Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1871 Palace Fighting Thoughts

In fact, Lu Yu had already been holding it in so much that he couldn't bear it anymore.

The day before when he was in the room with Mrs. Ru, he almost had a gunshot, but for the sake of the overall situation, so as not to affect the subsequent process of cultivating the fruit, he stopped the car abruptly.

But now when facing the two sisters from the Ning family, they naturally no longer have such worries.

Moreover, Ning Wanxuan deliberately made herself look charming and charming, and it was clear that she wanted to seduce someone into committing a crime. Lu Yu didn't care what her thoughts were, he immediately picked up his gun, mounted his horse, and started practicing fiercely. .

Soon, Ning Wanqing on the side was also pulled in. Two pairs of long, snow-white legs were placed by the steaming hot spring pool, and among the rippling water, gentle sounds could be heard one after another.

On the other side, Mrs. Ru, who was about to leave the inner house, suddenly heard a sound like a cat meowing from behind, and her expression suddenly changed slightly.

"damn thing!"

She spat softly, her face already covered in red.

Although she had already seen some clues just now, she didn't expect that this guy would be so impatient and start without waiting for her to leave.

Now everything has been confirmed...

Not only the third young lady of the Ning family, but also the dignified Queen Xuan had an affair with him. The two sisters were willing to work together with the same husband. I really don't know how that guy did it.

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but quicken her pace. She was originally hesitant to follow Ning Wanxuan's advice and find a room in the house to rest, but now she no longer has such an idea.

However, just when she was about to reach the door, an invisible pressure suddenly came, making her feet stagnate and it became difficult to move.

"Hey, this is... a barrier?"

Mrs. Ru was slightly startled, and then she realized that the entire house had been isolated by an invisible barrier.

Thinking about it, this is the training place for the Ning sisters, and besides, they are doing such things, so it is impossible for the news here to spread outside... But in this way, she was also trapped inside. .

Mrs. Ru tried several methods in succession, but still couldn't make any progress. She immediately understood that this barrier should be set by Ning Wanxuan.

She had long heard that during Lu Yu's visit to the Rui Imperial Capital, Ning Wanxuan's cultivation suddenly improved greatly, and her strength was no less than that of the Zhengyang Patriarch of the Ning family... Only then did she have a clear understanding of this point.

The key to unlocking this barrier lies with Ning Wanxuan.

But under the current circumstances, there was no way she could go back to Ning Wanxuan to ask for a solution.


Mrs. Ru couldn't help but cursed again.

The brute force solution couldn't be solved, and she couldn't ask for the solution, so she had to find a corner to sit down, and then covered her ears...

By the hot spring pool, the shower has begun to subside.

"You mean, Mrs. Huo has never slept with you?" Ning Wanxuan was lying in the hot spring, her face flushed, her breasts heaving rapidly, but there was a clear look of doubt in her eyes: "I don't believe it!"

"But that's the truth. It's up to you to believe it or not." As he said that, Lu Yu found a comfortable position and lay down between the two sisters.

Ning Wanxuan glanced at him and said: "I am also a woman. Women know women best. My intuition is not wrong..."

"From the moment you walked in, Mrs. Huo's eyes, expressions, and body movements all revealed that she was taking you first. She obviously regarded herself as your woman... There is no relationship between you and her. Maybe it’s all innocent, even if you haven’t had sex yet, it will only be a matter of time!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel dumb for a while.

Thinking of all the previous intimate actions between the two of them, especially the experience of almost having a gunshot in the room yesterday, he really didn't have the confidence to refute the other party.

Ning Wanxuan snorted again: "Let's see, are you right? Xiaoqing, you should pay more attention in the future!"

"Ah? Pay attention to what?" Ning Wanqing said in a daze. She had not yet recovered from the afterglow of the storm and didn't pay attention to what the two were talking about.

"Of course I have to be careful to behave well in front of my sister-in-law in the future, so as not to be compared with others!"

Ning Wanqing blushed and lowered her head, and whispered: "But, I have already worked very hard, okay, but my talent is really not as good as my sister's. At worst, I will let you help me every time from now on..."

It’s really getting more and more outrageous the more I talk about it...

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said: "Let's get down to business! Why has Wanqing been unable to break through the realm of the Grand Duke? With your current strength and the strategy I provided, it should not be like this... What problem did you encounter? ?”

"Actually, there is no problem. I deliberately prevented her from breaking through now." Ning Wanxuan replied.

Lu Yu was stunned: "Did you do it on purpose? Why?"

"I'm waiting for you to come over!" Ning Wanxuan said matter-of-factly, "Although with my current strength, it is true that Xiao Qing can be promoted to the realm of Grand Duke immediately, but after all, there is still something missing..."

"I have not forgotten the great laws hidden in the starry sky that you showed me when you helped me improve my strength. If this part can be supplemented, then Xiaoqing's foundation will be even stronger. In the future, The future will be even brighter! ”

Lu Yu was stunned for a while.

Unexpectedly, Ning Wanxuan deliberately suppressed Ning Wanqing's improvement for this reason. She did it for longer-term considerations...

But in fact, what Lu Yu presented to her at the beginning was just the tip of the iceberg in the vast starry sky. Compared with the vastness of the starry sky, the order of this was not much different at all.

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "You should know that there is actually not much difference."

"There is really not much difference." Ning Wanxuan said, "But there is still a difference after all. I can feel the difference more and more now. I only regret that I could not meet you at Xiaoqing's age. …”

"Now that there is a chance to adjust, I never hope that Xiaoqing will take the same detour as me... I know that we cannot compare with the pure and noble blood of that mother and daughter, but I will not give in just yet, I won't I hope there won’t even be a place for us by your side in the future.”

"So, even if there is only a slight advantage, I will help Xiaoqing argue... This is not only for her, but also for myself!"

Lu Yu was completely speechless.

As expected of a person who came out of the deep palace, it seems that her palace fighting mentality has been deeply ingrained, and she also stubbornly believes that Fu Jing and her daughter are already her biggest competitors...

"Forget it, in that case, let's do as you wish!" Lu Yu said helplessly.

Anyway, the matter is now over, everyone else has come over, and this won't waste much time.

Ning Wanxuan smiled happily and pushed Ning Wanqing hard: "Sister, did you hear that? Hurry up and lie down obediently. My brother-in-law is going to help you complete the last step of your breakthrough... But, sister-in-law, you just finished it once , can you still do it now? Why not, let me help you!"

After saying that, she dived into the water.

After a while, Lu Yu raised his neck and hummed in comfort.

In the corner of the main hall, Mrs. Ru spent a very difficult time with a red face.

Gradually, she felt that there seemed to be no sound like a cat meowing next door, and then she finally let go of her covered ears.

Sure enough, everything around was completely silent.

Mrs. Ru suddenly couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief: "Huh - it's finally over!"

She couldn't even remember how long she had stayed here.

An hour? Or three hours?

I didn't expect this guy's endurance to be so good... Be careful you die from this thing one day!

She cursed secretly and stood up from the ground.

Only then did she realize that her legs were numb from curling up for too long, so she wanted to stretch her muscles in the house.

However, before she could walk a few steps, the familiar voice suddenly started to sound again.

Mrs. Ru's expression suddenly changed, and she instantly became furious: "You bastard! You still refuse to end it? Are you really not afraid of death?"

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