Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1877 Starry sky in the distance

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Unless you fix me here, I'm afraid it won't work."

"What about Xuanji Star City? How did it do it?" Ning Wanxuan asked unwillingly.

"good question……"

Lu Yu couldn't help but nodded, showing a thoughtful look.

In fact, he only had a relationship with Xuanji Star City once. Only through its external performance, he knew that it could refract starlight as a driving force. However, he had no idea about its internal structure and what kind of device this function is implemented by. Nothing is known.

Lu Yu thought about several plans in succession, but they were all rejected in the end. He soon discovered that this question was actually meaningless because the materials in the two worlds were not common. Devices that could be manufactured in the original world were not available in this world. It may not be possible to reproduce it, and besides, the backstage of Bixiao Palace is powerful, and Xuanji Star City may also use technology obtained from the world above.

Finally, he shook his head and said: "The Xuanji Star City you saw in my memory picture actually comes from a very powerful ancient sect. Its sphere of influence even includes dozens of heavens and worlds. Even the Hades Temple is just a branch under its jurisdiction. What can be achieved in Xuanji Star City may not be achieved in your mansion..."

"Is it another issue with material restrictions?" Ning Wanxuan's tone was helpless.

Lu Yu nodded and said: "This is the most important question..."

A stern look flashed in Ning Wanxuan's eyes: "I wonder if I can find materials that can realize this function after capturing the Hades Temple?"

Lu Yu said: "It seems that you have really spared no effort for this mansion... Do you plan to focus your main energy on this in the future?"

Ning Wanxuan's eyes lit up with moving colors, and she said: "Of course! Don't you know? The pictures you showed me before were like opening the door to a new world for me. Now my concept has completely changed... …”

"What's the point of being an emperor in the world and ruling all nations? Like Patriarch Zhengyang, who has been dormant in the tomb for hundreds of years, almost integrated with the earth, and can stir up strong winds on the ground with every breath. , but what's the use? All he can influence is a mere playing field..."

"I will not repeat the mistakes of my ancestors. Only the sky is my final destination. One day, like you, Afeng, I will break through the shackles of the laws of the entire world and step into the more distant starry sky of the universe! "

Ning Wanxuan's eyes were full of energy and she looked full of high fighting spirit.

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Although he came here from another distant world, he himself did not break through the shackles of the laws of the original world. He came here passively just to escape for his life... Moreover, the longer he left the original world, the farther he was from his hometown. On the contrary, I can realize more deeply that what I love most in my heart is still the hot land of my hometown.

However, Ning Wanxuan's situation was different from her own, and it was actually a good thing for her to have such high morale.

"This day won't last long. If you really want to do this, I have a good place to recommend to you." Lu Yu said.

Ning Wanxuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lu Yu with a face full of surprise: "Where is it?"

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "You will know soon. If everything goes well, you will be there within ten days."

Ning Wanxuan suddenly became more and more admiring.

Mrs. Ru was listening to the conversation between the two, but her heart couldn't help but move slightly: Could it be that he was talking about the dragon's lair known as the "Miracle Treasure"?

What kind of magical place is that? Not only can it allow many powerful men to practice in it, but it can also realize Ning Wanxuan's ideal of swimming in the starry sky?

While everyone had their own concerns, Feitian Mansion was getting closer and closer to Fenghe Prefecture.

The moment they officially entered Fenghe Prefecture, they immediately alerted many strong men. Most of these strong men were members of the Renaissance Alliance, but they did not know what was going on. They thought it was an enemy force invading. They all stood up as if facing a formidable enemy.

It wasn't until Mrs. Ru appeared and showed the flag of the Renaissance Alliance that everyone dispelled their doubts and knew that it was just a false alarm.

"What the hell is this?"

"It seems to be a mansion..."

"Mansion? Is there a mansion that can fly?"

"It's really terrible. Not only can the mansion fly, but it can also fly so fast... At this speed, you and I can't fly so fast without any weight!"

"I really don't know where the alliance leader and Master Feng got such a thing. Could it be that they have conquered a new force?"

"Judging from the direction, they seem to be coming from the Darui Empire. Are they from that side?"

"Get it! Apart from the Jin and Ning families, where else can the Darui Empire have any decent forces? Such a Feitian mansion has never been heard of even in the Hades Temple..."

"Then where do you think this thing came from?"

For a time, many strong men on the ground couldn't help but have different opinions.

In fact, considering the strength of the Grand Duke, it is not difficult to make a mansion fly into the sky, and it is not difficult to make an entire mountain fly. What is difficult is such a long-lasting and high-speed flight, but they have to break their heads and And try your best you can't do it.

In addition, Lu Yu was gathering starlight as a driving force at this time. The scene caused by the folding and surrounding of starlight was extremely gorgeous. Anyone could see how unusual it was. Those people from the Great Evil Empire who had seen Fu Jing's training scene before couldn't help but associate it with this. If they didn't know that Fu Jing had been captured by the Hades Temple, they would have thought that Fu Jing had reappeared.

Feitian Mansion passed through the sky above Fenghezhou, and the bright starlight illuminated the entire Fenghezhou. Finally, it slowly landed at the location of the newly established government office, and was located next to the government office.

Lu Yu also extinguished the starlight, opened the courtyard door, and walked out of the interior of the mansion with Madam Ru and the Ning sisters.

Many powerful people from the Renaissance Alliance also gathered around at this time.

"Wanxuan? Wanqing? Why are you?" Suddenly a surprised voice came.

The four turned their heads and found that it was the five ancestors of the Ning family, including Ning Zhengyang.

In fact, these five ancestors had already come to Fenghe Province and joined the Renaissance Alliance. It was just that when Lu Yu came back from the Ark of the Other Shore last time, they happened to go to recruit a small force, so they did not meet.

The ancestors of the Jin family were in a similar situation. They did not see Lu Yu last time because they led troops outside, but this time they also appeared in the crowd.

"Hello, ancestors." Ning Wanxuan and Ning Wanqing saluted at the same time.

In any case, these five people are the elders of their family. Even though the two sisters are dissatisfied with their past practices, and Ning Wanxuan's current strength is no less than theirs, they still abide by the etiquette.

The five ancestors were busy greeting Lu Yu and Madam Ru, and their humble attitude was no longer the same as when they first met in the Ning family cemetery.

After all the etiquette was settled, the five ancestors still couldn't hide their surprise.

Not to mention that Ning Wanqing had been promoted to the realm of Grand Duke, the two of them stayed behind to break through the realm. What really made them feel incredible was Ning Wanxuan's promotion.

The prototype of this mansion, that is, the original flying phoenix chariot, was seen by these ancestors at the beginning. They did not expect that she had developed it to such a scale in just a few months...

"This mansion... was built by you, Wanxuan?"

Ning Zhengyang asked hesitantly.

Although the facts were obvious, he still did not dare to be completely sure. He had to hear Ning Wanxuan's personal answer before he could believe it.

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