Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1889 Treasure House from Heaven

In a blink of an eye, the boat of the Shenyu Palace caught up.

"Palace Master Fang."

"Pavilion Master Yu."

The two sides greeted each other briefly. Fang Jianwen, the Lord of the Shenyu Palace, nodded to Kou Xianyuan and Tong Anhe, and then there was no more communication. He quickly passed by the three people.

The boat they were riding was provided by the Hades Temple. It was made of special materials, which was equivalent to a pass issued by the Hades Temple. While it was protected by a special force field when sailing on the sea, it was also subject to certain restrictions.

Fang Jianwen was able to surpass the three people of Yunyan Pavilion so quickly, which itself showed his strength.

In this way, the three people of Yunyan Pavilion were surpassed by Wanqiu Sect and Shenyu Palace one after another. They, who had arrived the earliest, fell to the last.

Yu Shaoqing laughed at himself: "Uncle Tong, Uncle Kou, although I don't want to admit it, we seem to have become the weakest of the three major sects..."

Tong Anhe said: "Young Master, you are still young, and your future is promising. The speed of the moment can't determine anything."

Yu Shaoqing shook his head and said: "Now that I have succeeded my father to sit on the position of Pavilion Master, others will not let me go just because I am young, but will only take the opportunity to suppress me... Let me try to see how much gap there is between me and these old predecessors!"

After speaking, he stepped lightly, and a water line was immediately stirred up behind him, and the boat rushed forward at a faster speed.

Not long after, the three of them caught up with the boats of Shenyu Palace and Wanqiu Sect, but at this time they were about to reach their destination. At the foot of the highest monument-Tianwu Monument, the boats of the three forces all slowed down at the same time.

"Oh, how come Palace Master Fang has time to come here in person? Didn't you say that there was a problem with your Shenyu Palace recently?" Yao Po smiled sarcastically.

Fang Jianwen said calmly: "The three old ladies really care about our Shenyu Palace! Any disturbance can't be hidden from your ears and eyes... It's just a small problem, thank you for your concern!"

"Is it really just a small problem?" The green-dressed Zou Po laughed: "If it's just a small problem, is it necessary to send your two mountain masters at the same time? Now you are the only one here..."

Fang Jianwen still just smiled faintly: "Even if I am alone, I can handle any situation. If the three old ladies don't believe it, you can try Try!"

"Palace Master Fang is really arrogant!" said Po Zou with a smile: "But you are the dignified Palace Master, what's your ability to bully us old ladies? If you are really interested, I can recommend you an equally matched opponent... What do you think of the newly appointed Pavilion Master Xiao Yu? You were always suppressed by his father in the past, and now you can't even beat his son, right?"

Yu Shaoqing couldn't help but frowned slightly. He had thoroughly experienced the ability of these three old ladies to stir up trouble, and suddenly brought dirty water to himself.

Tong Anhe coughed dryly and said: "Everyone, we are here to do business, so it's better not to make trouble!"

Fang Jianwen snorted lightly and said nothing.

Po Zou, who was wearing a green skirt, smiled slightly and didn't say anything else, which was considered to be an approval of his statement.

"Now that all the people from our three major sects have arrived here, why haven't we seen anyone from the Underworld Temple come out to receive us... Kou Xianyuan, didn't you say you've been here before? Do you know what's going on?" Yao Po spoke again, suddenly turning to Kou Xianyuan and asking.

Kou Xianyuan was about to speak, but suddenly his expression changed, and he looked up.

Everyone was stunned, and they all looked up.

The monument in front of them was as tall as the clouds, and the dark black stone ridges of the monument were deeply inserted into the sky, with no end in sight.

"What is this for..." Yao Po was about to ask, but before she could say a word, there was a rumbling sound from above, and a black object fell from the sky and smashed straight down on everyone's heads, like the sky collapsing and the earth splitting.

Everyone was shocked.

There was no time to think at the first time, the momentum of the giant flying and smashing was irresistible, and they could only choose to avoid it.

So several people flew out and fled from the foot of the Tianwu Monument. After a long time, the rumbling sound gradually subsided.

At this time, a piece of inscription appeared in front of them. It turned out that what was smashed just now... seemed to be part of the stele? For a moment, everyone couldn't help but scratch their heads. At first, they thought it was a trap, but now it seems not to be. "What is written on it?" Yao Po asked again. Suddenly, everyone looked at Kou Xianyuan at the same time. If there is anyone who can crack the secrets of these inscriptions, then the most likely person is Kou Xianyuan, who has already mastered the "Xianyuan Dafa". He was the first to notice the abnormality just now. Kou Xianyuan didn't say anything. He walked silently to the front of an inscription and observed it carefully. After a while, he stretched out his right hand and gently touched the inscription on it. Suddenly, the stone tablet in front of him slid quickly like a domino, making a crackling sound, which looked extremely weird. Everyone was shocked again. Yao Po asked loudly: "What did you do?" Kou Xianyuan just shook his head: "I didn't do anything..."

At this moment when the two were talking, the stone tablets in front of them had been scattered piece by piece, revealing a huge space. In the space, rows of weapons, armor, and protective gear were displayed. They were extremely well-made and bloomed with dazzling colors. of light.

Everyone was stunned, and then they realized that these fallen stone tablets were the weapons arsenal of the Temple of Hades, and the weapons they promised to provide were hidden in them.

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