Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1908 Another big one

"Old friend?"

Mrs. Ru was puzzled. This was the first time she saw Lu Yu showing such a lonely look.

"Like you, she also possesses special bloodline power. Her bloodline origin is even older than your Guanlan clan. It is the Night Phoenix clan, one of the five ancient clans..." Lu Yu said slowly .

"The five ancient heavenly clans?" Madam Ru was stunned again.

Although she has had very rich experiences and had in-depth exchanges with the most powerful men from thousands of years ago, this is the first time she has heard of the names of the five ancient heavenly clans.

This is normal. After all, the legends of the five ancient heavenly clans are too long ago. Even the most powerful people at the time have not yet figured out the secrets of their own clan. How could they know about the more mysterious five ancient heavenly clans?

Lu Yu glanced at her and decided to find the most simple example as an example, and asked: "You should have heard the legend about the myth of heaven, right? It is the myth and legend that the Jade Emperor is in charge of heaven and commands all the nations in the sky..."

"Of course I've heard of it..."

"In fact, they do exist, and they are not arrogant gods. It's just that because they are too powerful, they have been overly mythized and turned into legends. Their original form is the Storm Clan, one of the five ancient Celestial Clan. " Lu Yu explained.

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

Only then did I realize that the familiar myths and stories were not just illusory legends, but actually had their original form, created by an extremely powerful and mysterious race... Since the Storm Clan can create the myth of heaven, then as one of the five ancient heavens, One of the tribes, the Night Phoenix Clan, should not be far behind.

However, what does all this have to do with the artifact Yao Po activated just now?

Just listen to Lu Yu continue to say: "When Yao Po opened that artifact just now, although the driving method of the power has gone through complex evolution, how can its power fool me? That is the power derived from the Night Phoenix Clan. ...So, the origin of that artifact must be closely related to the Night Phoenix Clan."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but look shocked.

Although she had long guessed that the other party's artifact must have an extraordinary origin, she never expected that it would involve such a long and mysterious existence...

"You mean...the Temple of the Underworld is backed by the forces of the Night Phoenix Clan?"

"That's not possible..." Lu Yu said with a slight smile, "The reason why the five ancient heavenly clans are called 'ancient' is because they have disappeared long ago. They were active in an era that was unknown many epochs ago. , even my old friend doesn’t know what the current situation of her ethnic group is..."

"However, this incident is enough to illustrate some problems... The staff in Kou Xianyuan's hand, the mirror in Yao Po's hand, and the peacock armor that has now fallen into our hands, they should all be from the underworld. The things given by the temple are extremely powerful. I was originally curious about their true origin, but now I have some ideas..."

"Aren't there many gods enshrined in the Hades Temple? If my prediction is correct, they should all be endowed with divine power by the corresponding gods. That mirror should be a god related to the Night Phoenix Clan. As for Kou Xianyuan’s staff and the peacock armor in our hands, they also have corresponding gods that endow them with divine power..."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but froze, and when she looked at the strange-looking armor in Lu Yu's hand, she couldn't help but feel an unbearable feeling.

"Is this a divine thing?" she murmured to herself.

"It's not a god's thing, it's just endowed with divine power. There is still an essential difference between the two!" Lu Yu corrected, "But having said that, even if it is a god's thing, there is no need to be too surprised. I have already said before After all, gods are not omniscient and omnipotent. They are actually not as mysterious as people imagine. Even the gods in legendary myths are basically just some powerful practitioners in the Storm Clan. There is really no need. What a fuss about this…”

Mrs. Ru was silent for a while.

Although the truth is such a truth, from the perspective of a mortal, who can treat the superior gods lightly?

Lu Yu's ability to have such a detached mentality shows that he has transcended the realm of mortals and is no longer an ordinary person.

"But no matter what, this shows that there is widespread support from the gods behind the Hades Temple..." Mrs. Ru said with a worried look.

"That's not necessarily true!" Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a sharp edge. "It's not like I haven't dealt with real gods, especially the Dragon God, one of the most powerful gods in the world. I I have also had in-depth contact with his power. It is for this reason that I have special experience in controlling the mimicry of the flame dragon..."

"In short, no god will allow his power to be squandered wantonly. The power of gods will only choose their most devout believers. Perhaps Hades Temple has indeed gained the trust of gods, so these three artifacts were given to them. They have gained divine power, but their practice of giving these three artifacts to outsiders shows that they are not actually devout believers."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be startled.

She originally felt that the Hades Temple's act of gifting artifacts to the three major sects was very contradictory. After what Lu Yu said, she felt that this matter was even more fishy.

"Then why is this?" Mrs. Ru asked.

"The reason is very simple..." Lu Yu sneered and continued: "Because the gods are not their belief, the gods are just their tools!"

"Originally, I have always been curious, what is the significance of the existence of the Temple of Hades in this world? They have existed from eternity to the present, and they obviously have strength that transcends the entire world, but they have always maintained a low profile. What is the purpose of doing this? And They have been doing something secretly for so long..."

"There have been no answers to these questions originally, but this time I came to the Far East and saw the scene of Lord Thousand Eyes coming up close. I also saw the sacred monuments standing on the sea level. In addition, now This thing... now I finally have the answer."

"That is - the meaning of their existence is actually to fool the gods. They say they worship and believe in the gods, but in fact they are just using various means to deceive and deceive the gods in order to defraud them of divine power. The emergence of these three artifacts This just illustrates this point... Naturally, they will not have devout faith in what they get through coaxing, and they will naturally not cherish it very much. It is just a tool in their hands! "

“Perhaps the so-called Temple of Hades should be called ‘The Temple of Thieves’ which would be more appropriate!”

Mrs. Ru was immediately stunned.

After being in a daze for a while, he really asked: "How do you know this?"

"Well..." Lu Yu smiled, a bit shy in his smile, "Because I have done similar things before... and now I plan to do something big again!"

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked towards the Far East again.

In that direction, the Thousand Eyes Totem is about to fall to the ground, and the arrival of the Thousand Eyes King is about to come to an end.

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