Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1905 Collapse

In the end, Kou Xianyuan, Yu Shaoqing, and Tong Anhe followed Yao Po and the other three people into the dark transmission channel.

A total of six Tianhuang Realm experts disappeared from the spot in the blink of an eye. When they reappeared, their figures were already dozens of miles away.

Yao Po once said before that the teleportation distance of the Night God Mirror is only a short distance. This is actually only compared to the hundreds of miles between them and the battlefield ahead. It can span dozens of miles in the blink of an eye regardless of terrain and environment. Here, even for Tianhuang Realm powerhouses like them, it is an extremely efficient way to advance.

However, if you want to directly arrive at the scene of the battle between the two sides in this way, this is obviously unrealistic, because the activation of the ability of the Night God Mirror also requires a certain amount of recovery time. When this ability can be used again, It is estimated that they are not far from the scene of the battle, and they can directly enter the battlefield in this way...

The main reason for using this ability now is to allow Kou Xianyuan and the other three to become familiar with this transmission method so as not to be caught off guard.

In fact, up to this point, the battle ahead has not yet decided. Although the flame dragon has become extremely large, it seems to have lost its original agility. Fang Jianwen's peacock totem still has the ability to resist.

But no matter what the final result is, since Yunyan Pavilion and Wanqiu Sect have joined forces, and with six Tianhuang Realm powerhouses arriving at the scene at the same time, they have already made up their mind to make a profit.

Therefore, the six people hurried forward while discussing how to cooperate with each other in order to quickly take over the battlefield. The most important thing was to control Lu A Feng—— Only in this way will the two major sects have a basis for further cooperation and use the power in the miracle treasure to fight against the Temple of Hades at the same time.

However, what they didn't expect was that at this moment, the battlefield ahead suddenly changed again.

The peacock totem, which was already in a suppressed state, suddenly erupted again. The peacock totem suddenly surged and expanded rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it became the same size as the flame dragon, and glowed with brilliance.

For a moment, the sky was filled with the light and shadow of the flame dragon and the peacock totem.

In this situation, only experts in the Tianhuang Realm such as Kou Xianyuan and others can vaguely distinguish the outline between the two. When this same scene falls in the eyes of others, there is only endless bright light.


"What a powerful force!"

"I didn't expect that this old boy Fang Jianwen would actually hide something!"

"It seems like he is going to fight for his life!"

Kou Xianyuan, Yao Po and others suddenly couldn't help but change their expressions.

They don't care about Fang Jianwen's life or death, but if both parties really die together, then they will lose the key to the miraculous treasure. If they want to get their hands on the miraculous treasure again in the future, they can only rely on the Temple of the Underworld... As a result, the strategy they just decided to steal the Tianji Avenue will be aborted immediately!

"Fang Jianwen, this idiot!" Yao Po said angrily, "Don't you know how to retreat if you can't beat him? Do you have to fight to the death with the opponent?"

Po Zou also said: "He has always been very scheming before and did a lot of little tricks behind our backs. Why is he so unwise now?"

The palace lady narrowed her eyes slightly and said: "To complete such a powerful burst of power in a short time means that all the power of the nearby heaven and earth is used by them. I am afraid that it is far from enough. In this way, Fang Jianwen should use Got the power of that peacock armor..."

As she said that, she turned to Kou Xianyuan aside and cast a questioning look: "Elder Kou... I wonder if your Void Staff can also reach this level?"

Kou Xianyuan was silent for a while, and finally shook his head gently, turned to Yao Po again, and asked: "What about your Night God Mirror?"

Yao Po also just shook her head and said: "Yeshen Jing's ability is more used for assistance, not directly for frontal combat. If not, we don't have to rely on you so much! However, I see your There are many weird things about Jiuxu's inability to use a staff. Even if he is not known for his positive power, there must be ways to defeat the enemy. Am I right? "

Kou Xianyuan was noncommittal.

Yao Po said angrily: "This guy, is he still unwilling to show his trump card at this time? How long are you going to hide the secret of this false law?"

Kou Xianyuan then said: "It's useless to say anything now... The most important thing is to rush there as soon as possible. I hope it's not too late!"

Po Yao's eyes suddenly lit up. Although Kou Xianyuan did not explain his words, the implication was already obvious. He did have means to intervene between the two people who were fighting to the death, provided that they were within an effective range.

"In that case, what are you waiting for?"

Yao Po smiled happily and waved the Night God Realm in her hand again.

Suddenly the surrounding night became thicker, and there seemed to be an invisible thrust in the darkness, quietly pushing several people forward at a faster speed.

As Yao Po said, the ability of the Night God Realm is mainly used for auxiliary purposes. Although the transmission channel cannot be opened again for the time being, it can bless everyone through the power of night, so that everyone's speed can be greatly improved.

With this blessing, everyone's speed became even faster. It didn't take long for them to cross a distance of hundreds of miles and reach the edge of Fang Jianwen's domain in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the battle ahead was still going on in full swing. From this distance, everyone could more clearly see how fierce the power struggle between the two sides was, even tragic...

With such a large-scale and high-density force collision, there is no trickery between the two sides. It is a head-on confrontation, with countless golden characters scattered everywhere. This is because the laws between heaven and earth cannot withstand both sides. The collision of forces caused them to collapse into the shape of characters under the strong pressure...

This scene is like the end of the world.

Even though everyone was a strong person in the Tianhuang Realm and had already expected this, they still couldn't help but take a breath when they saw the scene in front of them.

If they continue to move forward at this time, they will inevitably be greatly hindered. Not to mention being affected by the power of the struggle between the two sides, the outer domain of Fang Jianwen alone will cause them great trouble if they want to enter it. It will inevitably be suppressed by the power of the domain.

Fortunately, Ye Shenjing's teleportation ability had been restored at this time, and they could just use teleportation to directly reach the front line of the battle between the two sides.

However, what they didn't expect was that just when Yao Po was about to activate the Night God Mirror again, at this moment, the domain law blocking them suddenly collapsed...

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