Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1878 Will be used up soon

"Of course." Ning Wanxuan replied matter-of-factly.

Although she knew that Ning Zhengyang and others must have mistakenly thought that the scene of gathering stars and pushing Feitian Mansion forward was also part of her mansion, she did not feel the need to explain at this time.

Ning Zhengyang couldn't help being silent for a while. Now he finally accepted this unbelievable fact. After being silent for a long time, he bowed his hand to Lu Yu again and said with a sincere face: "Thank you, Mr. Feng, for your generous advice!"

He is the fifth generation ancestor of the Ning family. According to this generation, he is more than ten generations older than Ning Wanqing. Naturally, he is also the ancestor of Lu Yu. But now he is with the Fuxing Alliance. Like most people, they also call Lu Yu Master Feng.

Although ethics are very important, this is also a world where strength speaks for itself. The strength Lu Yu has shown now is worthy of his utmost sincerity and respect.

Lu Yu smiled lightly and said: "What did the ancestor say? This is all because of Empress Xuan's own talent and understanding. It has nothing to do with me..."

Although his tone was very humble, no one present took his words seriously. Although Ning Wanxuan's talent and understanding were indeed outstanding enough, she still needed guidance from a famous teacher to give full play to her, otherwise she would His talent and understanding were not new to him now, so why did he make such rapid progress only after meeting Lu Yu?

As the saying goes, a thousand-mile horse often exists, but a bole does not always exist. Even a thousand-mile horse must meet a bole who understands horses in order to give full play to its strengths.

There is no doubt that Lu Yu's current performance can be called a bole.

For a moment, everyone present looked at Lu Yu with eager eyes. Not only the five ancestors of the Ning family in front of them, but also many other powerful attackers around them all hoped to get Lu Yu's guidance, even if With just a little bit of guidance, they might be able to reap huge benefits.

Lu Yu saw the reactions of these people in his eyes, but ignored them. It would be better to let these people hang out for a while. When it is announced that they can enter the Ark on the other side for practice, they will be more active.

He waved, called King Ye over, and asked him about the past few days. With his strength as a Tianhuang Realm expert and his qualifications to be the first to join the Renaissance Alliance, he is now the third in command of the Renaissance Alliance. During the period when Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru are not here, all affairs here are handled by him. Responsible for hosting.

"Congratulations to Madam and Master Feng. The Renaissance Alliance has developed very rapidly in the past few days. Except for the three major sects, all the forces in Fenghe Province have now joined the Renaissance Alliance... It can be said that all parties in today's world have joined the Alliance. All the major forces have joined the Renaissance Alliance, and the remaining ones that have not yet joined are just sporadic forces that cannot be brought to the forefront, and can almost be ignored! "

King Ye said with excitement.

All this was something he had never imagined when he first decided to support Lu Yu. At first, he was forced to join under the coercion of Lu Yu. At that time, he was thinking of sacrificing himself in exchange for the survival of the Ye family. Where? I can't believe that the Renaissance Alliance has grown to such a scale in the blink of an eye.

It is no exaggeration to say that in his long life, he has never seen such a miracle.

Even though he is now nearly a thousand years old, he originally looked very old, but in the past few days, he seemed to have suddenly regained his second spring, and his whole person actually looked much younger.

However, all this was not surprising to Lu Yu. After all, he only gave everyone two choices, either to join or to destroy.

When the three major sects all collapsed in front of Lu Yu and were forced to choose to avoid it, the Renaissance Alliance's momentum was actually at its peak, and those forces facing a decision had no choice at all.

"How is the situation with the three major sects?" Lu Yu asked again.

After hearing this question, King Ye smiled and said: "There is no news for the time being, including from Guo Kun. There is also no news."

Lu Yu said: "After all, it is a large sect. The structure is bloated. There are many people and many people with ideas. It is really difficult for them to make a unified decision in such a short period of time... We don't care. It should be busy with our own affairs first. If I come to the door in person after I am free, it will not be as easy to talk to now! "

King Ye couldn't help but feel shocked. Although Lu Yu didn't say any specific harsh words, he clearly felt a chill.

"Where are the materials from each company? How are the preparations going?" Lu Yu asked again, which was the question he was most concerned about right now.

"Almost all of them have been transported, and the remaining few will arrive in the next two days." King Ye replied, "However, although the quantity of these materials is not as rich as the collections of the three major sects, it has been There are a lot of them, but the conditions here in Fenghe State are still very crude for the time being, and there is no environment suitable for storage. "

"It doesn't matter." Lu Yu said, "No need to store it. Just bring all these materials. I will use them soon!"

King Ye was astonished: "Bring them all here? There are quite a few of them, far from the stock in the Great Evil Empire's warehouse before..."

Lu Yu smiled softly: "How many can there be? Can there be enough to fill the Suyu Cloud Pond?"

King Ye was immediately speechless.

It is naturally impossible to fill the entire Suyu Cloud Pond... He knew that Lu Yu had done something in the Suyu Cloud Pond, and those Red Flame Dragon Control Pills were refined in the Suyu Cloud Pond. , but he didn't know that Lu Yu had actually transformed the entire Canyon of the Dead into a huge natural alchemy furnace, because when Lu Yu started to transform, they had already started to head north.

Lu Yu had no intention of explaining to him. He pointed to the Feitian Mansion behind him and said, "Just move all the materials here! I will build this mansion later and transport all the materials away."

"Yes." King Ye responded respectfully.

Since Lu Yu was confident that he could digest all the materials, he naturally would not have any doubts.

"Old man, do a good job!" Lu Yu patted Ye Wang on the shoulder again and said, "Work harder these days to sort out all these messy things. You have been the Supreme Emperor of the Great Evil Empire for so long. You have to do these things. They are all experienced... We will get through it soon, and then the things you hope for will come true!"

King Ye couldn't help but trembled slightly.

What he hopes for is naturally to overthrow the Temple of Hades and break the rules of the world that have always been dominated by the Temple of Hades...

Lu Yu once said similar words when he was in Suyu Yunchi, but when he heard it again now, he had two completely different moods.

"I understand." King Ye said sincerely again.

Soon, with the joint efforts of everyone, the materials collected from all forces were transported to Feitian Mansion.

Lu Yu also returned to Feitian Mansion. He waved to everyone, and then the entire Feitian Mansion once again gathered bright stars and rose from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, it had already shot through the air in the direction of the Suyu Cloud Pond.

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