Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1876 Xuanji Feitian

Lu Yu naturally wanted to get this legendary top treasure.

Let alone other things, just understanding its material properties might be of great help to his alchemy, allowing it to unlock more recipes in the Lotus Alchemy Sutra.

However, this is not the most urgent, because these things may take a long time, and distant water cannot quench immediate thirst. Under the situation that the threat of the Hades Temple is imminent, he really doesn't have much time to waste on this.

Even this time, he studied the cauldron of Madam Ru's wonderful seven jade bodies, because these days happened to be the gap period for collecting materials from various forces, so he had the opportunity to do this.

Otherwise, even if Madam Ru immediately produced fruits again, it would not bring him much improvement. Even if she had nurtured and cultivated the fruits for decades without knowing it, it only increased Lu Yu's golden elixir completion by 30%. No matter what, he could not directly produce golden elixir. For him, there would be no qualitative leap in strength.

The reason for doing this is mainly to focus on long-term development in the future. For the current crisis, he does not intend to rely on improving the completion of the golden elixir to deal with it.

The most urgent task is to open the Ark of the Other Shore as soon as possible so that all members of the Renaissance Alliance can enter and get armed. In this way, not only can they fight against the Nether Palace with ease, but they can also fight against the Thousand-Eyed God Lord standing behind the Nether Palace with more confidence.

So, at Lu Yu's request, the four of them began to embark on the journey back to Fenghezhou. Since Ning Wanqing has also been promoted to the Grand Duke, there is no need for them to stay behind and they can go to the front together.

However, during the process of returning to Fenghezhou this time, Lu Yu did not use the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape, but adopted a brand new method...

I saw a beam of starlight falling from the sky, shining directly on Feitian Mansion, or more accurately, on Lu Yu who was sitting in Feitian Mansion.

Lu Yu's body was like a huge magnetic field. The starlight constantly folded around his body, and finally turned into a very strange force field, pushing the entire Feitian Mansion forward quickly.

Although the speed is not as fast as the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape, it is undoubtedly a more labor-saving way of escape, and the number of people will not be affected-although the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape can also work on multiple people at the same time, the spiritual energy consumed will increase exponentially with each additional person.

Like Lu Yu did before, if there is no Madam Ru's Wonderful Spirit Seven Jade Body to constantly charge him, it will not be possible to perform it seamlessly.

And if Lu Yu wants to perform the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape with four people at the same time this time, even if there is the Wonderful Spirit Seven Jade's ethereal realm to constantly replenish it, it will be a very strenuous thing.

The method used at this time is to use the power of starlight, which is basically equivalent to no consumption.

Although Lu Yu has also used the method of using starlight when manipulating the formation to test Madam Ru in the past few days, it has never reached such an exaggerated degree before.

All that Lu Yu did at this time made the three women around him dumbfounded and surprised.

"How did you do it?" Ning Wanxuan asked with a look of astonishment.

"Well, how should I put it? Actually, there is no special trick. It's just practice makes perfect..." Lu Yu replied.

In fact, it is true. Originally, this ability to gather starlight can only be done by the star-gathering bead. But after he comprehended Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir blueprint, although he did not formally form the elixir, the golden elixir seed has been adjusted in this direction. In addition, when he conducted various experiments on Madam Ru before, he also borrowed the power of starlight constantly. Therefore, his skills have become more and more proficient. Until now, he has been able to achieve the effect of gathering starlight to a certain extent.

Of course, in terms of efficiency, it is far from the level of the star-gathering bead, but if it is only used to drive this flying mansion, it is more than enough.

Ning Wanxuan shook her head gently, then frowned again, pondered for a long time, and suddenly said a word: "Xuanji Star City?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised. Indeed, the way he was pushing now was indeed to a certain extent a simulation of the Xuanji Star City of the Bixiao Palace. He didn't expect Ning Wanxuan to be able to see this.

Although he showed Ning Wanxuan some of the pictures in his memory, to her, those pictures should be like fleeting glimpses. He didn't expect that she could capture them accurately.

"Yes, it is indeed Xuanji Star City!" Lu Yu nodded, and couldn't help showing a look of approval, "It seems that you have understood it..."

"What's the use of understanding it? Anyway, I can't do it..." Ning Wanxuan said bitterly, "Can the effect you are creating now be converted into a device and fixed?"

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