Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1904 Greed

But what this old witch said is indeed true. Even though this old witch is smiling all day long, she is a strong person in Tianhuang Mirror after all, and an upright cultivator...

As long as the Tao leads, it is the ultimate pursuit of cultivators.

No cultivator can resist the temptation of the supreme avenue, and such a supreme avenue is obviously hidden inside the miraculous treasure. The various miraculous visions in Fenghe Province have fully demonstrated this point.

"But, have you ever considered this thing behind you..."

At this time, Tong Anhe suddenly lowered his voice and said.

As he spoke, he quietly folded paper behind him with his hands. Obviously, he was referring to the Thousand-Eyed Totem that was coming to the Far East...

This is the most realistic problem.

Nowadays, their strength has indeed been greatly improved, but these improvements are all based on the weapons and equipment given by the Hades Temple. Just the equipment casually given to them by the Hades Temple already has such powerful power, and they use What to fight against the Temple of Hades?

What's more, behind the Temple of Hades, there is a god who is coming. His power is so powerful that everyone feels trembling just by looking at it.

"Of course I have also considered it..."

Yao Po showed an expression of lingering fear. Until this moment, she still could not forget the feeling when she first saw the Thousand Eyes Totem coming.

"This god is indeed very powerful, but at the same time, don't you think there is an opportunity hidden in it? Why does this good god suddenly come? Isn't it because of this miraculous treasure?"

"Since the gods attach so much importance to it, we can't miss this opportunity!" The eyes of the three witches became a little crazy at the same time, revealing their great ambitions, "Anyway, this god has not yet When it really comes, we can take advantage of this opportunity... This may be the only opportunity in our lives to be on par with the gods!"

Everyone was still silent, but there were some changes in their eyes.

These people present at least have the cultivation level of the Earthly Ming Realm. As long as they leave here, they are all influential figures who can shake up the party.

The stronger they are, the more they have a heart to climb upwards. Whether it is greed or determination to make progress, the encouragement of the three witches has indeed had an effect on them...

"Well... let's check the situation first and then talk!" Yu Shaoqing said vaguely.

But his vague wording already showed his attitude.

"Uncle Kou, I think we can go over and see the situation first! What do you think?"

Although he was asking, his attitude became more obvious.

Po Yao and the other three people suddenly couldn't help but feel happy: "Since the master has already spoken, Kou Xianyuan, what are you waiting for? Let's go over and have a look together!"

Kou Xianyuan sighed and murmured: "Since I knew this, why did I..."

What he said was exactly what he was thinking at the moment. In fact, from the very beginning, he advocated cooperation with the Renaissance Alliance led by Lu Afeng. Although the slogan he shouted at that time was extremely scary, and he actually wanted to fight against the Temple of Hades, it was inexplicably... A feeling of peace of mind...

Unexpectedly, after going around in circles, they actually returned to the original choice... In the end, they still had to fight against the Temple of Hades, but this time they were no longer on the same front as Lu A Feng, but with him. It has turned into a confrontational situation... Why is all this happening?

But the matter has come to this, and he has nothing to say... This is not completely without benefits, at least it is not a direct confrontation with the Temple of Hades on the surface, and there is still a lot of room for maneuver and ambiguity in the middle... In short, let's go there first Let’s see what happens!

"Oh well……"

Kou Xianyuan finally nodded and took out his Void Staff. "In that case, let's go check out the situation first, but this time we can see your Night God Mirror?"

Yao Po smiled happily and said: "Of course, we are all allies, why are you still saying such unreasonable things? Anyway, we can see your virtual staff later, right?"

Kou Xianyuan was noncommittal and just looked at the other party steadily.

The witch did not continue to grind, and took out the Night God Mirror. Suddenly a black light was projected from the mirror, instantly making the atmosphere of the scene very strange.

At this time, Po Yao's image also became very strange. Her white hair was flying instantly, but her eyes turned completely black, with no eyeballs or pupils visible, and her whole body was filled with a strange aura. .

Even the voice he spoke became light and airy, like a ghost at night: "Although my Night God Realm can open the transmission channel in the void, not everyone can pass it. At present, only the Tianhuang Realm can pass through it. Only the above cultivation levels can withstand the strong pressure in the teaching channel, so I'm sorry everyone, only a few of us can pass through here for the time being..."

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