Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1903 Alliance

Kou Xianyuan didn't know the specific effect of Ye Shenjing. Since the three sisters could come to them quietly, then presumably they could also quietly enter the scene where the two were fighting in the distance, so he said it directly. .

"Your eyes are really poisonous..." Yao Po said: "Yes, Ye Shenjing does have the ability to teleport through the air, but this ability is not so easy to use, and the distance is also very limited... He said that Fang Jianwen over there has already opened the field, how can it be so easy to break in directly? "

"What do those three people mean when they suddenly come to you like this?" Kou Xianyuan said, "Don't say anything about obeying my command again. If this is the case, then my first order is to let you, old man, Witch, hand over the Night God Realm!"

Yao Po giggled: "Is it not easy for you to want my Night God Realm? As long as you are willing to take out your Void Staff, I am willing to exchange it with you at any time... Okay, no kidding, I will come to you this time, I just hope to join forces with you. Looking at the situation above, Fang Jianwen is probably in danger. Naturally, we don’t need to care about his life or death. However, the kid who got trapped must be very weak after such a fierce battle. If we join forces together , no matter how powerful he is, he can never escape from our grasp!"

But Kou Xianyuan heard some different meanings in her words, and his heart moved slightly, and he said: "Old witch, we are all from Yunyan Pavilion here. If you have anything to say, just say it directly, no need to beat around the bush! "

Po Yao and Po Zou and Po Gong looked at each other and said with a smile: "Let me just say, this guy is an extremely smart person, and you really can't hide anything from him... Then I'll tell you straight, we The three of us here not only represent ourselves, but also represent the entire Wanqiu Sect. We hope that from now on, our two major sects can form an alliance, advance and retreat together, and never abandon us!"

As she spoke, her expression became solemn, and even Granny Zou and Granny Gong beside her also looked solemn.

These three old witches have always been smiling and messing around. It is really rare to see such expressions on their faces. For a while, everyone around them couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Kou Xianyuan looked at Yu Shaoqing and Tong Anhe who were aside, and exchanged glances with each other. Soon they understood what was going on...

They suddenly made a request for an alliance at this time, and their purpose was obvious. Naturally, it was to revive the miraculous treasure behind the alliance.

To be more precise, it was to take the miraculous treasure as their own. Obviously they also knew that with the strength of the Wanqiu Sect, they could not do this at all, so they approached Yunyan Pavilion, who were equally powerful with each other, to join forces.

And if you want to accomplish this, the most critical priority is to control the Lu Afeng in front of you, because he has personally demonstrated to everyone that he has the ability to open miraculous treasures... Only by controlling him... In your hand, you have the key to unlocking the miraculous treasure.

The base station currently in front of Lu Afeng and Fang Jianwen created an opportunity for them to compete with each other and profit from the situation.

"Is this necessary?" Yu Shaoqing frowned slightly and said, "Hasn't the Hades Temple promised us that they will not get involved in the miraculous treasures? As long as we solve the Fuxing Alliance, all matters in Fenghe Province will be left to our own disposal. …”

"Oh, my young Pavilion Master, you are so naive!" Po Zou sneered and shook her head, "Who can guarantee that what the Hades Temple said will be fulfilled? How do you know they won't do what they say? One thing, the last one who trusted the Hades Temple so much was the Guanlan Empire, but can you still see their people now?"

Yu Shaoqing couldn't help but be speechless for a moment. Although the Hades Temple and the Guanlan Empire eventually turned against each other, they were indeed trusting allies before they turned against each other.

The palace lady added: "People's hearts are separated from each other, so we must guard against it. If they can do what they say, then it is naturally best. This does not affect our mutual offensive and defensive alliance, right?"

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while. This matter was too important and could not be made up of just a slap on the head.

"Are you serious?" Kou Xianyuan carefully looked at the three old witches in front of him, "Do you know what this means?"

Obviously, with the power structure in today's world, there is only one object that requires the alliance between Yunyan Pavilion and Wanqiu Sect to defend against, and that is the Hades Temple.

The three old witches made such a proposal on behalf of the Wanqiu Sect, which meant that they had regarded the Hades Temple as a potential enemy.

"Of course we know it, and we have carefully considered the consequences of doing so... But for Tianji Avenue, everything is worth it, isn't it?" Yao Po's answer was resounding.

Kou Xianyuan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

This answer was really beyond his expectation...

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