

Mrs. Ru said: "She only has a trace of her remnant soul left. Naturally, it cannot be her real body, but it feels like a real person standing in front of me... As for the image, it is her original appearance. In Guanlan Among the descendants of the royal family, there are many portraits of her, and she looks just like the image in those portraits. "

Lu Yu remained silent, showing a thoughtful expression. After a moment, he motioned to Mrs. Ru to continue speaking.

"Then, the most powerful person began to explain and preach to me personally..." Mrs. Ru continued.

"Preach?" Lu Yu asked doubtfully, "Are you talking about the Seven Jade Sutra of Wonderful Spirits?"

"No..." Mrs. Ru hesitated, turned her head, and refused to look directly into Lu Yu's eyes, and whispered: "She taught me some postures..."

"Posture? What posture?" Lu Yu asked.

Mrs. Ru's face was hot with embarrassment: "It's just that very embarrassing posture... Do you have to force me to say such embarrassing words?"

Lu Yu immediately understood that what made it so difficult for her to say something must be related to the bed issue.

He looked at the shy and beautiful woman in front of him, like a ripe apple, and he couldn't help but swallow, and said: "Okay, I won't force you to say it, but I need you to demonstrate... This is important!"

Lu Yu added, with a solemn look on his face, but his voice couldn't help but tremble.

Mrs. Ru didn't speak, she glanced at him silently, then climbed up and began to make the same postures and movements again according to the memory in her mind.

Anyway, this is already the case between the two of them, so there’s nothing wrong with exposing it a little more...

Mrs. Ru thought in her heart while posing her body enchantingly.

Lu Yu just felt like he was in a feast for the eyes.

Mrs. Ru's postures and movements are full of enchanting charm, especially when combined with her almost perfect and graceful body. Even among the Thirteen Spring Towers in Da Ruidi Capital, there is absolutely no one more ecstatic than this. The dance of bones...

When Lu Yu first met Cui Zhenzhen in Hengzhou City, Cui Zhenzhen danced a dance that was also full of ecstasy and bone-shattering style. It is said that it was the "Tianmo Dance" originally created by Yunyan Pavilion... But at this moment , Lu Yu felt that what Mrs. Ru showed was the real "Devil Dance."

Perhaps, it is more appropriate to call it the "Tian Mo Zi", because what she shows is not a series of smooth dances, but just switching between several postures, but it is already seductive enough to make people fall in love with it.

However, being titillating is only the first layer of these gestures.

For ordinary people, they can only see the provocation of these postures, but for Lu Yu, who already has a deep understanding of Miao Ling Qiyu's body, he sees something deeper.

These postures of Mrs. Ru not only reveal the charm of women, but more importantly, they also affect the operation of the Miaoling Seven Jade Body.

The core essence of the Miaoling Seven Jade Body is the Seven-Apertures Exquisite Jade. Originally, Lu Yu could only see signs of the Seven-Apertures Exquisite Jade on Fu Jing, but could not see any related signs on Mrs. Ru. But at this moment, with Mrs. Ru, After assuming these postures one after another, Lu Yu also saw a trace of the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Jade on her body.

Lu Yu was surprised.

This is just an ordinary room without any support from formations. If it were on the platform originally built by Hades Temple, it is really unimaginable what the scene would be like...

Faced with this situation, all Lu Yu could think of was that these processes triggered a certain switch in Mrs. Ru's body. After that, the "fruit" in her body began to grow under the blessing of the formation. But how it grew and what the specific principle was, he couldn't figure it out for a while without the details of the formation as a reference.

"That's about it..." Mrs. Ru finally finished all the postures and stood up straight again.

"What happens after this?" Lu Yu asked.

Although he tried hard to calm his voice, his body's reaction could not deceive anyone. He could no longer suppress the gun... Even though he had been thinking about the mystery behind these postures, he still couldn't help but become tense.

Mrs. Ru struggled to move her eyes away from Lu Yu's tense situation, and also tried hard to calm her voice and said: "After that, the most powerful man disappeared, and the scene in the formation also changed. At this time, There are often high-quality men selected by the Temple of Hades appearing next to me, sometimes one, sometimes two, sometimes several... They are all naked, and then they start touching themselves in front of me... "

"Then, something even weirder happened. Just when the men were touching themselves, I felt a stream of air entering my body. It was obviously without any entity, but it was like having sex for the first time... until the men were exhausted. , that airflow would stop, and then everything would be over, and those men would be dragged out..."

"Drag him out?" Lu Yu asked doubtfully.

"I think they should be dead..." Mrs. Ru lowered her head and breathed out softly.

This was the first time she had shared this unforgettable past with others. Although she was very reluctant before, she still felt relieved after she actually told it all.

Lu Yu's eyes became a little strange and he said: "In other words, during this whole process, none of the men carefully selected by the Temple of Hades have ever really touched you? The one who really had a relationship with you... was a stream of air. ?”

Mrs. Ru's face was flushed and she replied: "It can't be said that they did not have sex in the ordinary sense, but they did have sex after all. Perhaps the Hades Temple used the formation to convert the blood essence of those men into airflow. Not sure... In short, it was under such circumstances that I finally became pregnant with Jing'er."

Lu Yu took a deep breath, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, he said again: "Madam, what you said alone is not enough for me to make a judgment. I want to check your physical condition again."

Mrs. Ru glanced at him dissatisfied: "How else do you want to check?"

Lu Yu tried his best to calmly said: "Check everything."

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