Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1873 The magic circle reappears

As the height gradually increased, the earth seemed to be crawling under everyone's feet, and the entire house bloomed with bright brilliance, like a rising star.

Ning Wanxuan looked back at Lu Yu proudly and said with a smile, "How is it?"

Lu Yu carefully observed the brilliance around him. In the eyes of others, it was an extremely bright and gorgeous glow, but in his eyes, it was the result of the collision of laws.

"Want to hear the truth or lies?" he said calmly.

Ning Wanxuan glanced at him: "Of course I listen to the truth!"

"I'm surprised that you were able to transform your understanding into this in such a short period of time. Although there is still some room for improvement, considering your current level, it is very rare to be able to achieve this step. It’s no exaggeration to say that you are definitely a genius in this regard!”

Lu Yu said with admiration.

However, Ning Wanxuan still frowned: "What can be improved?"

Lu Yu shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry about it... You can't realize the improvements I mentioned now because you don't have the corresponding materials at all. As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. In the absence of necessary materials, Under the circumstances, it is already good to be able to do this. ”

Ning Wanxuan was startled: "The materials I used are already the best. For this reason, I have emptied out the hundreds of years of accumulation of the Ning and Jin families. I also spent a lot of effort to make them The Jin family honestly opened the warehouse..."

Lu Yu looked into her eyes and said: "This is just the best material you can get, but it does not mean that it is the best material. To be fair, do you really think that the Ning and Jin families have collected it for hundreds of years?" , is it already the top-notch treasure in the world?”

Ning Wanxuan was slightly startled, but Lu Yu continued: "Recently, when I was in the Suyu Cloud Pool of the Great Evil Empire, I suddenly had a new understanding. In fact, according to the richness of the spiritual energy in this world, the sky is The number of material treasures should not be so rare. The current ratio of resources can be said to be abnormal..."

"If my guess is correct, these should be the troubles of the Hades Temple in secret. Only a mysterious force like them, which has existed for thousands of years, has the ability to do this..."

"If this hypothesis is true, then after we capture the Temple of Hades, we will get their collection of thousands of years. Only then will you know what the real treasure is, your mansion. will be further improved.”

Ning Wanxuan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay! After the Hades Temple is captured, I have to select the materials inside first! Then you can give me your opinion!"

Mrs. Ru was shocked as she listened to the exchange between the two.

At Ning Wanxuan's level, she should have a certain understanding of the Hades Temple. Unexpectedly, she did not question Lu Yu's plan to fight against the Hades Temple. In her eyes, the Hades Temple seemed to be about to become a dead person.

Looking at Ning Wanqing on the side, although she had not spoken a word, her eyes were full of determination. It was obvious that she also believed in Lu Yu's ability...

Is this just because they have an affair with Lu Yu? Got knocked out of your mind by that guy in bed?

In comparison, Mrs. Ru was far less optimistic than them. Whenever she thought of the power of the Temple of Hades, she couldn't help but feel frightened. She was always worried about whether she could successfully rescue her daughter, but she followed Lu Yu because she had no choice.

"It would be great if things could really go so smoothly..."

Mrs. Ru said silently in her heart.

A moment later, Feitian's mansion had reached above the clouds.

Under the starlight, the clouds were spread like cotton wool below the crowd, making it look like a dark and turbulent sea.

At this time, more functions of the mansion were revealed, and Mrs. Ru finally understood why Ning Wanxuan wanted to use the mansion at this time. It turned out that it had the ability to change in various ways.

Lu Yu and Ning Wanxuan were seen discussing and playing around in the courtyard. In a blink of an eye, a magic circle similar to what Madam Ru remembered was built.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Ru couldn't help being shocked.

Unexpectedly, the two of them could almost completely replicate the scene in the Hades Temple just by relying on her verbal description.

It seems that these two people have been communicating for a long time before, so they are acting so well now...

For a moment, Mrs. Ru couldn't help but feel a little dazed. If the two people were communicating about this matter before, then she heard the cat meowing before...could it be that it was really just a cat meowing? ?

But she didn't know that for Lu Yu and Ning Wanxuan, they had a more efficient way of communication, which was communication of ideas. The reason why the two of them were able to construct the magic circle so quickly was because Lu Yu had deduced it in his mind and consciousness for a long time.

"How is it?" Lu Yu looked at Mrs. Ru and asked.

Mrs. Ru gently touched the shining stone pillars around her with her hands, and said: "At first glance, it looks very similar to the magic circle arranged by the Hades Temple at that time, but I always feel that it lacks some charm, like I can only get its form, but not its spirit..."

Lu Yu said: "That's of course. If it can be copied perfectly, then we don't need to bother with any more testing... This formation is just a superficial appearance for the time being. As for how to discover its charm, that's it. That’s what we have to do next!”

Mrs. Ru nodded and said, "I understand."

Now she is more confident in completing this matter.

"Now that sister understands, what are you waiting for?"

With that said, Ning Wanxuan walked over, raised her hand and flicked it, and immediately the belt on Mrs. Ru's body was untied, and her clothes slipped down, revealing large areas of snow-white skin.

"Ah!" Mrs. Ru suddenly exclaimed and immediately hugged her chest with both hands, "Wan, Wanxuan... what are you doing?"

Ning Wanxuan smiled softly: "What to do? Of course, it is to do business... If we finish it earlier, we can also attack the Hades Temple earlier to save your daughter, right?"

"But...but...should we just start like this?"

"What's wrong with starting like this?" Ning Wanxuan said, "Don't worry, no one will spy on us from this height. We and Xiaoqing are both women... The only man who can see my sister's body is It’s just Ah Feng, but he is one of our own. Sister, you should understand that this incident is inevitable, right?”

Mrs. Ru was silent for a while.

In fact, since she agreed to Lu Yu's request, she knew that this was inevitable. Anyway, her body had no secrets for this guy... But in fact, what she cared about was not Lu Yu, but this kind of open air. The open environment made her very uncomfortable. Although she knew that they were above the clouds and it was impossible for anyone to approach them under normal circumstances, she still had psychological barriers.

"Be patient for now!" Lu Yu seemed to have noticed her concerns and coughed dryly and said, "During the experiment, I may need to use the power of starlight, so there is no way to change the current environment."

After hearing what he said, Mrs. Ru couldn't hold on any longer and hesitated whether to take away her hands that were hugging her chest.

At this time, Ning Wanxuan took another step forward, put her mouth in her ear, and whispered: "Sister, don't be afraid, why don't I accompany you..."

After saying that, the belt on her body was loosened, and her clothes slid down her snow-grey skin, turning into a white jade-like statue.

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