Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1906 Nothingness Interception

In the void, there were originally a large number of chains.

This was originally a restriction imposed by Fang Jianwen to prevent Lu Yu from using the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth to escape and hijack the laws of heaven and earth. But now these chains are falling off on their own and broken down into strange characters, hanging down from the sky like snowflakes. …

Kou Xianyuan, Yao Po and others were immediately shocked.

You must know that these laws are actually the field initiated by Fang Jianwen and form the basis of his field. However, at this time, these laws are not disappearing on their own, but are collapsing...

As Tianhuang Realm experts, the six people present are all very aware of the difference between "disappearance" and "collapse". The former may have various complex reasons, but the cause of the latter phenomenon is not. There is only one, that is, the creator of the realm has been completely defeated...

The two sides were still fighting fiercely just a moment ago, so how could they suddenly be completely defeated without any warning... If it was Lu Yu's side who was defeated, maybe they would be more accepting. After all, the flame dragon is said to have time. limited.

But now the result is reversed. The six people have no idea what is going on. Originally, they thought that Fang Jianwen's final outburst had completely forced Lu Yu into a desperate situation, but they did not expect that he actually entered a desperate situation. It's Fang Jianwen himself...

"Let's go! Come in quickly!"

Kou Xianyuan roared. At this time, he didn't care about waiting for the transmission channel of the Night God Realm to open, and rushed in directly.

If he wanted to find out what happened, he could only arrive at the scene as soon as possible... He was not worried that Lu Yu would still have the energy to counterattack him. First of all, after such a fierce battle, the opponent must be at the end of his strength. What's more, he still has the Void Staff in his hand, and with the blessing of this treasure, he believes that he is enough to cope with any situation that may occur.

Yu Shaoqing and Tong Anhe followed closely behind. They also rushed in, and they also had full confidence in Kou Xianyuan.

As for Yao Po and the other three, after the teleportation channel of the Night God Realm was successfully opened, they stepped directly into the teleportation channel. Although they were a step slower, they arrived first and arrived at the center of the battlefield in an instant. , to achieve the effect of outflanking the three people including Kou Xianyuan.

Soon, the six people met again on the battlefield.

However, what surprised them was that neither Kou Xianyuan and the other three people who came in directly from the outside, nor Yao Po and the other three people who were raided from the inside, found nothing except the smoke of gunfire all over the ground and the endless broken laws. Nothing was found outside...

"Where are the people?"

"Didn't you see it?"

"You didn't see it either?"

"how so?"

"Where can that boy named Lu go in such a short time?"

The six people couldn't help but look at each other for a while, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

But at this moment, Kou Xianyuan suddenly felt something in his heart and suddenly looked up.

However, there are broken laws everywhere, even in the sky above their heads. Only twisted and weird characters can be seen, which are gradually losing their luster...

"Uncle Kou, what's wrong?" Yu Shaoqing immediately noticed the abnormality and asked involuntarily.

Kou Xianyuan didn't answer. There seemed to be lightning in his eyes. He suddenly raised the Void Staff in his hand and pointed it towards the top of his head.

Suddenly, the void seemed to split open, and the endless broken laws melted instantly. The originally chaotic sky immediately became clear, and at the same time, a colorful light band appeared in their sight.

At the same time, there were two figures in the colorful light belt.

One of them is a charming and graceful woman, and the other is a young man with a handsome face and an upright posture.

Except for Kou Xianyuan and Yao Po, it was the first time for the other four people to see these two people, but they immediately confirmed the identity of the person.

Lu Afeng!

Unexpectedly, he was safe and sound, and the shiny thing he was holding in his hand was the Peacock Armor!

It seems that Fang Jianwen was indeed completely defeated. Even the Peacock Armor became a trophy in the hands of the opponent!

Now it seems that they are unable to intercept him at all and can only watch him walk away in this way.

"Everyone, you came so fast! But I won't bother you to see me off this time!" Lu Yu said with a long smile while standing on the colorful light belt.

Kou Xianyuan frowned and said loudly: "Old witch! Help me!"

After saying that, he raised the void staff in his hand and jumped up suddenly.

Yao Po didn't care about his tone, she immediately understood and waved the Night God Mirror in her hand.

Suddenly, the surrounding night became denser, and an invisible force field blessed Kou Xianyuan's body.

Kou Xianyuan was like climbing a ladder. In just a few steps, his body jumped into the air, and in the blink of an eye he caught up with him.

At this time, the blessing effect of the Night God Realm has also been completed, but this is not all Kou Xianyuan's methods. With the blessing of this distance, he is closer to Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru in mid-air.

At this time, he suddenly waved the Void Staff in his hand!

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