Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1890 Each has his own exclusive

What Kou Xianyuan opened was only one of them. In fact, there were more inscriptions beside it that had not changed.

Upon seeing this, Fang Jianwen, the master of Shenyu Palace, walked close to a stele, stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, and immediately the inscription quickly slid away one by one like dominoes.

Indeed, as Kou Xianyuan said, you don't need to do anything, just a light touch will automatically trigger the mechanism.

Immediately afterwards, a similar treasure house was displayed, which also displayed a large number of weapons and armors. Although the styles were slightly different, they were equally jeweled and sparkling.

Seeing this, the three remaining Yao Pos were naturally unwilling to lag behind and quickly triggered the last inscription. As expected, what was hidden behind the inscription was also a treasure trove of weapons and equipment.

It turns out that what just hung down from the top of the Tianwu Monument happened to be three weapon treasure houses, one for each of the three major sects.

Everyone entered the arsenal opened by themselves and lingered in it, unable to calm down for a long time.

These are indeed rare treasures. Any one of them can be regarded as a treasure in their original sect. I didn't expect that there were so many treasures in the Hades Temple, and I didn't expect that they would actually collect such treasures at once. Many treasures were taken out.

"Hahaha, thank you for the generous gift from Hades Temple. With these treasures in hand, why worry about big things happening?"

I don't know how much time passed, but suddenly Fang Jianwen burst into laughter, waking everyone up from their intoxication.

I saw that he had taken off his original golden robe, jade belt and black bird feather crown, and put on a brand new armor. This armor not only glowed with brilliant light, but also had a very strange shape. The armor plates on it were made of The shape of each feather, especially the long tail quills on his back, is like a huge peacock possessing his body.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but be attracted by his appearance.

Fang Jianwen smiled slightly. He wanted to show off. He stretched out his hand and pressed his chest gently. Suddenly, the feather-like armor plates on his body slowly opened one by one. Each time they opened, a stream of flames spurted out. After a moment, he His whole body was filled with dense flames of all kinds, and these flames actually intertwined into a huge pattern with a radius of more than ten feet.

Peacock spread its wings!

This time, he seemed to have really turned into a peacock, but this peacock was definitely not extraordinary, but had a holy aura like a god.

Observing further carefully, the texture of this peacock with its tail open is actually formed by tiny patterns of flying birds. In other words, this peacock with its tail open is actually the aggregation of countless flying bird patterns. .

Everyone present knew that every bird pattern in the Shenyu Palace represented a stored temporary spell. Their most powerful method was to compress and combine countless bird patterns to form an extremely large composite spell. , to achieve the effect of sudden explosion.

Like Guo Kun, deliberately eating himself into a big fat man, and then tattooing every inch of his body with bird patterns is an extremely rare exception, and now Fang Jianwen has discovered it through this picture of a peacock spreading its wings. The density of the flying bird patterns displayed is simply unmatched by dozens of Fatty Guo.

This is completely an exclusive piece of armor tailor-made for Shenyu Palace!

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were filled with shock.

After Fang Jianwen finished assembling the armor, he couldn't help but be filled with pride.

At this moment, he felt that no one could stop him from moving forward, not even the extremely powerful flame dragon of the Renaissance Alliance!

"Sorry, Palace Master Fang, I may have to interrupt your elegance..."

At this time, Yao Po suddenly walked out of the treasure house belonging to Wanqiu Sect and said slowly.

Everyone's eyes immediately shifted to her again.

"I just received bad news. The Lords of Dongshan and Beishan of Shenyu Palace pursued Guo Kun all the way to Fenghe State, but they seemed to have failed to complete your mission. The two of them died together in Fenghe State..."


Everyone was suddenly shocked.

The Lord of Dongshan, Dai Lifan, and the Lord of Beishan, Gao Zunyu, were already strong men in the Tianhuang Realm and were among the most powerful men in the world. They actually died in Fenghe State at the same time... Although Fenghe State is in a special situation now, this news It's a bit too sudden.

"What did you say?" Fang Jianwen's eyes darkened, "How did you know about this?"

After he said this, everyone realized that there seemed to be a problem with the source of the news. Now that they were in the core hinterland of the Temple of Hades, they could not obtain news from the outside world at all. How could Po Yao suddenly know about this?

Po Yao smiled slightly, raised her hand and showed a mirror, and said: "You are not the only one who has been strengthened and promoted in the treasure house..."

She raised the mirror in her hand and continued: "Although I don't know how to explain it, in short, this mirror is like the armor on your body. It fits me very well, allowing me to directly communicate with the outside world." connect……"

"It won't do any good for me to lie to you about this matter. If you don't believe it, you can verify it yourself when you go out later."

"I just want to remind you that even if we have the huge improvement of these treasures, it seems that we still can't do whatever we want. I think this is why the Hades Temple will take out these treasures for us..."

Fang Jianwen was silent for a while.

After a moment, he suddenly unfolded his wings and rolled them up. Suddenly, he rolled out many magical weapons from the treasure house and distributed them on the peacock's tail pattern.

"Everyone! I have to take a step ahead! See you in Fenghe Province!"

After saying that, he stepped back on the boat and sailed away through the wind and waves. His whole body was like a walking arsenal - he was not polite at all, and not a single weapon in the arsenal was left behind.

Everyone couldn't help but feel stunned again.

Only Fang Jianwen could do this with his peacock armor, but there was no way they could copy it.

"Master Xiao Yu Pavilion, do you have any interesting things over there? Why don't you show them out..." Yao Po asked again to the three people in Yunyan Pavilion.

Yu Shaoqing sighed: "I'm afraid I'll disappoint the three of you. We are very unlucky. We don't have an exclusive treasure that is tailor-made like yours in the defense line."

Yao Po rolled her eyes: "I don't believe it! Kou Xianyuan is an old acquaintance here, and he was the first to open the treasure house. If you say that there are no good things in your treasure house, I don't believe it... Kou Xianyuan Where is the man? Let him show off quickly so that we can understand each other’s trump cards..."

However, everyone discovered that Kou Xianyuan had disappeared...

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