Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1898 Thinking highly of yourself

After pursuing two sections of colorful light belts, Fang Jianwen already had a certain understanding of the Five Elements Shield of Heaven and Earth.

He was smart this time, and instead of chasing behind Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru, he made predictions based on the direction of the extension of the light belt, and walked directly to the final landing point in a straight line.

Due to the characteristics of the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth, in fact, when the caster moves quickly in a shrinking manner, the trajectory of the light belt must be a parabola. This is determined by his ability to utilize the laws of heaven and earth.

When Fang Jianwen used the laws of heaven and earth to travel through space in another way, because he was chasing in a straight line, he was actually faster than the two of them. Therefore, when the two finally landed, Fang Jianwen was already one step ahead. The landing point awaits them.

Although this was an inevitable result, seeing that Fang Jianwen had mastered the trick in such a short period of time still made Lu Yu look at him with admiration.

"Look, he has learned to be smart. Even if we want to sneak him around a few more times, we can't do it..."

Lu Yu spread his hands helplessly, but still had a relaxed expression on his face.

It seemed that the current situation couldn't make him nervous at all.

However, Mrs. Ru could not be as free and easy as him no matter what.

In any case, this is also the majestic master of the Shenyu Palace. Not only does he have a terrifying cultivation level in the sky environment, but he also has the blessing of an unparalleled treasure. Her eyes have long been firmly attracted by the figure of the other party.

As soon as the two of them landed, Fang Jianwen, who was standing opposite him, immediately raised his hand, and the realm suddenly opened. Chains intertwined with runes were formed in the void, instantly turning a radius of dozens of miles into a Huge cage.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his brows slightly.

The appearance of these void chains was equivalent to locking up the space within the area. Although he had long known that the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth was not omnipotent, the fact that the other party found the flaw so quickly still made him very upset. Accident.

After all, he is the leader of one of the three major sects. A person who can dominate one party cannot underestimate the other.

"Lu Afeng, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Fang Jianwen said with a sneer while carrying the peacock totem on his back.

Only then did Lu Yu let go of Mrs. Ru, and said with a dumb smile: "Palace Master Fang is too complimentary, I should be the one to say this to you."

Fang Jianwen snorted coldly and said in a cold voice: "Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu, have they died in your hands?"

Lu Yu looked normal and replied: "Not bad."

"Very good!" Fang Jianwen burst into laughter, his eyes dancing with madness: "Since you admit it, there is nothing more to say. Originally, I wanted to give you a chance, but you didn't know how to cherish it... …”

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Palace Master Fang, you stole my lines again. In fact, I should have given you the opportunity, but you didn't cherish it properly. In the entire Shen Yu Palace, only Guo Kun cherished it. The opportunity I gave you...if you continue to be stubborn, you will soon follow in the footsteps of Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu!"

"Hahaha..." Fang Jianwen suddenly laughed angrily, "What a loud tone! I don't know where you got the confidence to say such a thing to me!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Maybe you can ask Dai Lifan and Gao Zunyu about this question. They had similar ideas to you at the beginning, but they no longer have any ideas."

Fang Jianwen snorted coldly: "A few days ago, your words might have shaken me, but now the situation has completely changed..."

"Have you seen this armor on me? Although this is equipment provided to us by the Hades Temple, it just fills an idea I have always had..."

"For hundreds of years, I have been pursuing more powerful power. I already had some ideas, but I still couldn't realize the last step... Now the appearance of this armor has just filled the gap in my imagination. The blank space in the last step allowed my hundreds of years of accumulation to finally be perfectly presented..."

"So, what you are facing now is the result of my cultivation that I have spent countless resources of Shenyu Palace and worked hard for hundreds of years to continuously improve. Now is the moment when my technique is truly perfect. I don't think you can still stand in front of me. Any chance!”

Lu Yu couldn't help showing a weird look on his face: "I see... No wonder Palace Master Fang is so confident. But if that's the case, shouldn't you go to those people in the east to test your strength first? How can you do it the other way around? Do I hold on tight?"

Fang Jianwen said proudly: "What's the hurry! The food has to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be walked step by step. I will naturally go to the masters of the Hades Temple to challenge... It is said that there was a supreme powerhouse in the Guanlan Empire back then. Her strength made the entire The Temple of Hades is extremely afraid, sooner or later I will let the Temple of Hades know that it is not just the supreme power that deserves their fear!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned. He didn't expect that Palace Master Fang was so arrogant and even compared himself to the most powerful person in the Guanlan Empire.

Before he could respond, Fang Jianwen said again: "But before that, let me try my move on you first!"

After speaking, he waved his hand fiercely.

Immediately, countless flying bird patterns emerged from behind him and swept over him with overwhelming force.

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