Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1897 Small Scene

Not long after, Lu Yu and Madam Ru arrived at the final destination of the Five Elements Escape.

At this time, Fang Jianwen, who was driving the peacock totem, was already close at hand. Strong winds roared around him, and even trees were blown down and broken. This was because the opponent's power was so powerful that it exerted a huge pressure on the surrounding area. for the sake of.

At this distance, Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru could see the details inside the peacock totem more clearly. They saw that the flying bird patterns hidden in it were still densely packed. Even after burning for such a long distance, the number of flying bird patterns consumed was only 10% at most. It's just one of them. It's simply unrealistic to let him use up all his power in this way.

Faced with this situation, Lu Yu remained calm and unhurried.

He even turned around and smiled in Fang Jianwen's direction, and then used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape again, pulling out a colorful light belt in his hand.

The timing was just right. When he and Mrs. Ru boarded the dazzling light belt again, Fang Jianwen's offensive happened to follow. However, the shielding effect of the Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth came into play at this time, and the two of them felt like they were in the Five Elements. In addition, Fang Jianwen's fierce offensive was like scratching an itch. Although it hit the right place, the damage caused was really not worth mentioning. It was as if he had been holding back his energy for a long time, but in the end he only sent two people away. One journey.

Watching the figures of the two people quickly disappearing again, Fang Jianwen couldn't help but be startled. It was only then that he realized that the strange color of the colorful light displayed by the other party was not just about the extremely fast speed of evasion, but also the strangeness of the dazzling light. It can also shield against external harm to a certain extent.

This face-to-face confrontation was as if the other party was deliberately mocking him. Fang Jianwen was immediately deeply irritated. The peacock totem behind him once again spread its wings, and countless flying bird patterns burned. Once again, an astonishing explosion broke out. He chased Lu Yu at a fast speed.

"Do you think he looks like a lit turkey now?" Lu Yu asked with a smile.

Mrs. Ru said: "Are you deliberately irritating him?"

Lu Yu said: "You saw it just now, right? The peacock totem on his body, in terms of pure power, is even better than the flame dragon mimicry we inspired after taking the Red Flame Dragon Control Pill..."

"Even if the two are equally matched, the Flame Dragon also has the disadvantage of a time limit. Even I am not sure that I can defeat it in one fell swoop within the quarter of an hour..."

"So, this further proves that it is impossible to defeat him head-on. If we don't use this method to distract him, how can we successfully implement the plan we just said?"

Mrs. Ru did not speak, and turned to look in the direction where the colorful light belt extended. Now she was no longer worried about being caught up by the other party. The confrontation just now was not only a means for Lu Yu to deliberately provoke the other party, but also a test. , the result shows that although the opponent's power is very powerful, they are still helpless against them in the dazzling light belt. At least before landing again, they do not need to worry about safety issues.

"Where are we going now?" Mrs. Ru asked.

At this time, they had deviated from their original route. They neither continued east nor returned to the west, but deviated further north.

"Didn't you say that the position just now was not good? So let's take him to a more suitable position now. I don't know exactly where it is, but at least we don't have to worry about being trapped by the opponent when we fight against him. Among them." Lu Yu replied.

"Then, how many more times do you have to run away?"

"Why do we need more times? This once is enough... I also know that the farther the distance, the better, but you don't want to think about whether time will allow it. We don't have much time to waste here. above!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu glanced at the Thousand Eyes King Totem behind him.

Even though Fang Jianwen's peacock totem is extremely flamboyant, it is only a drop in the bucket compared to the Thousand Eyes King totem in the distance, but that is the real goal of their trip.

Mrs. Ru suddenly stopped talking, but it was obvious from her expression that she was a little nervous.

Lu Yu smiled again and comforted: "Don't worry, trust me, there will be no problem..."

Mrs. Ru glared at him fiercely: "What you said is easy. I still think this plan is too risky. If you are not careful, your life may be over..."

Lu Yu was speechless and said, "Why would I joke with my own life? Don't blame me for bragging to you. In fact, I have seen a lot of big scenes. In comparison, this is just a small scene!"

"Anyway, when the time comes, just do what we just agreed to do. You do your job and leave the rest to me!"

Mrs. Ru was helpless, but at this time she had no other choice, so she could only nodded: "Okay!"

After a while, the Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth reached its landing point again.

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