Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1879 Beacon Communication

Feitian Mansion passes over Wangjing City.

This strange scene immediately caused shouts and screams in Wangjing City. Many people even knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to the giant creature in the sky.

Nowadays, Wangjing no longer has any strong and powerful people in charge, and it is almost like an undefended city. These people do not have the vision and insight of the strong and powerful people, and they only regard the scene in front of them as a miracle.

Lu Yu had no intention of appeasing the people, and continued to advance with the Starlight Gathering. In a blink of an eye, he flew over Wangjing City and entered the scope of the Necronomicon Mountains.

It's just that I haven't seen it for a few days, but I didn't expect that the Necronomicon Mountains would change again at this time. The originally bare and barren mountains had now become lush and lush.

It was the first time for Ning Wanxuan and Ning Wanqing to come here and they didn't think anything was wrong. However, Mrs. Ru was surprised and asked, "What on earth did you do to this place?"

Lu Yu said: "If I say that I haven't done anything, would you believe it?"

Mrs. Ru gave him a stern look and said nothing, but her disbelief was clearly expressed.

Lu Yu sighed secretly.

In fact, he did not do anything to the Undead Mountains. When he was transforming the Undead Canyon, he did some research on the mysterious thing at the bottom of the Suyu Cloud Pond...

The reason why the Suyu Cloud Pond was formed and the purple and white plants were conceived is precisely because of the mysterious thing at the bottom of the lake. It continuously absorbs the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth and gathers it in one place. Therefore, the liquid true essence-like Suyu is created. The cloud pool also caused a situation where no grass could grow outside the area.

Lu Yu was able to transform this place into a natural alchemy furnace. In fact, he used the characteristic of the mysterious thing at the bottom of the lake to bind spiritual energy.

In short, this is a very magical thing. Although Lu Yu has not been able to fully study it, he has fully felt its power.

He believes that if he can take this thing away, even if there is no environment here, he can still build a powerful alchemy furnace. It is best to transplant it to the ark on the other side. By then, he will no longer have to deal with the situation. The elixir is being refined here.

Therefore, when he and Mrs. Ru left here last time, they tried to issue an order to the mysterious thing, with the purpose of loosening it from the bottom of the lake so that it could be taken away directly in the future... But now it seems Come on, this attempt obviously failed. Although it is not clear what happened, this is obviously not the result he expected.

"Is this the natural alchemy furnace you call?"

As the Feitian Mansion descended next to the Canyon of the Dead, Ning Wanxuan looked at the basin-shaped canyon in front of her and said with emotion that although there were barriers distributed throughout the canyon, the alchemy furnace was not working at this time, so The scenery can still be seen.

"It's really amazing..."

This was the first time she had seen such an original "alchemy furnace". It was unheard of that the environment in this state could be used to make alchemy.

Lu Yu ordered: "You guys help me unload the materials, I'll walk around first..."

"What are you going to do?" Mrs. Ru asked.

"Of course, check the status of the surrounding barriers..." Lu Yu said without looking back.

As Lu Yu said before, it is not easy to build a long-lasting and stable barrier. It can be said that these barriers around the Canyon of the Dead were all improvised by him. In fact, even he himself has no idea how effective they are. There is no bottom, so you must check it before starting refining again to feel at ease.

Lu Yu soon came back after checking around. By this time, the three women had unloaded all the materials. In fact, this was only the work of Ning Wanxuan. As long as she controlled Feitian Mansion, she could automatically remove the materials inside. Various materials are moved out.

"How is the situation?" Ning Wanxuan asked.

Lu Yu nodded: "It's just some minor problems, and they have been solved now..."

Ning Wanxuan said: "I see that although these barriers of yours are perfect on the surface, their real protective power is not very strong. And Sister Huo just said that in the process of refining these elixirs, There will even be giant dragons appearing... Can such a barrier be able to withstand it? "

Lu Yu smiled and said: "These enchantments are indeed not strong. After all, they are just temporary processing by me. But you made a mistake. The key to binding the spiritual energy of the elixir is not the surrounding enchantments, but the Inside the alchemy furnace."

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but be stunned. She really couldn't figure out how it worked here...

Mrs. Ru on the side quickly thought of Suyu Yunchi and said, "Is there no problem there? You see, the appearance of the entire Necronomicon Mountain Range has changed..."

Lu Yu said: "Don't worry, as long as Suyu Yunchi has not disappeared, it means that the problem is not big and this place can still be used... As for the future, let's find a way to solve it then!"

Through the environmental changes in the Undead Mountains, it can be seen that there is indeed something wrong with the mysterious thing at the bottom of the lake, but this will not affect his operation of refining the elixir for the time being... The most important thing is that he now I still can't spare my hand, so I can only put it aside for now.

Anyway, the Ark on the other side is not ready yet, and they want to decipher this mysterious thing at the bottom of the lake, but there is still no way to transplant it.

In comparison, the threat from the Underworld Temple is more imminent.

Although the Underworld Temple has not responded since Fu Jing was forcibly taken away by Xu Zhiyang, and they have not expressed anything even when the Renaissance Alliance is expanding in full swing, Lu Yu will not think that the Underworld Temple will forget him.

The silence at this time is more like the last calm before the storm. The quieter it is now, the more intense the counterattack will be.

"Okay, I'm going to start. You go back first!" Lu Yu explained to the Ning sisters, "Didn't Yeshi Luo say that some materials will be transported to Fenghezhou in the next two days? You go and transport this part of the materials as well!"

Then he turned to Madam Ru and said, "Madam, you stay here with me."

Madam Ru froze: "Ah? Should I stay here? But there are many things to deal with in Fenghezhou..."

Lu Yu said: "Isn't it just to recruit and manage the people from all forces? Yeshi Luo will do these things well... You have more important things to do here."

There seemed to be a deep meaning in his eyes.

Madam Ru blushed. What else could be important? It was nothing more than helping him recover his vitality, but this guy only knew how to take advantage of the opportunity.

Ning Wanxuan smiled and said, "Oh, Sister Huo, don't refuse. Your body is a treasure to Afeng. Even if I want to stay, I don't have the chance... As for Fenghezhou, don't worry about it. Don't you still have me?"

After a pause, she pushed Ning Wanqing beside her and said, "Brother-in-law, do you want Wanqing to stay too... Anyway, I am enough to transport the materials, but I think your defense here is actually very weak. If an enemy suddenly comes while you are refining the elixir, Sister Huo alone can't stop it. If Wanqing is here, she can take care of it."

Lu Yu shook his head: "No need, I have more important things to give her."

As he said that, he taught her a method of gathering starlight.

This is of course only the lowest level of starlight manipulation, which can only trigger light and shadow effects, which is equivalent to releasing an extra-large firework in the air.

The reason for doing this is mainly to pass on the message. For Lu Yu, what he is most worried about is actually the situation in Fenghezhou, especially now that the entire Renaissance Alliance has no more Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills available...

And this method of using starlight to detonate extra-large fireworks can be used as a beacon signal. Once an emergency occurs in Fenghezhou, he can be notified immediately.

Lu Yu did this just to be on the safe side, but he didn't expect that this primitive beacon transmission would soon come in handy...

On the third day when he started refining, suddenly a group of dazzling lights burst continuously in the northern sky, like a cluster of flowers.

According to the prior agreement, this means that Fenghezhou has encountered an extremely serious threat and has entered the most urgent state.

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