Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1909: Breaking the Divine Power

"What are you going to do again?" Mrs. Ru said in horror.

When dealing with Fang Jianwen before, Lu Yu's actions were already very radical, not to mention using himself as a transit station to hijack the core channel of the opponent's field. This was after all a necessary risk to win, but the problem was that after the hijacking was successful, when she When the flame dragon they controlled became unprecedentedly huge, they already had a chance to win. The situation at that time could have been resolved as soon as it turned out well...

But in order to get the opponent's peacock armor, Lu Yu chose a more risky strategy, forcing the flame dragon she controlled to fight head-on with the opponent. While completely forcing the opponent into a desperate situation, she was also facing a desperate situation.

In the end, Fang Jianwen couldn't hold on anymore and had to activate the Peacock Armor again to fully unleash the divine power hidden inside the armor. Lu Yu also took this opportunity to launch a final sneak attack on him, using an "infinite circle" The spell completely ended the battle.

However, the reason why Lu Yu's sneak attack was effective was because he had already withstood the opponent's full offensive before that. Fang Jianwen didn't expect that Lu Yu would still be able to fight back after withstanding his full blow, so he was completely unprepared for Lu Yu's final sneak attack.

Even Mrs. Ru herself has not figured out how Lu Yu survived the opponent's full blow. Looking back now, she can't help but feel a lingering fear.

But now, Lu Yu's appearance gave her the same dangerous signal.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "No matter what you want to do, you have to wait until you have completely recovered your strength... You are right, let's not waste time anymore, seize the time to recover first, and then I will follow you slowly Explain in detail!”

After saying that, the two people naturally had "close contact" and soon entered an ethereal state.

The experience of recovering on the colorful light belt has long been familiar to the two of them, but this time both of them suffered a lot of losses. Just this little time on the colorful light belt still couldn't let them go. The person fully recovered, so when the colorful light belt reached the end and the two landed, they still maintained a state of close contact and did not separate.

The two of them waded in the mud for nearly half a day, until the wild deer grazing around them almost stepped on them. Then they finally recovered and stood up from the ground.

The reason why it took so long was mainly to replenish his spiritual power. The use of the infinite circle was still a huge drain on Lu Yu, but fortunately, no pursuers came during the process. I wanted to come to the Hades Temple to follow. People from the three major sects would not have thought that the two of them would stay in the mud for such a long time.

At this time, Lu Yu had become energetic again, and his eyes were like stars in the night sky.

Mrs. Ru looked at the frightened wild deer running away next to her to cover up the shame on her face and said, "Can you say it now?"

Lu Yu glanced at the direction of the Far East and replied: "Talking as we walk!"

After saying that, he drew a brilliant strip of light on his fingertips, and then made a "please" gesture towards Mrs. Ru.

Mrs. Ru's heart suddenly rose to her throat. It was not until she saw that the direction of the colorful light belt extending was not the Thousand Eyes Totem in the Far East that she felt relieved and stepped forward.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. If I go back the way I came, I will definitely run into the other party's pursuit. But if we take a roundabout way, it won't be a big problem. It's impossible for them to guard against everything in such a large area as the Far East. We..." Lu Yu said with a smile.

Mrs. Ru's heart suddenly became tense again. In this way, Lu Yu still had not given up his idea of ​​"doing something big"... But now that the matter was at this point, she could not say anything more, and her daughter Fu Jing was also in danger. The land in the far east could not be bypassed no matter what, so she had no choice but to wait patiently and listen to what Lu Yu had to say.

Next, Lu Yu told Mrs. Ru his plan in detail.

In general, they use the existing channels of the Temple of Hades to pray to the gods they worship.

Since the Temple of Hades regards itself as a devout believer in the gods and coaxes the gods outside the sky, then he can just take advantage of this. At that time, he will pray to the gods as an equally devout believer, but the content of the prayer will be the same as when worshiping the Temple of Hades. There is a big discrepancy...

He will tell those gods that their homes are now being invaded by powerful enemies, and the devout believers of gods are being persecuted, and the cause of all this is the King of Thousand Eyes who is coming now.

Of course, he will not tell the gods outside the world about the identity of the Thousand Eyes Lord, because the Thousand Eyes Lord is a powerful figure who has cast his true name in the starry sky. If he tells his identity frankly, those gods outside the world may shrink back. , Besides, as a devout believer, it is impossible to know about the so-called Thousand Eyes King. He will only say that another evil god is coming.

Since these gods are willing to give such huge divine power to the Temple of Hades, they will definitely not ignore such a situation. When the time comes, they will just wait and see the good show.

After hearing Lu Yu's plan, Mrs. Ru was stunned.

This guy is too bold! The Temple of Hades deceived the gods just to steal part of the divine power. On the contrary, he actually wanted to directly drag the gods into the water and fight with Qianyanjun...

"Is this...possible?" After Mrs. Ru took several deep breaths, she finally returned to the most basic question.

This idea is certainly very grand, but it also requires the ability to implement it.

"How can it be impossible?" Lu Yu said: "Didn't I say it? I have had similar experience before. As long as I can reach the place where the Hades Temple prays to the gods from outer space, I will be able to get in touch with these gods from outer space."


He paused, looked down at the peacock armor in his hand, and continued: "Time is short, I may not be able to crack the contact methods of all the gods one by one. The most convenient and quickest way is to directly contact the owner of the source of the divine power on this armor..."

"How to do this?" Mrs. Ru asked.

"How to do it..." Lu Yu frowned slightly, as if thinking, "The reason why gods are called gods is that they are powerful enough to shake the laws of the universe and leave their own exclusive marks in it... Next, I will analyze this armor from various dimensions and find out the exclusive mark of its owner as soon as possible!" "This process may take some time, but don't worry, I will definitely complete the crack before we go back to the Da Ming Temple!" Mrs. Ru was stunned again. She didn't expect that he could even crack the power of God... Next, Mrs. Ru didn't disturb Lu Yu anymore and let him get busy on the colorful light belt. She didn't know what Lu Yu did. She only saw countless lines bursting out from Lu Yu's body. These lines were intricate, but they were free to run their trajectories, and finally formed a simple lotus shape with extremely complicated details. This scene, just a glance, made her feel extremely grand, and her heart was full of shocking emotions. Time passed by minute by minute. The figures of the two people flew very fast on the colorful light belt. Finally, when the third colorful light band was about to end, Lu Yu stopped all manipulations and showed a happy smile on his face.

"Good guy, I didn't expect this to be a big shot!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and saw a special character pattern floating in his palm, vaguely showing a bird-like shape.

Madam Ru knew that this was the exclusive mark of the god who was the source of power on the Peacock Armor, but she didn't have Lu Yu's ability to interpret the characters, so she hurriedly asked: "Which god is it?"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said slowly: "The Peacock King."

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