Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1870 Give me some color to see

After hearing Lu Yu's words, Mrs. Ru realized that it was no wonder that Ning Wanqing had not appeared in Fenghe Province. It turned out to be the result of Lu Yu's arrangement and instructions.

Otherwise, it stands to reason that Fenghe State, as the fiefdom where she and Lu Yu were united, should show up in Fenghe State no matter what.

But what surprised Mrs. Ru even more was Lu Yu's name for Queen Xuan. He actually called her "your sister" instead of "Queen Xuan". Mrs. Ru always felt that there seemed to be some unusual meaning in it.

Ning Wanqing lowered her head, not daring to look directly into Lu Yu's eyes: "I'm sorry, I have disappointed my husband... Although I have received advice from my husband, and my eldest sister has tried her best to help me, my qualifications She is really too stupid, far from being as good as my eldest sister. After all, there is still one final hurdle that I can’t pass..."

Lu Yu asked: "What is the specific difference?"

Ning Wanqing looked troubled: "This... I can't explain it myself, you'd better ask eldest sister!"

Mrs. Ru was shocked again. She didn't expect Lu Yu to be able to give guidance on the realm of the Grand Duke. However, she suddenly thought of his super-grade golden elixir, and his various deeds in transforming the Suyu Cloud Pool and refining the Red Flame Dragon Controlling elixir. Then he felt relieved again.

He has already accomplished even more incredible things, let alone a mere Grand Duke.

"Come with me!" Ning Wanqing turned around and said.

The two of them followed her into the house.

On the surface, this house adheres to the consistent grand style of the entire manor. Apart from that, there is no other peculiarity. But after getting deeper inside, I discovered that there is something special inside, and it is a place filled with spiritual energy. natural spring.

Only then did Mrs. Ru understand why the Ning family chose to build a manor here. The purpose was to take this treasured land as their own.

Ning Wanqing led the two of them directly to the hot spring pool, but unfortunately no one was seen inside or outside.

Madam Ru was just wondering where the legendary empress was, when suddenly Ning Wanqing shouted to the empty water: "Sister, my husband has arrived...and Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother of Heaven!"

Suddenly, the water surface stirred strangely, and then a beautiful and fragrant face emerged from the water. Although it did not apply any makeup, the original and exquisite facial features, coupled with the right distribution ratio, gave people an even more charming look. A heart-pounding impact.

The woman in the water raised her hand, and a white bath towel flew out automatically. She turned around and walked out of the pool with the towel rolled up.

Another pair of long legs!

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but admire in her heart.

The woman moved her wet long black hair and moved her proud long legs, and walked straight in front of the three of them. Her face was already filled with a gentle smile like the spring breeze: "Sister-in-law! You are finally here. "

She did not hide the joy in her eyes.

Madam Ru's expression suddenly became subtle.

Is this Queen Xuan who controls half of the Darui Empire? She came out to meet her brother-in-law like this?

It seems that the relationship between her and Afeng is also extraordinary...

However, Lu Yu still pretended to bow and said, "I see Her Majesty the Queen!"

Ning Wanxuan didn't care about his politeness and rolled her eyes at him angrily. Then she turned to Mrs. Ru and said, "Mrs. Huo, in fact, I have wanted to see you for a long time, but I have never had the chance. I am able to see you here today." , what a great honor!”

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but feel a very strange feeling in her heart. She didn't know if it was her imagination. Although the other party's words were polite on the surface, she always felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable hostility in them.

Also, why does she call herself Mrs. Huo?

"I am also very honored to be able to meet His Highness." Mrs. Ru suppressed the questions in her heart and nodded slightly in response.

Ning Wanxuan said again: "I didn't expect that my sister-in-law would specially invite you, Madam, to escort me this time because of my sister-in-law's attack on the Grand Duke's realm. It's really hard work... Wanxuan first thanked Madam on behalf of my sister-in-law!"

Madam Ru's face suddenly stiffened slightly: "Your Highness, I think you have misunderstood. My cultivation is actually very shallow. Miss Wanqing wants to attack the realm of the Grand Duke. I'm afraid I won't be able to help... "

Ning Wanxuan was slightly startled and looked at Lu Yu standing aside with some surprise.

Lu Yu immediately coughed dryly and said, "Let's talk about what problem Wanqing encountered first. She said she couldn't figure it out herself and needed you to explain..."

Ning Wanxuan nodded and said: "Actually, it's not a big problem, but it is a bit troublesome to explain... Xiaoqing, take off your clothes first!"

"Ah?" Ning Wanqing was stunned for a moment, "Take off, take off?"

Ning Wanxuan said matter-of-factly: "What are you afraid of? This is your husband. Besides, it's not like he hasn't seen it before... How can you explain clearly without taking off your clothes?"

Ning Wanqing's face was red with embarrassment. Although this was indeed the case and she had already fully recognized Lu Yu in her heart, hearing her sister say it so openly still made her feel a little embarrassed, especially since it was In the presence of outsiders...

She glanced cautiously at Mrs. Ru beside her.

Ning Wanxuan said: "Mrs. Huo is my sister-in-law's mistress. We are very close to each other. They are both our own people... Besides, she is also a woman. What are you embarrassed about?"

Madam Ru said, "Why don't I wait for you outside? I can't help with this matter anyway, so I won't bother you here!"

After saying that, she turned around and left without waiting for the three people in front of her to respond.

Ning Wanxuan sighed, "Madam, why are you so polite? It doesn't matter... How about this, if you really don't want to stay here, find a room outside to rest. Please forgive us for not treating you well!"

"Thank you." Madam Ru replied without turning her head.

Out of sight, out of mind. She didn't want to stay in this place any longer...

Soon, her figure disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Only Lu Yu and the Ning sisters were left by the hot spring pool.

Lu Yu looked at Ning Wanxuan in front of him speechlessly and said, "Are you satisfied now?"

Ning Wanxuan also looked back at him, but did not answer. She just raised her chin slightly, like a proud little rooster: "You can't blame me. You brought her here without saying hello. If you don't teach her a lesson, maybe there will be no place for us sisters in the future!"

"Teach her a lesson?"

Lu Yu frowned.

"As expected of the dignified Queen Xuan, your means of fighting in the harem are really the pinnacle... I think I should teach you a lesson first!"

After saying that, his hand moved as fast as lightning.

With a swish, the snow-white bath towel was torn open, revealing an even whiter scenery...

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