Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1888 Undercurrent

The three of them looked back.

I saw a small boat with the same style as what they were walking by at high speed. There were also three people on the small boat. The leader was Yao Po who was wearing a red dress. As for the other two, they were also wrapped in long skirts. , but they are completely different colors from Yao Po, one is emerald green and the other is blue, neither of them looks like normal colors, filled with an indescribable and weird luster.

No matter what color they are, they are all of Tianhuang Realm cultivation, and they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all dressed up in a demonic manner, even if they have silver hair and wrinkles on their faces, they still look like flirtatious makeup

Yu Shaoqing couldn't help but frown. It stands to reason that there would be a barrier between the three of them when they were talking, so that the sound would not leak out, but he didn't know how the three of them heard the content of their conversation.

In the blink of an eye, the boat behind them had caught up with them, and three charming old women in red, green, and blue were walking side by side with them.

"Kou Xianyuan, why didn't you speak? In fact, we are all very curious, how did you get here back then?" Yao Po asked with a curious look on her face.

"It's just a coincidence..." Kou Xianyuan said lightly. Since there are outsiders present, he will naturally not tell the whole situation. Instead, he asked: "Did Wanqiu Sect just send you three here this time? "

"What? Aren't the three of us enough?"

Yao Po covered her mouth and said with a sweet smile. Originally, this was a very beautiful movement, but she seemed to have forgotten that her face was already wrinkled. This move not only had no sense of beauty, but was even more disgusting.

"It's not like we're here to fight. Do we still have to call the leader here? Besides, even if there's a fight, the three of us won't necessarily suffer, right?"

As she said that, Mrs. Yao glanced at Yu Shaoqing standing at the bow of the boat with the corner of her eyes, and showed a sly smile: "You think so, little one? By the way, what's your name? I used to deal with you and me. , I can’t even remember your name for a while!”

Tong Anhe's expression changed and he was about to have an attack.

However, Yu Shaoqing waved his hand at him and said with a gentle smile on his face: "Junior Yu Shaoqing, I have met the three seniors Yao Po, Zou Po and Gong Po. The names of the three seniors have long been familiar to me. My father Every time the three seniors mentioned it to me, they always told me to be more careful when encountering them in the future. Today, I learned the lesson personally..."

"I failed to let the three seniors remember the junior's name. This is the junior's dereliction of duty. However, this is not a good place to do anything. After I leave here, I will definitely let the three seniors have a deeper impression of me. Then I will return the favor. Please don’t shy away from the three seniors!”

Yao Po's expression changed slightly and she praised: "What a good boy, neither humble nor arrogant. He really has a bit of Yu Shihong's demeanor. No wonder he can hand over the position of head to you with peace of mind... Well, I, the old woman, said it wrong just now. Yes, I apologize to you. Now I have remembered your name, Yu Shaoqing, you have left a deep impression on us... On the contrary, I think you need to impress others even more!"

Yu Shaoqing couldn't help but be startled. He didn't expect that the old woman's attitude changed so quickly. For a while, he couldn't figure out what she meant.

But Kou Xianyuan's expression changed slightly and he said, "Po Yao, there is something in your words. What happened?"

Yao Po said: "Actually, it's nothing. I just heard that there was some trouble over there at Shenyu Palace... Fatty Guo suddenly rebelled and fled. The Lord of Shenyu Palace personally took action, but still couldn't stop him. In the end, he had to send Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu went to arrest them personally, maybe they have already turned the Renaissance League upside down!"

Kou Xianyuan was startled and said, "Did Palace Master Shenyu personally take action?"

Yao Po smiled and said: "Kou Xianyuan, you are indeed a top-notch smart person! You found the key to the problem right away. No wonder you were able to comprehend such a wonderful skill as the "Xianyuan Dafa"... Not bad! Palace Master Shenyu has personally taken action, But Fatty Guo still managed to escape, isn’t it amazing?”

"You want to say that they are deliberately acting, but actually have other intentions?" Tong Anhe said with a frown.

Yao Po said: "Elder Tong is the most experienced. What kind of tricks they are playing cannot be hidden from your eyes... Do you think we should join forces to deepen their impression on them?"

Tong Anhe remained silent.

He has long known that the three major sects cannot be in harmony. It is normal for Shenyu Palace to have its own little thoughts and calculations. What they have to consider is not only the calculations behind Shenyu Palace, but also the Wanqiu Sect. Tell them this now, what's the plan behind it?

"Okay, you guys, think it over slowly first! Let's take the first step!" Yao Po said with a smile: "If you don't want to tell us what is under the Tianwu God Monument, then we have to go and see it ourselves!"

After saying that, the boat under his feet suddenly accelerated. In an instant, it passed Yu Shaoqing and the other three people, and rushed towards the tallest tombstone in the distance at a faster speed, leaving the three people with a sea of ​​red, green and blue intertwined. light and shadow.

Yu Shaoqing frowned as he looked at the three-color dazzling light and shadow.

If they fight alone, these three old witches will not be their opponents, but if they fight together, perhaps as the other party said, they will not suffer.

"Uncle Tong, Uncle Kou, what do you think..." Yu Shaoqing asked gloomily.

After a moment of silence, Tong Anhe was about to speak, but suddenly Hao Xinyuan waved her hand and made a gesture of silence.

Then, another water line appeared behind, and another small boat also came at a very fast speed.

The leader was wearing a golden robe and jade belt, and a black bird feather crown on his head. It turned out to be the Palace Master of Shenyu Palace.

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