Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1875 Mausoleum

The place Mrs. Ru mentioned was the tomb of the most powerful person.

In the old Guanlan Empire, the supreme and powerful being was admired by all the people. Although after her fall, a fierce battle broke out between the Guanlan Empire and the Hades Temple, which eventually led to the collapse of the entire empire. It's just a historical statement.

In fact, this was a very long process. First, after the war, the strength of the central court of the Guanlan Empire was rapidly reduced, and its control over various places was not as good as before. Conflicts and civil strife broke out constantly, which finally led to the collapse of the entire building.

Therefore, at the end of the dynasty, when the Guanlan Empire was gradually declining, the central court still held a grand funeral for the most powerful person. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was the highest standard in history. Even her mausoleum was The highest specification ever.

"In fact, the construction of that mausoleum had already started when the Supreme Power was still alive. Many of the links were designed by the Supreme Power herself. At that time, almost no one dared to disobey her orders, so those designs were all It was done without any compromise..."

Mrs. Ru introduced the three of them.

Lu Yu immediately grasped the key and said, "So, are you saying that the Five Ultimate Stones exist in her tomb and were placed there in advance due to her designs?"

Mrs. Ru nodded and continued: "Actually, when the Supreme Power first came up with the plan to put the Wuzhi Stone into the mausoleum, it also aroused a lot of doubts, but as I just said, in that era No one dared to oppose her decision, so Wu Zhishi was still put in..."

"However, people didn't understand the reason why she did this. It wasn't until her death that the mausoleum was closed. The entire mausoleum was now protected by a powerful force field, and no one could step into it. Only then did people Understanding her foresight, no one knows what the principle behind the formation of the force field is, but it is obvious that it is all related to the Wuzhi Stone."

"Otherwise, do you think no one has thought about digging up her grave for so many years? But no one has ever succeeded. Even the Temple of Hades has never tried to dig up her grave in those years when relations with us have not eased. The plan to steal her tomb collection..."

At this time, several people finally understood the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Ning Wanqing couldn't help but frowned and said: "But since no one has been able to open the tomb for so many years, even the Hades Temple can't do it, then how can we go in and take away the Five Ultimate Stones inside."

Mrs. Ru looked at the three people in front of her and said nothing, as if she was hesitant to speak.

Ning Wanxuan then laughed: "I think it was the remnant soul of the supreme power that transformed into a concrete image in the illusion of formation. I once told you, sister..."

Mrs. Ru nodded and said: "Yes, when Zhigaoqiang taught me those postures, he also revealed a secret to me. There is a secret passage in the mausoleum that can avoid the force field. Isolation and interference, directly enter the inside of the mausoleum and take away the five stones in the mausoleum..."

"However, the reason why she told me this secret was just in case. If the plan at that time really worked, after I successfully gave birth to an offspring with the purest blood power, I would not be able to get the Five Supreme Stones. If Jing'er uses it, he can use the Five-Zhi Stone hidden in the mausoleum as a backup... In other words, this Five-Zhi Stone is actually prepared for Jing'er. "

The three of them immediately understood her dilemma.

Fu Jing's body carries the hope of the revival of the entire Guanlan clan, so this Five-Zhi Stone also carries the hope of the Guanlan clan, but now she has to take out this hope and use it on Lu Yu.

"Sister Huo, don't worry..." Ning Wanxuan comforted, "As long as the Hades Temple is built in the future, we will be responsible for the mining of the Five-Zhi Stone. You can have as much as you want at that time. Now take this Five-Zhi Stone Shi Xian will not be wasted when used on A Feng..."

Mrs. Ru sighed softly and said: "I understand... If we can't rescue Jing'er, what's the use of keeping this Five-Zhi Stone in the mausoleum? But I have another concern, that is After taking out the Wuzhi Stone, the force field barrier protecting the tomb will be ineffective. If there are any young people who want to collect the tomb collection, there will be no way to exclude them..."

Ning Wanxuan smiled and said: "This is simple. Just let A Feng design a new force field barrier when the time comes. I think this shouldn't be difficult, right? My brother-in-law?"

Lu Yu glanced at her helplessly and said, "Do you think the force field barrier is just a piece of cabbage? Just design it?"

"Actually, if you just want to temporarily build a barrier, it is not difficult. However, if you consider the time span and want it to last for thousands of years without failing, it will not be that simple. You must have a stable The source of power will do..."

"But it doesn't matter. We have plenty of time anyway. There is no rush on this matter. You can think about it later..."

This was the last sentence, and the three women couldn't help but be stunned.

Ning Wanxuan said in surprise: "Don't you want to get this Five Supreme Stone?"

Lu Yu said: "I really want to get it, but the time doesn't allow it now. Staying here these past few days has slowed down the progress of many things. We don't have that much time to dig up the grave of the supreme power... …Next, let’s go back and do some serious business!”

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