Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1892 Top Apprentice

Lu Yu, who was far away in the Great Evil Empire, did not see what happened in the Far East.

However, he soon had a sense of it, and quickly opened the barrier around the Canyon of the Dead, staring towards the far east.

Mrs. Ru, who was guarding outside the barrier, couldn't help but be stunned and said in astonishment: "Why are you coming out again? Didn't I just help you recover your vitality... Could it be that the elixir has been refined?"

"Not yet." Lu Yu shook his head...

"Then why did you run out suddenly?"

Mrs. Ru's face turned slightly red.

Could it be that this guy has completed some sudden operation, and his energy has been exhausted again?

This kind of situation has not happened before. Sometimes she wonders if this guy did it on purpose just to have close contact with her... Unfortunately, she doesn't have any evidence, and even if she has evidence, she can't do anything to him.

"Something seems wrong..."

Lu Yu still maintained his posture of looking towards the Far East, frowning slightly, showing a thoughtful expression: "I felt that the Miracle Sword seemed to vibrate suddenly just now..."

"What did you say!"

Mrs. Ru suddenly became nervous. At this time, she already knew that Lu Yu was the real owner of the Miracle Sword. There was a very magical telepathy between the two. They relied on this to judge Fu Jing. Safe or not.

Now that the Sword of Miracles suddenly behaves abnormally, does that mean that there is also a problem with Fu Jing's safety?

"What went wrong?" Mrs. Ru asked nervously.

"I can't tell..." Lu Yu frowned and said, "Since I came to this world for so long, I have never encountered it react like this..."

Seeing that Mrs. Ru's face suddenly turned pale, she quickly comforted her: "But don't worry too much. Although the shock just now was very violent, it didn't feel like the miraculous sword was fighting against me. People are fighting, so the lady should be safe for the time being.”

"This is just your guess after all..." Mrs. Ru said, "Then what should we do now?"

"If I want to find out what the specific situation is, for now, I have to go there in person..." Lu Yu turned around and looked at her directly: "To be precise, it should be us!"

If you want to rush over as quickly as possible, you can only do it by relying on the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape. If you want to use the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape seamlessly, you need Madam Ru to continuously help him "charge".

"There are two of us?" Mrs. Ru said in shock.

"Otherwise?" Lu Yu asked back: "I would also like to bring more people, but the problem is that the more people there are, the more troublesome it is. Just waiting for them to gather, I don't know how long it will take, and it is far better than the two of us to bring them together." It’s easy and hassle-free to go there…”

"But... that's the Temple of Ming after all!" Mrs. Ru reminded, "Didn't you say before that with your current strength, there is no way you can go head-to-head with the Temple of Ming..."

Lu Yu sighed: "I said this, but it was not the case at that time. Now that the situation has changed, naturally we cannot continue to take the safest approach... Besides, we are not going to confront them head-on this time. Go and check the situation first, and then act accordingly! There is indeed a risk, but you have to take this risk... Or are you still worried about the Temple of Hades and don't dare to take this risk? "

"How could I not dare!" Mrs. Ru blurted out, with determination in her eyes: "For Jing'er, no matter how great the danger is, I will not shirk..."

Lu Yu said: "Isn't this the end? Then prepare quickly, we will set off directly later!"

Mrs. Ru turned her head and looked at the Canyon of the Dead behind her, and said, "But what to do with the elixir here? Didn't you say that it hasn't been refined yet?"

These days, she has been guarding outside the canyon, knowing clearly how important the pills here are to Lu Yu and the entire Renaissance Alliance. For this, they have spent a lot of financial, material, human and energy. If they are here, If they give up halfway, it will also be unbearable for everyone.

Lu Yu also looked back at the Canyon of the Dead and sighed softly: "There is no way, the matters over the Sword of Miracles are more important... Now that things have happened, I can only leave this place to my apprentice temporarily."

"Your apprentice?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be startled.

Soon, she thought of what happened a few days ago...

When Lu Yu was treating Guo Kun at Fenghe Prefecture, it was said that Ning Zhengyang suddenly saluted him and admitted that he was his disciple... She did not witness this incident with her own eyes, but according to legend, this incident The people behind this incident are all a group of powerful men, so there shouldn’t be any lies...

Could it be that he planned to let Ning Zhengyang complete the refining of this furnace of elixir? But I have never heard of Ning Zhenyang having such skills...

Mrs. Ru actually felt that it might be more reliable to call sisters Ning Wanxuan and Ning Wanqing, as these two were his bedfellows.

Lu Yu said: "Yes, when I was in Da Rui Imperial Capital, I once specially trained a disciple. I never thought of letting her take over so early, but the situation forced me to do nothing."

A disciple specially trained in Da Ruidi Capital? In this case, it shouldn't be Ning Zhengyang...

Madam Ru was immediately filled with questions.

But since Lu Yu herself has confidence in this apprentice, then she has nothing to say.

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