Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1891 The arrival of gods

"Where did Kou Xianyuan go?"

"How could such a good living person just disappear after saying he didn't see you?"

"Master Xiao Yu, what tricks are you playing?"

Yu Shaoqing and Tong Anhe could not help but look at each other. In fact, they did not know where Kou Xianyuan had gone. In their impression, Kou Xianyuan had not left the arsenal. How could such a good person be gone?

Yu Shaoqing couldn't help but cast a questioning look at Tong Anhe. Tong Anhe couldn't help but shook his head. Only then did Yu Shaoqing confirm that his memory was not wrong. I think he couldn't help but doubt himself.

Since Kou Xianyuan did not leave on his own, could it be that there is something strange in this treasure house? Or is he being tricked by someone?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Kou Xianyuan's voice suddenly rang from the side: "I'm here!"

Immediately afterwards, his figure slowly appeared from the void.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Unexpectedly, Kou Xianyuan was actually beside them, just hiding his figure... It was not that they had never encountered the spell to hide their figure, but at their level, no matter how clever the invisibility spell was, they would be able to do it in front of them. There were no clues left, but they did not notice any abnormal signs just now.

It can only be said that Kou Xianyuan's invisibility spell just now has reached the level of nature. If he had suddenly launched a sneak attack just now, the consequences would be unimaginable...

For a moment, several people couldn't help feeling a chill down their spines. This feeling of fear had nothing to do with the faction they belonged to. Even if they knew that Kou Xianyuan would most likely not become their enemy, they would still feel fear involuntarily.

At this time, Kou Xianyuan's figure gradually emerged from the void, and everyone realized that his face was completely pale.

"Uncle Kou, what's wrong with you?" Yu Shaoqing frowned.

"It doesn't matter." Kou Xianyuan shook his head and said, "It was my first time to use this void staff, so I was a little uncomfortable..."

As he spoke, he waved a wooden scepter in his hand, and many strange characters immediately flew on it, dissipating into the void. The last remaining light and shadow seemed to form the word "nothingness"

"Is there a wand in the void?"

Everyone couldn't help but be startled, and their eyes focused on the staff in his hand.

The eyes of Wanqiu Sect's Yao Po, Zou Po and Gong Po were even brighter. It seemed that everything was as they expected. The Hades Temple did not favor one over the other. There was a final treasure in each treasure house. Fang Jianwen's Taking away the Peacock Armor and the Night God Realm in Yao Po's hand... If I guessed correctly, this Void Staff should be the finale of the treasure trove obtained by Yunyan Pavilion.

"What effect does this staff have? It shouldn't just be invisible, right?" Po Yao asked with interest.

Kou Xianyuan did not answer, but turned to look at Yu Shaoqing aside, and said with a serious face: "Young Master, it's time for us to leave..."

Yu Shaoqing was slightly startled. He felt that there was a deep meaning in Kou Xianyuan's eyes, but he didn't understand why at first?

"Don't be so stingy!"

Po Yao did not see the expression on Kou Xianyuan's face, and continued to pester: "If you are willing to tell me the secret of the Void Wand, I will also tell you the secret of the Night God Mirror in my hand... Let's talk to each other. How about exchanging information?”

Kou Xianyuan still didn't answer, but his eyes were still heavy, silently looking at Yu Shaoqing in front of him.

At this time, the three people from Wanqiu Sect also noticed that something was wrong in the atmosphere and asked, "Why are you looking like this? What happened?"

Mrs. Yao even took out the Night God Mirror and played with it in her hand: "I didn't see any special news? Why are you so surprised?"

Kou Xianyuan then turned around, looked at her deeply, and said: "I blame me for not reminding the three of you. In fact, you should leave too... The piece of Night God Realm in your hand is indeed powerful, but no matter what, It can only see the situation within the Zhoutian, and it knows nothing about the situation outside the Zhoutian!”

Seeing him speaking so solemnly, the three old witches couldn't help but be stunned.

When they came to their senses again, they found that the three people from Yunyan Pavilion had put away the magic weapons in the treasure house and were leaving in a small boat at high speed. Although they did not have the ability to directly move the entire treasure house like Fang Jianwen, the three of them worked together to completely empty the entire treasure house.

"You Kou Xianyuan! How dare you bluff me!"

Yao Po came back to her senses and her face changed, "Why do you know nothing about the situation outside Zhou Tian? You are talking as if you can know the situation outside Zhou Tian? Can you be more powerful than the Night Mirror in my hand?"

"It seems that something is not right..."

Granny Zou and Granny Gong looked at the towering black monument beside them. They didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or some other reason. They just felt that the monument in front of them seemed to be more majestic.

"There's no point in staying here anyway, let's go!"

So the three of them also started to clean up the treasure house, swept it all away, and left directly.

Finally, they finally took a small boat to leave the sea area where the Temple of Hades was located and returned to the coastline. Then they couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Although Yao Po was unwilling to admit it, in fact Kou Xianyuan's inexplicable words before leaving still caused a lot of psychological pressure on her, and it was not until this moment that she finally relaxed slightly.

"Look, what is that!"

Suddenly, the palace lady in a blue dress let out an exclamation.

Po Yao and Po Zou couldn't help but look back at the same time.

On the sea level of the sea area they had just escaped from, countless rays of light were falling from the sky. These rays of light vaguely formed a strange pattern in the night sky - an extremely huge eye.

Yao Po quickly raised the Night God Mirror in her hand and pointed it in the direction where the light converged. Suddenly, a clearer pattern appeared on the mirror.

I saw that there were countless small eyes hidden in the huge eye pattern, numbering in the tens of thousands.

The three of them only took one look, and suddenly felt that the blood in their bodies seemed to have solidified, and their bodies could no longer move at all.

At this time, they all remembered Kou Xianyuan's words before...

Could this be the scene outside Zhou Tian that he mentioned?

At this moment, they had a clear understanding in their hearts, and many mysteries had answers...

Why did Kou Xianyuan leave in a hurry...

Why can’t the Hades Temple use its own resources to deal with the Renaissance Alliance? Instead, it has to rely on the power of the three major sects...

It turns out that the Hades Temple is summoning the gods from the sky, and at this moment, the gods from the sky have arrived.

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