Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1872 Confess your feelings

Night fell.

Finally, everything calmed down.

Lu Yu dressed up again and walked out of the hot spring pool refreshed. Then he saw Madam Ru standing upright in the lobby and was stunned.

"Huh? Madam... why are you here?"

Madam Ru said with a dark face and gritted her teeth: "Why do you say I am here?"

Lu Yu looked at the barrier around the house and immediately understood that this must be Ning Wanxuan's little trick. She wanted to use this method to achieve the effect of declaring sovereignty to Madam Ru, so that Madam Ru would be soft-handled in vain and there would be no room for counterattack.

"It's really outrageous..." Lu Yu looked back in the direction of the hot spring and couldn't help feeling a headache.

If Ning Wanxuan had been thinking about competing for favor with each other, it would not be conducive to the next research on the cauldron furnace...

"Let me open it for you!"

Lu Yu said, raised his hand, and a red light flew down. The barrier that Madam Ru had tried to open for a long time was broken in an instant.

After all, Ning Wanxuan's cultivation at this time was the result of Lu Yu's inspiration. As the saying goes, everything changes but the essence remains the same. The barrier she created naturally cannot trap Lu Yu.

Madam Ru did not speak, and followed Lu Yu out of the house in silence. She originally thought that after such a long battle, Lu Yu should be very tired. She would not be surprised even if he was almost exhausted... But this guy was still energetic.

The whole manor was brightly lit, but it was unusually quiet, and there was no one to be seen.

Lu Yu realized that even if they walked out of the house, they had nowhere to go, so he said: "Why not, don't leave, just rest in the room here!"

Madam Ru kept silent. She also realized that she was a guest after all. If there was no arrangement by the host, there would be no place for her in this huge manor. But she was concerned about the purpose of this trip. In order to rescue her daughter as soon as possible, she could not just leave like this.

"Won't it bother you if I stay here? I see you seem to be in high spirits. I'll come over after you've had enough fun here!" Mrs. Ru sneered.

Lu Yu touched his nose awkwardly: "Before, I wasted some time to help Wanqing break through the realm... Don't worry, there won't be anything else next time."

Mrs. Ru snorted coldly, and her whole face was full of disbelief.

This guy really didn't even draft a lie. Is he thinking he's deaf, or does he think he's easy to fool? Is there a way to break through the realm in this way? You can't believe a word of his words!

"I won't go in! I'll wait for you outside the yard! When you're done, we can start talking about business!"

She folded her hands angrily, looking like she was going to stay in the yard.

"What's wrong with Madam? Why are you so angry?"

At this time, Ning Wanxuan also walked out of the house with a gentle smile on her face.

She had put on a phoenix robe, which made her look dignified, gorgeous, and elegant. She was no longer the unruly person she was before. However, after seeing how she looked in the hot spring before and hearing the cat's meowing all day, Mrs. Ru couldn't really combine the two images together.

But soon Mrs. Ru's eyes were attracted by another person behind Ning Wanxuan. Ning Wanqing also came out in a dignified manner. Although she had only been away for half a day, she gave people a completely different feeling, as if she was glowing...

Sure enough, when she stepped out of the door, a gust of breeze suddenly rolled up, the dark clouds in the sky were instantly dispelled, and the stars in the sky fell down, and even the bright lights in the manor became dim.

Mrs. Ru was stunned: "Grand Duke Realm?"

She didn't expect that Ning Wanqing actually broke through the Grand Duke Realm in just half a day. It was obvious that they had been making love during this period... Could it be that what that guy said just now was true? Can you really improve your cultivation through such things?

Just as she was stunned, Ning Wanxuan had already walked in front of her, bowed slightly and said: "It's all my fault. I was busy helping my sister break through the realm, so I didn't entertain the lady. This is all my negligence..." "However, this is also to help Afeng complete his plan better. Now that my sister has successfully broken through the realm and has become a good helper, we can finally officially start trying to crack the secret of the lady. I hope the lady will not blame us for this matter, okay?" She said this very politely, but it was still a needle hidden in cotton. Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be slightly stunned. She didn't expect that the other party had already known the purpose of their trip. She couldn't help but cast an inquiring look at Lu Yu on the side. Lu Yu nodded and said: "I have told them everything I should say. After all, this matter requires everyone's cooperation, and there is no need to hide it..." Mrs. Ru's face couldn't help but become a little ugly. What do you mean by saying everything you should say? Those things were originally the biggest secret hidden in her heart. She prepared herself for a long time before she mustered up the courage to speak them out. Unexpectedly, this guy turned around and told everyone else about it.

Although she knew that all this might be inevitable, such a result still made her feel a little wronged...

"Madam, I admire you more and more now..." Ning Wanxuan suddenly took Madam Ru's hand and said intimately: "Only women can better understand the difficulties of women. You are carrying the shackles of the past years, bearing the pressure of the revival of the Guanlan clan, and raising a daughter who carries the hope of the whole clan. I can't imagine what kind of life you have lived these years..." "If you don't mind, I hope we can call each other sisters in the future. From now on, you are my sister, Ning Wanxuan. Let us support each other in the future... Are you willing?" Before Ning Wanxuan could say anything, Madam Ru was already in tears. In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, she has always been a strong woman. Since she was selected by the tribe when she just came of age, she has been carrying various missions, including the suffering she suffered in the Hades Temple, the process of nurturing Fu Jing, and then hiding from all parties, raising Fu Jing with great difficulty, and making various plans for her future development...

All of this is arranged by others, but no one has ever said a personal word to her, asking her if she is suffering or whether all this is really what she wants...

Lu Yu couldn't help but stare at the side in amazement.

Only a strong woman like Ning Wanxuan can peel off the shell of Madam Ru, who is also a strong woman.

In the end, under Ning Wanxuan's comfort, Madam Ru completely let go of her defenses and no longer worried about the previous things.

She is worthy of being able to dominate the harem and even suppress Emperor Qing'en so that he can't raise his head. Or she has the means...

Lu Yu sighed in his heart.

At this time, Ning Wanxuan finally finished comforting Madam Ru, took her hand and said, "Okay, Sister Huo, do you want to rest for a while? If not, let's officially start now?"

Madam Ru shook her head.

"Then let's start!"

Ning Wanxuan raised her hand, and the ground trembled violently.

Amidst the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, the whole house suddenly rose from the ground and turned into a flying land.

It turned out that this place was transformed from her phoenix sedan chair.

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