Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1884 Secret Communication Song

I didn’t expect that the flame dragon’s mimicry would change like this?

The powerful Archduke who had used the Crimson Flame Controlling Dragon Pill before were all scratching their heads and ears anxiously.

How did this change?

It was obvious that they had all driven the Flame Dragon Mimicry, but they had no clue about it.

It's too late, but it's soon.

The two-headed flame dragon naturally has two completely different attack methods.

The original forward movement turned into a backward movement in an instant, and there was no lag in the switching process. It could be said that there was no switching process at all!

Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu were naturally caught off guard. The core channel they had just reopened was blocked again in the blink of an eye, so that the lightning storm's offensive came to an abrupt halt. It happened to stop less than three feet in front of Lu Yu. No harm was done.

But on the other hand, Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu were not so lucky. The flame dragon instantly crushed the core passage, but its momentum continued unabated, and it crushed the two of them under it in the blink of an eye.

The two of them naturally resisted to the death.

However, at this moment, Lu Yu fully displayed his exquisite micro-manipulation of the flame dragon's mimicry. He saw the flame dragon twisting its body continuously, and even the four dragon claws continued to stretch like rubber bands, one circle after another. The enclosure is wrapped around Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu.

At the end, the flame dragon no longer looked like a giant dragon, but turned into a big octopus. The two Tiangang realm experts were tightly bound by it and could no longer move at all.

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

Unexpectedly, the two powerful Tianhuang realm masters, the masters of Dongshan and Beishan of Shenyu Palace, were directly defeated in a single encounter.

Even the members of the Renaissance Alliance did not expect that Lu Yu would win in such a way.

This is really an exaggeration. He actually defeated two powerful men by himself!

If Lu Yu impressed Guo Kun, Yao Po, and Kou Xianyuan last time, some people still doubted his true strength. After all, there was no direct confrontation last time. Lu Yu only impressed the other party with the condition of the miraculous treasure... However, this time, no one doubted it anymore, because this time he directly defeated the opponent in an upright way.

"I'll give you one last chance... You two, have you thought clearly, is there anything else you want to say to me now?"

Lu Yu asked calmly.

But the dragon's body tightening around the two of them showed that their situation was by no means as easy as what his tone revealed.

"Lu, do you really dare to touch me?"

Dai Lifan was still looking stern and sad.

"Don't you want to save Fu Jing?"

"I admit that you do have some skills. We were careless this time... But if you dare to touch a hair on our head, then just wait and collect Fu Jing's body!"

Lu Yu shook his head: "Unfortunately, these are not what I want to hear. If this is the case, then there is no need for you to stay any longer!"

After saying that, he clenched his hands suddenly, and suddenly the flame dragon mimic in front twisted hard again, and there was a crackling sound of bones breaking from Dai Lifan's body.

Dai Lifan wailed in pain, and his shrill voice frightened everyone around him.

After a moment, Lu Yu looked at Gao Zunyu and said, "Your surname is Gao. I think it is Gao Zunyu, the Lord of Beishan... Dai Lifan refuses to cherish the opportunity. I hope you can say something useful."

Gao Zunyu's eyes wandered and he was silent for a while, then suddenly he laughed.

"Save it! You are already in trouble!"

"It's not just's all the same with you too!"

Gao Zunyu turned to look at the surrounding members of the Renaissance Alliance, scanning the entire audience, and his attitude became arrogant again.

"Do you know why the three major sects have not responded to you for so many days? It stands to reason that you have thrown out such a bargaining chip as a miraculous treasure, and you should report it in a timely manner no matter what. Even if you are pretending to be a snake, you must first Just get in touch as soon as possible..."

"Let me tell you the truth, because the three major sects are planning to join forces to deal with you, so naturally they will not pay any more attention to you!"

"And this time, it is the Hades Temple that is leading the alliance of the three major sects! So, you should be aware of your situation now, right?"

Gao Zun Yusenran sneered, looked back at Lu Yu again, and said: "I'm really sorry, although the conditions you offered are very attractive, the conditions offered by Hades Temple seem to be more generous, including your Miss Fu Jing, It is also one of the conditions given to us by the Temple of Hades!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but move his brows slightly.

Gao Zunyu continued: "Now, the heads of the three major sects have met to discuss, and alliance is the general trend. By then, the people of the three major sects will not only join forces, but they will also be supported by various treasures from the Hades Temple. You There is no chance!"

"We are here just as the vanguard to investigate... If you dare to kill us, you will not even have the last chance!"

"Frontguard?" Lu Yu showed a strange look on his face, "Do you mean to cooperate with us privately?"

Gao Zunyu's smile suddenly became brighter: "Your Excellency is indeed a smart man! The three major sects have joined forces, but the interests of the alliance are not the same as the interests of our Shenyu Palace. As for how to distribute the miracle treasure, it is best for us to take the initiative... If your Excellency is willing to provide us with convenience in this regard, then we will also provide convenience for you in the next battle!" Lu Yu figured out everything in an instant. In fact, to put it bluntly, the three major sects are about to unite, but the Shenyu Palace is still unwilling to be satisfied with the status quo, so they want to secretly communicate with the Renaissance Alliance. If this matter is to be handled properly, the best candidate is naturally Guo Kun. But Guo Kun refused to give in. Not only did he not agree, but he also stole a treasure from the Shenyu Palace. This can be regarded as a complete hornet's nest. It doesn't matter if Guo Kun leaves, and it doesn't matter if he joins the Renaissance Alliance, but the problem is not to let him leak this secret... If Yunyan Pavilion, Wanqiu Sect and the Underworld Temple know about it, it will be a big trouble! So, they chased Guo Kun all the way here. As long as Guo Kun died, even if the secret was known by Lu Yu and others, as long as it was not said by Guo Kun, they could deny it to the Hades Temple, saying that it was not true at all, and it was just the Renaissance Alliance trying to sow discord.

"How is it? What do you think?" Gao Zunyu asked Lu Yu proudly.

In his opinion, Lu Yu had no choice at all.

However, Lu Yu shook his head in despair: "Sorry, what you said is also not what I want to hear..."

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