Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1907 Nothingness and Vacuum

Along with Kou Xianyuan's movements, an invisible air wave spread out from the top of the staff.

It is called an air wave, but there is no substance in it. It is just that the force field suddenly changed, causing the light to distort in the void, making it look like he sent out an air wave.

In fact, he did not launch any offensive, but just created a special force field in the void.

The biggest function of this force field is to make the sky more "clear", as if the sky has been purified.

This time it is a real purification. Not only is the air sucked out in an instant, but even the laws in it are gone. The place where the staff points to has become a void that seems to not exist in this world.

Lu Yu has seen a similar situation before. That was when he was riding the Ark of the Other Shore, escaping from the original world and wandering in the starry sky...

The scene in front of him is just like the vacuum environment in the universe. There is no substance, no energy, and no laws of heaven and earth. There is only endless nothingness!

Unexpectedly, Kou Xianyuan actually created a void of nothingness for the first time with the power of the staff!

Lu Yu couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

Although he didn't know what the staff in Kou Xianyuan's hand was, he could see its extraordinaryness at a glance.

Nothingness dispelled everything, and wherever the force field passed, all the laws of heaven and earth ceased to exist, including the colorful light bands that swept Lu Yu and Madam Ru... Although the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape was extremely magical, its essence was still based on the laws of heaven and earth, but it was an extremely high-level application of the laws of heaven and earth. If there were no laws of heaven and earth as a foundation, then it would naturally cease to exist.

Kou Xianyuan's current empty staff completely wiped out the foundation on which the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape depended.

The colorful light bands could transcend the five elements, but they could not transcend all laws. As the scope of nothingness spread, the colorful light bands also broke with a sound.

"Come back!"

Kou Xianyuan's beard and hair were all raised, and he shouted loudly, his voice shaking the sky.

The people around him were immediately refreshed.

Although they were not clear about what happened at the moment, it was obvious that Kou Xianyuan had exerted an extremely transcendent power, the strength of which they had never seen before, and no power could resist it... The colorful light band in the air was cut off, which was the best proof. Before this, such a thing had never happened before!

Let alone them, even Lu Yu herself was the first time to see such a situation.

Mrs. Ru's face changed drastically. She hurriedly wanted to remind him loudly, but when she opened her mouth, she found that she didn't make any sound.

Because the surroundings had become a vacuum, there would naturally be no sound without a medium for transmission.

However, in fact, she didn't need to remind him specifically. Lu Yu himself had fully realized the danger at this time. At the critical moment, the golden elixir seed in his body appeared again, bursting out dazzling light, and the light intertwined and combined into the shape of a lotus.

In the night sky, a beam of starlight fell straight down and accurately projected on the lotus.

Suddenly, Lu Yu's body seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, and slowly rose up, instead of falling straight down as everyone expected...

In the vacuum of the universe, nothing can exist independently, except for starlight...The power of starlight is above all laws. Even without the laws of heaven and earth as a basis, it can also appear in a void environment.

Just after comprehending the true meaning of Jiujiu Liansheng, Lu Yu already has the ability to pull starlight alone, otherwise, facing such a void environment, he really has no other way to escape.

However, at present, this is an environment without the laws of heaven and earth as a basis. When the same beam of starlight acts on Ning Wanxuan's Feitian Mansion, it is enough to make the entire Feitian Mansion go fast, but now it can only make him climb slowly at a snail's pace.

However, this is not completely without benefits. While the void environment restricts him, it also becomes a special barrier in disguise. Although his speed has become extremely slow, the people around him cannot interfere with him, not even Kou Xianyuan himself.

Everyone could only watch him slowly leave.

Lu Yu also took Madam Ru in his arms, and the two of them slowly rose up under the gaze of everyone.

The only thing Kou Xianyuan could do was to expand the scope of the void space as much as possible to delay the opponent's steps as much as possible. He believed that Lu Yu's driving of the starlight was not without cost. As long as he persisted until the opponent reached the limit, he would still be the winner.

However, he was the one who reached the limit first.

Finally, the scope of the void space he launched reached the end and was no longer able to continue to expand, but the beam of starlight was still shining brightly, and Lu Yu and Madam Ru were also going strong. In the end, the two finally succeeded in getting out of the scope of the void space.

In an instant, the feeling of suffocation disappeared, and the two took a long breath.

At this time, the two were finally able to make a sound. Lu Yu laughed and said, "I said there was no need to see me off, but I didn't expect you to be so polite and have to be so polite... I, Lu, will remember your kindness this time. See you later!"

As he spoke, he once again pulled out a colorful light ribbon in his hand, extending towards the end of the northern sky. This time, no one could stop it.

Everyone stared blankly at the figures of the two people, gradually flying away in the colorful light belt, until they finally disappeared at the end of the sky, and they still didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

From beginning to end, the six people remained silent.

If you beat the snake, you will not die, but you will be harmed by it.

Now, they knew that they were in big trouble. Even under such circumstances, they failed to kill Lu Afeng. When he came back to kill him again in the future, would they still have a way to survive?

After the purification of nothingness, the night sky at this time was clear, with the moon hanging high and stars twinkling, but everyone's hearts seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of haze.

"It doesn't matter……"

I don’t know how long it took, but Po Yao suddenly let out a long breath.

"At least, we still have this god behind us to rely on!" As she said that, she turned to look at the Thousand Eyes Totem behind her.

Under the clear night sky, the huge Thousand Eyes Totem looks even more majestic and full of incomparable oppression...

"Even if we can't do anything with this kid, I'm sure this god won't be able to do anything! Let's wait and see the good show next!"

After a pause, he added: "However, we'd better forget about those things we mentioned earlier!"

On the other side, Lu Yu's face turned pale under the brilliant light, but he still looked back at the direction where Kou Xianyuan and others disappeared, and made no other movements.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Ru asked.

According to past practice, the two of them should seize the time to enter the ethereal realm to recover at this time, especially after experiencing the series of battles just now... It must be said that Lu Yu's current appearance is very abnormal.

"I was thinking about what happened just now." Lu Yu replied without looking back.

"What happened just now?" Mrs. Ru showed a vigilant look, "Are you thinking about the weapon in Kou Xianyuan's hand? You really healed the scar and forgot about the pain! Have you forgotten the peacock battle just now to capture Fang Jianwen? A, how much risk did we take?”

"No, it's not Kou Xianyuan, it's that Wanqiu Sect Yaopo..." Lu Yu said, "If I read it right just now, the one in her hand seems to be a divine weapon..."

Mrs. Ru suddenly couldn't help but stared: "That's not the same... I beg you, can you calm down for a while, at least wait until we recover our strength!"

"Where did you think you were?"

Lu Yu finally turned around with a helpless look in his eyes, "I'm not stupid, how can I not understand the priorities of things?"


He paused and sighed sadly.

"When she activated that artifact just now, it gave me a very familiar feeling, reminding me of an old friend from afar..."

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