Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1911 Uprising

The Thousand Eyes Totem was just above their heads.

At this distance, the details of the totem were more completely displayed, and the densely packed eyeballs seemed to be within reach of the two of them.

Just when the two people officially entered the scope of the Hades Temple, for a moment, Mrs. Ru felt as if all the eyes turned and looked at the two people. This feeling made her shudder.

However, Lu Yu didn't seem to be affected. The gazes of thousands of eyeballs had no effect on him. It seemed that he didn't take it to heart at all.

Mrs. Ru felt somewhat at ease for some reason, but then her heart became tense again, and she quickly reminded loudly: "Be careful!"

I saw a huge black wave suddenly rising up without warning, hitting the two people in mid-air. At the height at which the two were flying in the air, no matter how violent the wave was, it was impossible to catch the two of them. However, this huge wave was very special. When it reached its highest point, it instantly transformed into a ball of dark gas and continued to rush towards the two of them.

The images of countless resentful ghosts were mixed among them, accompanied by bursts of shrill cries of ghosts and howls of wolves, and they rushed towards the two of them like thousands of troops.

Relying on the protection of the colorful light belt, Lu Yu originally didn't intend to pay attention to it, but seeing this scene, he still activated part of the power of the peacock armor and lit up a circle of strong light around his body just in case.

In the blink of an eye, black energy swept over, and the two sides passed each other in the air. Although the contact only lasted for a moment, in this moment, Lu Yu heard countless ghosts howling in his ears, My eardrums seemed to have burst.

Looking at the peacock armor on his body, the circle of bright light that was activated just now has actually dimmed a lot.

Lu Yu was shocked. Although he did not suffer any substantial damage, you should know that he was protected by the colorful light belt and the peacock armor just now. He did not expect that he could not completely resist the black energy attack. …

If he had been stronger just now and failed to activate the defense of the Peacock Armor in time, it would be hard to say what his end would be like now.

"This is the evil spirit of the underworld." Mrs. Ru was also frightened and explained to Lu Yu softly, "Everywhere in the Hades Temple is filled with such evil energy. If people want to walk in it, they must use the tools provided by the Hades Temple. It must be an exclusive vehicle, otherwise you will be attacked by the evil spirit of the underworld, even the own people of the Hades Temple..."

"However, the previous offensives of the evil spirit were not so violent. This time, it is probably because the King of Thousand Eyes is coming. The Temple of Hades has adjusted the defense level to the highest level, so these outbursts of the evil spirit are so violent. …”

"This is just the beginning. I'm afraid there will be more violent ones next, so you have to be extra careful!"

Mrs. Ru lay on Lu Yu's body and whispered, which explained why she did not warn her in advance, because even she herself did not expect that the power of the underworld would become so powerful. It seemed that with the arrival of Thousand Eyes Lord , everything in the Temple of Hades has changed accordingly.

Lu Yu nodded and said, "I understand."

Sure enough, the second wave of evil spirit offensive soon followed, and this time the wave was even more violent than before.

However, although Lu Yu said "I know", in fact he still did not dodge and faced the oncoming attack, but only activated a layer on the Peacock Armor. Wider aperture.


There was no violent sound from the collision between the two sides, only the endless howling of ghosts and wolves came from the ears.

When everything was over, the halo on the Peacock Armor dimmed again, and Lu Yu's face became a little pale.

But facing Mrs. Ru's gaze, he just laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, the evil spirit turns out to be nothing more than that, I can still hold on!"

Mrs. Ru shook her head helplessly. She knew that Lu Yu was actually capable of dodging. He had already demonstrated the operation of changing the trajectory of the colorful light belt before. The reason why he did not choose to dodge was mainly to save time.

Any dodge and detour will undoubtedly consume more time, but in this situation, they don't have much time left, so as long as they can hold on, Lu Yu will choose to resist with his body.

Mrs. Ru didn't say anything. She quietly lowered her body and soaked Lu Yu's vital parts in the warmth, putting the two of them into an ethereal state and helping him recover quickly.

Next, the evil spirit attacked like a tidal wave, setting off huge waves one after another. Lu Yu still refused to dodge and chose to fight head-on.

In the blink of an eye, the colorful light belt has crossed the vast sea and finally reached its final landing point.

But the final landing point also means greater danger, because the final landing point of the Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth has been determined for a long time. This is of little use to ordinary people, but for the top experts, they can pass through the colorful The trajectory of the light belt can accurately infer the location of the final landing point. There must be many such top powerhouses in the Temple of Hades. I am afraid that as early as the moment the two of them entered the Temple of Hades, someone had already calculated their final specific location.

"Lu Afeng!"

Sure enough, just when Lu Yu had just landed on the sea, a loud shout suddenly came.

Lu Yu looked up and found that it was the high priest Xu Zhiyang who had had a fight in the Suyu Cloud Pool. In addition to him, there were many other strong men around him, at least all of them were at the Earth Ming Realm or above. In terms of cultivation, three of them are even more impressive than Xu Zhiyang, and they seem to be stronger than him.

These people formed a circle nearby, causing the two of them to immediately become turtles in a urn as soon as they settled down.

In fact, only a moment has passed since the colorful light belt broke into the scope of the Temple of Hades. In such a short period of time, the opponent was able to gather such a huge wave of people. The overall strength of the Temple of Hades was thus It can be seen.

In an instant, Lu Yu had a panoramic view of the surrounding situation. Every opponent was recorded in his mind and consciousness, and he did not miss any tiny detail. Although he only glanced at it in a hurry, in his mind In his consciousness, he made various deductions about the current scene.

Without any hesitation, flying flowers suddenly appeared on Lu Yu's body. In the next moment, his figure jumped up in the air. At the same time, he yelled: "Xu Zhiyang, take your life!"

He actually rushed towards Xu Zhiyang in the same way as flying flowers and escaping shadows.

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