Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1896 Plan

This is the first time that he has seen a temporarily stored spell that can be used in such a way, especially since he has not seen a means of teleportation through space in this world for so long, but he did not expect to see it here now. , I was actually a little surprised in my heart.

When he was in the original world, Arowana Blacktail only had the ability to travel through the void after being blessed by the power of a hundred dragons. Although Arowana Blacktail's ability to travel through space is far from comparable to the opponent's dragonfly-like space travel, it is still It does have a bit of that flavor.

"Is this really the treasure provided to him by the Temple of Hades?"

Seeing the distance between the two parties gradually narrowing, Mrs. Ru said in surprise.

In fact, what she really wanted to say was, how could the Hades Temple be willing to take out such a powerful treasure? She really couldn't figure out what the Hades Temple was planning...

Lu Yu said: "It seems that the Hades Temple's family is very rich. Our previous strategy is indeed correct. As long as we defeat them, we will definitely make a lot of money!"

Mrs. Ru said angrily: "Do you still think about the future? It's better to find a way to solve the current trouble first and then talk about the future!"

Although Fang Jianwen behind them is still some distance away from the two of them, the final destination of the Five Elements Escape has been determined long ago. No matter how they change the trajectory of the colorful light belt, they will only land at the originally scheduled location. , which means that it will be a matter of time for Fang Jianwen behind him to catch up with the two.

What's even worse is that Fang Jianwen drives the peacock totem with such force that it can be said that everyone's eyes will be attracted to him. In this way, the whereabouts of Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru will also be exposed to everyone's sight. Within, their plan to sneak into the Temple of Hades quietly was impossible to realize.

"In that case, let's get rid of him!" Lu Yu said simply.

"What did you say?" Mrs. Ru was stunned.

Lu Yu said dissatisfied: "Look at the look in your eyes. This Shenyu Palace Master is not three-headed and six-armed. Although he is a cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, we have already dealt with a lot of Tianhuang Realm powerhouses... From Ye Shiluo to Guo Kun, Yao Po, Kou Xianyuan, and then to Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu, if you really think about it, I can be regarded as having outstanding military achievements, okay? "

Mrs. Ru's mouth twitched and she said: "What's the matter with this... Let's not talk about whether we can beat him or not. Since the people from Shenyu Palace are gathering here, I'm afraid the people from Wanqiu Sect and Yunyan Pavilion will not be too far away. As long as we As soon as you hit the ground and start fighting with him, you will definitely be surrounded immediately... By then, people from the Temple of Hades will probably be here soon!"

Lu Yu said with a smile: "What you said makes sense, but you missed the only point. How to fight and where to fight is completely up to us. Since the venue is unfavorable, then we will choose another place. Well, if we are worried about being trapped in a tight siege, this can be easily solved, as long as we fight quickly, right?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but choked.

Easier said than done, who doesn’t know how to talk? If you have the ability, you should really realize all of these... Mrs. Ru cursed in her heart.

However, Lu Yu still stood on the colorful light belt like an old god, observing the peacock totem behind him coldly, and did nothing else.

No, he couldn't say nothing... During this process, he had maintained a state of "intimate contact" with Mrs. Ru, and continued to recover the consumed real energy through the ethereal realm.

After a while.

At this time, based on past experience, Mrs. Ru felt that the true energy in Lu Yu's body had almost recovered. She finally couldn't bear it anymore and felt that she needed to remind this guy that it was time to take some practical actions.

"What on earth are you doing..."

"Observe the enemy's situation. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle...otherwise, what do you think I am doing?" Lu Yu asked.

She naturally felt that this guy was taking advantage of her again, but she didn't dare to say this.

"Then what did you see?" Mrs. Ru asked again.

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I didn't see anything... His weaknesses are all covered up by the armor on him. If you don't peel off the armor on him, it will be difficult to target him directly." weakness……"

Mrs. Ru suddenly became angry. Wasn't it true that all the talk she had been talking about for so long was in vain?

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, just because you can't attack his weakness doesn't mean there is no way to attack him. Don't forget that I have a trick that can ignore the opponent's protection. I still remember Xu Zhiyang when I was in Suyu Yunchi. How did it fall into our hands?"

Mrs. Ru was startled and said, "You mean, that move is called the infinite circle spell?"

The original spell left a very deep impression on her. Until this moment, she still couldn't understand how the so-called spell took effect.

Lu Yu nodded and said: "Yes, it's the infinite circle... But the casting of this spell is a bit troublesome and requires a little preparation time. I need someone to help me attract his attention so that I can stretch out smoothly. …”

After saying that, Lu Yu looked fixedly at Mrs. Ru in front of him.

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