Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1867 This is not over yet

After hearing Lu Yu's answer, Mrs. Ru lowered her head silently.

Biting her lip lightly, she struggled internally for a moment, and finally twisted her waist like a water snake and walked gracefully in front of Lu Yu, allowing him to conduct a "comprehensive inspection" of her.

At this time, Lu Yu's heart was already racing like a thousand horses, but in order to figure out the truth behind this, he still tried hard to restrain himself and stretched out his hands to the beautiful woman in front of him with a calm face.

At first, he did maintain restraint and just simply checked.

However, he soon found that he could not restrain himself, because when he looked at the lower half, he found that Mrs. Ru was completely wet...

At this time, Mrs. Ru could not help but be stunned.

She never expected that Lu Yu would actually check her position... Well, she actually had some premonitions, but she definitely didn't expect that Lu Yu would check with his hands!

At this moment, she understood that all her ugliness had been exposed in front of this man.

Lu Yu looked at the sticky string on his fingers, and his breathing suddenly became heavy.

This moment became extremely long, and it was not easy for him to finally finish the breath. At this time, he could no longer hold back, pushed the beautiful woman in front of him to the ground, and then stabbed and tore her underwear.

The water in the dark forest is filled with light, like a gurgling stream.

"Madam...please...repeat the gesture just now...can you?"

Lu Yu could no longer keep his voice steady, but he still spoke loud and clear.

Mrs. Ru didn't say anything, and lay down flat, then slowly lifted up a full moon. The jade-like white color and the uneven curves combined to form the most ecstatic scene.

"It's really fatal!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but curse.

Then, Mrs. Ru felt a majestic sword approaching her.

Although she had not officially entered, she could clearly feel its majesty and heat just from the touch of the dark forest area.

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but closed her eyes.

In fact, ever since she promised to help Lu Yu regain his strength at any time in order to save her daughter, she knew that such a day would come sooner or later...

How could this guy let him go?

Whatever, it’s already like this anyway, so just let it go! Just think of it as the price you have to pay to save Jing'er!

Mrs. Ru comforted herself in her heart.

But a clear tear inevitably fell from the corner of his eye.

After all, she was still unwilling...

To be fair, Lu Yu is indeed a very outstanding man. If it were another time and another occasion, she might have a completely different state of mind, but at this moment, the two of them in this situation made her feel like It is a plaything for the other party to vent.

Especially since she had feelings herself, this made her feel even more shameful...

"never mind!"

At this time, Lu Yu behind him suddenly said.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Ru felt the burning breath leave her body.

She couldn't help but be stunned.

Even though she was unwilling in her heart, her body was already prepared. She didn't expect that Lu Yu would suddenly brake at this time.

It's the same drama as last time...

Even this time it was even more extreme than last time. It was obvious that he had already shown his sword with real force. As long as he pushed forward a little further, he would be completely in touch with each other...but he just stopped. !

what is this?

Mrs. Ru's heart was full of questions.

The only thing she knew was that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Lu Yu's body, because she had experienced how majestic this guy's body was more than once...

And when she turned around, she saw that although Lu Yu had covered himself with clothes, he still held up a high cone... This further proved that it was indeed impossible to have a physical problem.

"Is it... over?" Mrs. Ru stared at the tall cone and asked in surprise.

"Forget it, not it's over!" Lu Yu corrected.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart. In fact, at that moment, he could feel the reluctance deep in the other party's heart... Why was she a little dissatisfied now that he was complying with her wishes?

Women are such a complex species…

Lu Yu's mind and consciousness could deduce the myriad changes in the universe, but at this time he could not deduce what the other party's true thoughts were.

He shook his head and did not continue to dwell on this matter.

God knows how much willpower he used just now to finally successfully withdraw his sword and come back. If he continues to be entangled, he may lose control completely again.

Lu Yu waved his hand and threw a piece of clothing on Mrs. Ru's body, covering her graceful body to prevent him from being tempted to draw the sword again, and then said:

"This matter is not over yet, but that's it for now. Tomorrow, I will take you to meet two people. Then you can talk to them in detail... That's it for now!"

After saying that, Lu Yu hurriedly left the room, looking like he was running away.

Mrs. Ru could not help but stay where she was.

Take yourself to meet two people...

Why take yourself to meet other people? Who could it be?

Not just one, but two!

What does this guy want to do...does he have some strange hobby?

Or is it that after hearing his own experience, he wanted to replicate the scene in the Temple of Hades?

For a moment, Mrs. Ru felt her whole body feel cold, and her mood, which had finally calmed down, suddenly became uneasy again.

This incident caused her great distress.

She thought for a long time, but she couldn't figure out what Lu Yu meant. All the speculations kept her up all night. When she got up the next day, she was obviously haggard.

Even Lu Yu was shocked when he saw her again in the morning: "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Ru had heavy dark circles under her eyes, as if she was resigned to her fate: "Tell me! How do you want to offend me today?"

"Is this your fault?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be confused: "Where do you start talking about this?"

"Didn't you say that yourself? You are taking me to meet two people today..." Mrs. Ru said bitterly, "Isn't my description yesterday enough? Do you really want to see me being raped by other men with your own eyes? Listen. It is said that there is a kind of man who is obsessed with wives. He likes to give his women to other men, and he also wants to witness the process with his own eyes... Afeng, I didn't expect you to be such a person! "

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned, and then he laughed dumbly: "Madam, your metaphor is a bit inappropriate. You are not my wife."

Mrs. Ru was so angry that her body trembled: "Even if I'm doesn't make a difference!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Well, even if you are not my wife, I still need to declare to you that I am not a wife addict... It's also my fault that I didn't make it clear yesterday. In fact, we are going to meet two women today. Tell me, how can they abuse you?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned: "F-female?"


Lu Yu nodded and explained: "Because your description yesterday lacked a lot of key information, especially the part about the specific details of the formation. This part of information can only be understood through your feelings when you were in the formation at the time. On the contrary, I am a man after all, and no matter what I do, I will never be able to empathize with you..."

"So, we went to find them today to show them your feelings at that time in order to fill in the missing information!"

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