Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1886 Non-stop

Lu Yu naturally knew that the surrender of these people in Shenyu Palace was not sincere, and he was not sure what they had in mind.

However, he didn't care at all. Many members of the Renaissance Alliance were also reluctant at first, but they have not become honest yet.

In the final analysis, this is a world where the strong are respected. As long as he can continue to maintain the current momentum, no matter what thoughts these people have now, there will only be one result in the end, and that is to become of the same mind as him.

Lu Yu handed over the task of recruiting these people to King Ye, and asked Mrs. Ru to hand over all the remaining ten Red Flame Dragon Taming Pills to King Ye.

He believed that with King Ye's experience and sophistication, and the cooperation of Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill, he would definitely handle this matter properly.

As for himself, he returned to the government office to check on Guo Kun's injuries.

"Master Feng, you are here."

As soon as he saw Lu Yu landing, Ning Zhengyang immediately came up to greet him.

In fact, when the two sides were fighting before, in order to prevent Guo Kun from being affected by the chaotic offensive, Ning Zhengyang took Guo Kun to the rear for treatment. He said it was treatment, but in fact it was just to fulfill the obligation of protection, because Guo Kun was originally in the Tianhuang realm. Strong man, his injuries were caused by Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu, who are also strong men in the Tianhuang realm. Even though Ning Zhengyang has a high level of cultivation, he is only one step away from the Tianhuang realm, but after all, he is not the real Tianhuang realm. , there is nothing that can be done about Guo Kun's injury.

So when he saw that the battle was over and the storm had temporarily subsided, he immediately rushed over with Guo Kun. Although Lu Yu has never shown superb medical skills in front of him, for some reason, he has inexplicable confidence in Lu Yu. If Lu Yu can't solve this problem, then no one can solve it.

"How is the situation?" Lu Yu asked bluntly.

"I have little talent and knowledge. I really can't tell where Lord Guo was injured, but overall the situation is very bad..."

Lu Yu interrupted him with a wave of his hand and asked, "Is he dead or alive now?"

Ning Zhengyang sighed: "Half dead..."

Lu Yu laughed: "As long as there is still breath left, it will be easy to handle!"

After saying that, he walked into the inner hall of the government office.

Ning Zhengyang wanted to follow him, but suddenly there was a strange wave. He looked up and found that red lotus flowers were floating in front of him, spinning rapidly in the hall, filled with a lot of energy. An unpredictable and mysterious atmosphere.

The source of these red lotuses comes from Lu Yu.

Ning Zhengyang couldn't help being surprised: Has this already begun?

Seeing this, he couldn't force his way in anymore, so he stood guard at the door to protect Lu Yu.

As time went by, more and more lotuses were flying in the hall, but Ning Zhengyang couldn't help but feel a wave of panic in his heart. Although he couldn't see the specific situation in the hall, he could clearly feel what was happening in the hall. An unpredictable change, like the creation of nature being rewritten.

This feeling only occurred when he first understood the true meaning of the law and replaced the law of heaven and earth with his own power.

After a while, everything finally stopped, and the swirling red lotuses gradually disappeared one by one... Only then did Ning Zhengyang realize that he was sweating profusely.

It's not that he has any other worries, it's just an instinctive fear of the power of a higher class, which is completely a subconscious reaction.

The essence of cultivation is actually a process of pursuing higher-level power. He has been struggling to pursue the true meaning of power, but at this moment, the true meaning of power has been revealed to him without reservation. It was fully revealed, but it was a pity that the duration was too short, and he had not had time to fully understand it. Looking back now, there are only countless images of red lotus flying all over the sky in his mind...

"Ancestor Zhengyang, please come in!" Lu Yu shouted from inside.

Ning Zhengyang quickly put away his worries and walked in, but the impact of the scene just now was so shocking that he became cautious in his steps.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled: "What did Ancestor just see?"

"The great road of heaven and earth." Ning Zhengyang replied, and then bowed deeply to him: "Thank you, Lord Feng, for your teaching!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but have a strange expression on his face, and shook his head with a smile: "Why are you thanking me? I didn't give you any special advice... However, the great road is hidden in the nature of heaven and earth. You can understand it, but It’s also your own opportunity!”

"Disciple has learned the lesson!" Ning Zhengyang bowed deeply again, with a look of enlightenment.

Lu Yu's whole body was almost numb.

An old monster who is hundreds of years old, and the great-great-great-great-grandfather of his nominal wife, actually calls himself his disciple. If the Ning sisters knew about this scene, I wonder what they would think. .

However, Lu Yu had no intention of correcting him. Looking at Ning Zhengyang's appearance, I am afraid that he is not too far away from the Tianhuang realm... Speaking of which, this is also the result of his own accumulation of fire, so he is in Lu Yu During the process of reshaping the power of Huangshui in Guo Kun's body, he had this special realization.

"You are responsible for keeping an eye on him!" Lu Yu explained, "There is no time. I just dealt with him briefly. He is still very weak and cannot be disturbed by the outside world, so this period of time is troublesome. Ancestor, you are responsible for taking care of him personally...but I think this is also very good for you!"

The key to achieving the Tianhuang realm lies in the condensation of the power of Huangshui. The reason why Guo Kun was injured is because the Huangshui in his body has been destroyed by Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu. Therefore, if he wants to cure his injury, he must repair it. Huangshui in the body.

But for this kind of power that is transcendent above Tiangang Earthly Evil and under the stars, Lu Yu didn't have a good way for a while. All he could do was to temporarily stop the further flow and dissipation of Huangshui. As for how to dissipate it, Complete restoration will have to be completed by Guo Kun himself.

Of course, with Lu Yu's medical skills, there is no problem in completely curing Guo Kun's body, but curing the body and repairing Huangshui are two different concepts. The power of red lotus can only heal the opponent's body, but if you want to make the body heal, The only way to recover was to rely on Guo Kun himself to restore Huangshui.

The process of Guo Kun's restoration of Huangshui is naturally of great benefit to Ning Zhengyang, who is only one step away from the Tianhuang realm.

"Master Feng, are you leaving now? Where are you going?" Ning Zhengyang said in surprise.

Lu Yu nodded: "Go back to Suyuyunchi, there are still important things waiting for me to deal with!"

"However, Shanzhu Guo may have very important information..." Ning Zhengyang said.

Lu Yu said: "There won't be any important situations. The input to Yunchi is even more important... After he wakes up, tell him not to get excited. I have my own sense of control over these things. I will talk about everything after I come back!" "

After saying that, he walked out without looking back.

A moment later, a colorful light belt flew up and extended to the distant sky, but it was Lu Yu who flew away with Mrs. Ru without stopping.

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