Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1893 Totem opens eyes

Before setting off for the Hades Temple, Lu Yu finally operated the alchemy system in the Dead Soul Canyon to further simplify the remaining operations.

In Lu Yu's own words, the remaining operations only need to be done by hooking fingers at a specific time, as long as you can breathe.

Of course, this is just his own opinion...

In Mrs. Ru's opinion, considering the complex situation inside the Dead Soul Canyon, even just hooking a finger is a very complicated operation, not to mention that wanting to keep breathing inside the canyon is already a very demanding requirement.

Perhaps the final operation is indeed just a hook of a finger, but before that, you must first enter the alchemy furnace safely, and then go through a long wait to accurately judge the right time... This is definitely not something that anyone can do.

"Cui Zhenzhen?"

Finally, on the colorful light belt of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, Madam Ru finally learned the exact identity of this person, and was stunned again: "You mean, the dancer beauty you accepted in Hengyue Principality?"

Cui Zhenzhen was originally the beauty that Yunyan Pavilion prepared for Hengyue Principality, but unexpectedly, Lu Yu took the lead and brought her all the way to the capital of Darui... Madam Ru naturally knew about Lu Yu's romantic affairs, but she didn't expect that Lu Yu had already trained her as a disciple, and the real relationship between the two was far from what the outside world thought.

"Any questions?" Lu Yu asked back.

Madam Ru shook her head and sighed, "Let's not talk about other things for now, but I remember that Miss Zhenzhen's cultivation level should not be high, at least she is far from reaching the Grand Duke level... Or is she the same as Wanqing? You also designed a plan with her to quickly break through the realm?" Lu Yu laughed and said, "How is this possible? Wanqing can take a shortcut to quickly break through because she has a good and powerful sister. Where can I help Cui Zhenzhen find a sister of the same type? Or, Madam, are you willing to play this role?" Madam Ru couldn't help but think of the babbling she heard all night at the private manor of the Ning sisters. She knew what playing this role meant, and she couldn't help blushing. "Can you be serious? I'm talking to you about serious things..." "I'm not serious! Didn't you start this conversation yourself?" Lu Yu said helplessly. "I have just explained that the remaining steps of the alchemy furnace are not complicated. The most important thing is to accurately judge the timing. I believe Cui Zhenzhen can do it." He paused and raised a page of paper with a glowing light in his hand: "Besides, isn't there this thing? What do you think I have been busy with for so long?" Mrs. Ru's eyes were attracted by the page of paper. In fact, she was curious from the beginning. In the past, when Lu Yu used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth to travel, he would take the initiative to ask for "intimate contact" with her after performing the spell to restore the lost true essence, but this time he did not do so. Instead, he kept staring at a piece of white paper. Strangely enough, after he stared at the white paper for a while, a series of strange characters appeared on it... "What is this?" Mrs. Ru asked. Lu Yu held the page in his hand, and a sense of accomplishment appeared on his face: "This is the material I asked Yeshi Luo to collect for me. In this world, it has several different names... But in my original world, it has only one name, called - Shensi Yin Paper."

Soon, the colorful light band landed again in the government office of Fenghezhou.

The situation here is normal. Everyone did not sense the great changes in the Far East. The group of Shenyu Palace strongmen who just surrendered were also very obedient and did not show any abnormality.

Lu Yu directly called Ning Wanxuan over and told her to open the Feitian Mansion immediately, go to the Darui Empire to pick up Cui Zhenzhen, and then send her to the Dead Soul Canyon.

At the same time, he also gave the page of Shensi Yin Paper to Ning Wanxuan, asking her to pass it on to Cui Zhenzhen.

In Lu Yu's original plan, he intended to let Cui Zhenzhen stay in Darui Imperial Capital for a while.

But plans cannot keep up with changes. At this time, the Da Rui Imperial Capital has no strategic value. Next, he needs to focus on the construction of Fenghe Province, and prepare to use the Ark of the Other Shore as a fortress base to fight against the powerful enemies that come one after another. There is also a plan to build a large alchemy site in the Ark of the Other Shore.

As the only assistant who can help with alchemy, Lu Yu naturally has to recruit Cui Zhenzhen.

Therefore, Cui Zhenzhen is no longer in the Da Rui Imperial Capital at this time, but on the way to Fenghe Province. Lu Yu does not know where she has arrived, but he believes that Ning Wanxuan will find her soon.

"Cui Zhenzhen?"

Ning Wanxuan's reaction is exactly the same as Mrs. Ru. She never thought that Lu Yu had secretly trained a disciple. Before that, she only thought that Cui Zhenzhen was Lu Yu's forbidden delicacy.

"Yes, there are only the final steps left for the refining of the pills in the Valley of the Dead. She will be responsible for completing the next step. I have already told her everything on this page of Divine Thought Seal... From now on, she has the highest authority within the Valley of the Dead. No matter what she asks or orders, you must carry them out resolutely and without any compromise!"

"I know you must have a lot of questions now, but time is running out now, so you should leave as soon as possible. I will explain everything to you when I get back... Okay, we are leaving too!"

After explaining all this, Lu Yu no longer stopped and waved his hand again to draw a colorful band of light, extending to the distant eastern sky.

Ning Wanxuan narrowed her eyes slightly and watched the two figures disappear at the far end of the sky. After a period of silence, she suddenly snorted heavily: "I didn't expect... there was a little goblin!"

After saying that, the ground shook violently, and the land beneath his feet suddenly broke away from the ground, quickly lifted up and flew away, and then flew away in a completely different direction.

Above the colorful light belt.

Due to the need to rub the Divine Thought Seal Paper before, Lu Yu had not been able to replenish it in time. At this time, after performing the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape again, the true energy in his body had reached the point where it was almost exhausted.

Mrs. Ru had already expected this, and took the initiative to get closer without the need for Lu Yu to remind her.

After so many cooperations, she was extremely familiar with Lu Yu's physical condition and knew clearly where his limits were.

After a few twists and turns, Lu Yu immediately became more motivated and let out a long sigh of satisfaction: "Madam, you are really getting more and more skilled..."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but blush.

Although her original purpose was just to allow the two of them to enter the ethereal realm faster, in the process, she did become more and more familiar with Lu Yu's state, and became more and more aware of Lu Yu's weaknesses. Now she Already able to arouse Lu Yu's interest easily.

"Stop talking, hurry up..." Mrs. Ru said, suppressing her shame.


Lu Yu agreed and then closed his eyes silently, as if this would allow him to resist the temptation in front of him.

However, not long after, Mrs. Ru suddenly started to tremble slightly.

Lu Yu immediately noticed something strange about her, opened his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Ru looked forward, covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Look! What is that..."

Lu Yu turned his head and looked around, feeling his scalp numb for a moment.

At the end of the distant sky, a strange eyeball totem light and shadow appeared, as if a god from outside the sky suddenly opened an eye and was quietly looking down at the world.

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