Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1885 What you want to hear

Gao Zunyu's expression changed and he said quickly: "Have you really thought about it clearly? This is your last chance. Only by cooperating with our Shenyu Palace can you have your only chance of survival!"

Lu Yu smiled coldly and responded to him with action. With a strong force on his hand, he was immediately tightened by the flame dragon like Dai Lifan before.

"Don't you care about Fu Jing's life or death?"

"Very good! I'm just waiting to see how you end up!"

"With your ability, you can't kill us at all. What's the use of just venting like this?"

"Lu, as long as you can't kill me, you will be the next to die!"

Gao Zunyu screamed loudly, and the flame dragon's body tightened him tighter, and his expression became more and more crazy.

As a strong person in the Tianhuang Realm, it is not easy to be killed. Although Dai Lifan's bones have been crushed and there is not a single piece of meat in his body, the golden elixir in his body is still stable. For others, For a person, this may be a fatal injury, but for a strong person in the Tianhuang Realm, it is nothing at all.

They are like a species called lungfish. When drought comes, they will be buried deep in the soil and will not die even for several years. As long as the rainy season comes again, they will come back to life and have extremely unique characteristics. Strong vitality.

The same is true for ordinary people in the Tianhuang realm. After being promoted to the Tianhuang realm, the golden elixir in their bodies will be surrounded by a special force called Huangshui. As long as the Huangshui does not disappear, their destiny will be The golden elixir will not be damaged. And as long as the golden elixir does not die out, then sooner or later they will be able to regain their vitality when the rainy season comes, just like the lung fish.

Originally, Gao Zunyu was a little worried that Lu Yu would defeat Huang Shui's method, but Dai Lifan's experience at this time has verified this. This kind of magical power that transcends the realm, even the flame dragon cannot break it, so he More confident.

"You think I can't kill you, do you?"

Facing Gao Zunyu's arrogance, Lu Yu just smiled faintly.

"If that's the case, then you should be careful!"

After saying that, he suddenly activated the golden elixir seeds in his body.

For a moment, Gao Zunyu felt that there seemed to be a lotus-shaped light and shadow blooming on Lu Yu's body, which caused ripples in the Huangshui in his body. He was suddenly startled. When he wanted to take a closer look, he found that everything was in full bloom. Has disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the clouds opened and the fog dispersed, and a beam of starlight fell from the sky, shining directly on Lu Yu's body. After a while, it circled, folded, and jumped, and then all of it shone on Gao Zunyu and Dai Lifan.

This scene is very similar to the previous scene where Lu Yu borrowed starlight to drive Feitian Mansion. The only difference is that the starlight at that time was used as the driving force for Feitian Mansion, but now it acts directly on Gao and Dai.

Huangshui indeed has a transcendent level, and its level is even higher than Tiangang Earthly Evil. Therefore, strong people in the Tianhuang Realm can unscrupulously use the power of Tiangang Earthly Evil on a large scale without having to worry about suffering backlash.

But no matter what happens, it is impossible to transcend the power of the stars. It is true that ordinary people cannot cross the realm to kill the strong people in the Tianhuang Realm, but Lu Yu is an alien. He is a person who can control the starlight.

Under the direct starlight, Gao Zunyu and Dai Lifan were unable to construct a star track like Lu Yu did. Their bodies quickly became shriveled up, which was a sign that Huang Shui was rapidly diminishing in their bodies.

Gao Zunyu was shocked, and the boundless fear instantly overwhelmed him. At this time, he finally knew that he was afraid.


"I, I still have something to say... I can tell you the specific whereabouts of Fu Jing!"

"I, I am willing to join the Renaissance Alliance, just like Guo Kun... I can also tell you a lot of secrets about the three major sects, and I can even serve as a spy to help you deal with the alliance of the three major sects!"

"Stop it! Please!"

No matter how much the other party begged, Lu Yu remained unmoved.

After a while, the two of them turned into two mummies, no longer alive at all.

The power of the stars not only destroyed their Huangshui, but also completely obliterated the golden elixir in their bodies.

"It's a pity that you woke up too late..."

Lu Yu said with regret.

In fact, he did not intend to deal with the two of them in this way at first, but after Gao Zunyu revealed the news that the three major sects had begun to join forces under the auspices of the Hades Temple, he had to do so.

The reason is simple, to stabilize military morale.

The three major sects secretly conspired to join forces, and with the Hades Temple providing various weapons and equipment behind the scenes, their offensives were about to follow with overwhelming force... When Gao Zunyu said all this, in fact, all the revivals around him Alliance members are already panicking. If Lu Yu doesn't give a strong response, it will only further undermine everyone's confidence.

Now it seems that Lu Yu's response was very effective.

Not only did everyone immediately eliminate their fear of the alliance of the three major sects, but they also completely suppressed the remaining Shenyu Palace experts on the opposite side.

Two dignified Tianhuang Realm experts, high-ranking beings in the Shenyu Palace, were actually killed alive by someone summoning starlight. Anyone who saw this scene would feel at a loss.

A quarter of an hour ago, they had never imagined that this would be the result.

"Why did you kill the person directly? Why didn't you get the news about Jing'er first?"

Mrs. Ru hurried over and said anxiously.

For her, she finally had a chance to get news about her daughter, but she didn't expect that it would be wasted by Lu Yu like this.

Lu Yu said: "There is no need. No one knows the specific location of the lady better than me. If you want to know this, it is more reliable to ask me."

"But, are they not saying that the Hades Temple wants to take out Jing'er as one of the conditions for wooing them..."

Lu Yu glanced at her: "Do you think it's possible?"

Mrs. Ru suddenly became speechless.

Indeed, the Hades Temple has paid an extremely high price in order to cultivate the descendants of the Guanlan clan who can finally awaken successfully. For this reason, they even did not hesitate to start the layout hundreds of years ago. Although the Hades Temple eventually split into two major factions, no matter No faction would let Fu Jing leave the Hades Temple alive.

Gao Zunyu's remarks were either that he was talking nonsense, or that the Hades Temple was deliberately deceiving the three major sects.

"But... they must also know some other information, right?" Mrs. Ru said again, her tone much gentler than before.

Lu Yu still shook his head: "Guo Kun must also know what they know. As long as Guo Kun wakes up, everything will be revealed. There is no need to waste energy on them... Besides, if this is not done, After the two leaders are eliminated, what will happen to the remaining guys?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu pointed at the powerful men from the Shen Yu Palace opposite.

Due to the sudden incident, these people were all caught off guard and still maintained their original formation. No one even thought about escaping...

Of course, a large part of the reason is that the flame dragon controlled by Lu Yu is too flexible. Even if these people want to escape, they are worried about being stopped.

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu had already stepped forward, approaching everyone in Shenyu Palace, and said loudly: "Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu didn't say what I wanted to hear. They have no chance now. I hope you can seize the opportunity and don't let it go again." I'm disappointed."

Everyone in Shenyu Palace immediately looked at each other.

Although the words were spoken vaguely, the intention was not difficult to understand.

What did Lu Yu want to hear most? In fact, Guo Kun was the best template.

After a while, no matter what thoughts these people had in their hearts, under the power of the flames and starlight, they all finally chose to succumb, expressing their willingness to abandon darkness and join the light like Guo Kun, and join the Renaissance Alliance from now on.

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