Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1869 Private Manor

Since they could relay the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape, the two of them were extremely fast, and it only took them half a morning to reach their destination.

"Is this the Da Rui Empire?" Mrs. Ru said in surprise as she looked at the surrounding environment.

"Not bad." Lu Yu replied.

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but have a look of suspicion on her face. There were indeed many masters in the Darui Empire, but because Lu Yu had sent Grand Duke Heng to deliver the message on his behalf, most of these people have now gathered in Fenghe Prefecture.

Not only the ancestors of the Ning family, but also the ancestors of the Jin family also left the Darui Empire. The two families fought openly and secretly, and the pattern that had been wary of each other for hundreds of years ended.

Even Emperor Qing'en had to issue a self-incriminating edict, saying that he did not realize the truth that Fu Jing and his daughter were of Guanlan royal blood. The previous canonization of Fu Jing as Grand Duke of Xihai was a mistake, and he was willing to set things right. , following the mother and daughter to rebuild the former glory of the Guanlan Empire.

Then the mother and daughter were posthumously named. Fu Jing was posthumously named the King of Yongjia of the Zhu Kingdom, Mrs. Ru was posthumously named the Queen Mother of Yongjia of the Zhu Kingdom, and even Lu Yu was granted a bunch of titles again.

Of course, they would not care about these false titles, but this also reflected Emperor Darui's full desire for survival at this time.

After all, the entire Great Evil Empire has surrendered from top to bottom. Under such circumstances, it is strange that Emperor Qing'en can still sit peacefully on his dragon throne. It is estimated that he is eager for Lu Yu and others to go out on their own as soon as possible. Don't worry about his one-third of an acre of land.

In short, the Da Rui Empire at this time was just like the Da Xie Empire, and the country was in a very empty state.

Mrs. Ru really couldn't think of any experts here who could help study the so-called cauldron effect. Besides, Lu Yu had already said that they were looking for two women this time... could they be Xuan from the Da Rui Empire? Queen? But this is not the Imperial Capital of Great Rui, and besides, there is only one Queen Xuan.

In Mrs. Ru's opinion, those who are qualified to participate in this matter must at least be powerful enough to be above the Grand Duke. But she sorted through all the famous figures in the Da Rui Empire from top to bottom. Apart from Ning Wanxuan, I really can't think of any other powerful female archduchess.

Lu Yu ignored her mental activities and walked straight to a building in front of him.

This building is located between mountains. From a distance, it looks like a temple hidden in the mountains. But when you get closer, you will find that this place is actually very luxurious and magnificent. Ordinary temples do not look like this. .

"Stop! This is a private estate, no one can come near!" A group of sharp-eyed guards stopped Lu Yu at the door.

"Private estate?" Lu Yu smiled, took out a token from his arms and handed it to the guard, "Can't even I enter?"

The guard looked at the token, his face suddenly changed, and his attitude instantly became respectful: "It turns out that the prince-in-law has arrived. We are blind, so please forgive me..."

Lu Yu waved his hand gently, indicating that the other party didn't need to pay attention, and then strode in.

Two people were quickly separated from the group of guards, and they trotted in front to guide them.

Next, the two passed through several courtyards without encountering any obstacles. Every door they visited automatically opened.

Mrs. Ru was amazed and asked Lu Yu in a low voice: "Where is this place? Why didn't you ask why we came here?"

"Of course there is no need to ask." Lu Yu said matter-of-factly: "Have you ever seen yourself being asked questions when you go back to your own home?"

Mrs. Ru was stunned, and then she realized that the so-called private estate was the property of Lu Yu's nominal wife, Ning Wanqing, who was named "Xueyi Gong".

Soon, her guess was verified. When she walked to the innermost courtyard and entered the courtyard, suddenly a tall, heroic woman ran out directly.


Along with a gust of fragrant wind, the woman threw herself directly on Lu Yu's body.

These legs are really long, as expected from the long years of military service...

This was Mrs. Ru's first impression of Ning Wanqing. Then she saw Ning Wanqing's face. Now she couldn't help but feel a little jealous... In fact, she didn't think she was beautiful. She was defeated by the woman in front of her, but she was better because she was younger. She could never regain that kind of youthful vitality that was visible to the naked eye.

"Stop shouting!"

Lu Yu coughed dryly and pushed Ning Wanqing out of his arms calmly: "Pay attention to the occasion, I am not your husband yet!"

"so what?"

Ning Wanqing smiled sweetly, and all the eyes of the servants around her were focused on Lu Yu in front of her: "It's a matter of time. Anyway, in Qing'er's mind, she has already identified you. No matter whether she is officially married or not, you are My husband!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel dumbfounded, thinking: It seems that you didn't have such an attitude at the beginning...

I remember that when Ning Wanqing was in Da Rui Imperial Capital, she had just received the news that the two of them had been granted a marriage, but she immediately came to her door to question her.

To be fair, although there have been several extremely in-depth "communications" between the two, they were all Lu Yu's way of venting to resist his inner demons. In fact, the relationship between the two did not reach this level, and even he and The bond between Queen Xuan is even deeper.

However, as a series of news that shocked the world came, everything changed. The couple who had just a casual marriage at first naturally became the right couple.

Mrs. Ru on the side looked at the performance of the two people, but couldn't help but reveal a disdainful sneer at the corner of her mouth.

When Lu Yu returned to Xihai City from Da Rui Imperial Capital, he told her and Fu Jing that the relationship between him and Ning Wanqing was just a political marriage for fun... But now, is this what he calls a show of love?

As expected, there was no truth in the man's mouth!

My daughter should really take a good look at this scene! This is what she calls a trustworthy man!

It's a pity that she can't come here now... Mrs. Ru secretly made up her mind that when her daughter returns safely in the future, she must truthfully tell her everything that happened here today.

The surrounding servants didn't dare to look at them at all, and they all avoided it on their own, but Mrs. Ru couldn't avoid it, and she didn't want to avoid it at all, so she just stared at the two people in front of them.

"Who is this?"

At this time, Ning Wanqing finally noticed the presence of other people next to her.

"This is the mistress of Xihai City, Mrs. Ru." Lu Yu introduced briefly. He believed that Ning Wanqing would have heard of her.

"It turns out to be Her Highness the Queen Mother of Heaven! Wanqing pays homage to Her Highness the Queen Mother of Heaven!" Ning Wanqing addressed the other party with her latest title.

"We are all our own people, no need to be polite." Mrs. Ru frowned and said, she was really not used to this title.

Ning Wanqing still practiced all the etiquette and bowed to the end.

Then he raised his head and looked at Lu Yu with a puzzled look: "Husband, it's not that the war on the front line is getting tense. Is there something wrong with you suddenly bringing Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother here this time?"

"Indeed, but it's not too late to talk about this later..."

Lu Yu paused, "I sent a message to you and your sister before, asking you not to rush to the front line, but to find a place to practice first to help you improve your strength to the Grand Duke realm as soon as possible... I don't know how it is going now. How are you doing?”

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