Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1912 Precise positioning

No one expected that Lu Yu would suddenly explode under such circumstances. Even Xu Zhiyang himself was not expecting this. After a brief surprise, he immediately became furious.

"court death!"

Xu Zhiyang roared angrily and immediately punched out.

There had long been a lot of old and new grudges between him and Lu Yu. In anger, he took action without reservation. A powerful force like an overwhelming force swept towards Lu Yu in an instant.

Not only Xu Zhiyang, but also many other strong men around him also took action. In this case, they had no scruples at all. Lu Yu was already a turtle in the urn, and there was no need to worry about what other tricks he would play.

Suddenly, a dense offensive was bombarded in the direction of Lu Yu.

The world shook violently, and even the laws were shattered.

This is because the power of everyone is too concentrated. Everyone present is an extraordinary strong man. With the combined efforts, even the laws of heaven and earth cannot withstand the power of everyone's concentrated fire.

It can be said that nothing in the world can withstand such firepower. No matter how solid it is, it will be turned into powder under such a fierce attack. If it is a person, it will die without a burial place...

Thinking about it, this Lu A Feng was already certain to die.

However, just as everyone was thinking this, a colorful light belt suddenly extended from the chaos, and then they saw Lu Yu's safe and sound figure appearing in the colorful light belt.

This guy is not dead!

How on earth did he escape this attack?

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

But Lu Yu had already let out a long laugh in the brilliant light belt: "Xu Zhiyang, let you live a little longer, keep your life alive for a while and I will come and get it again!"

After saying this, the figure quickly drifted away.

It's a pity that everyone in the Temple of Hades has just completed a round of concentrated fire. No one of them was able to hold back this time, so there was no chance of interception at this time. They could only watch Lu Yu fly away.

In fact, with the strength of this group of people, it is possible to open the field in a targeted manner like Fang Jianwen and block Lu Yu's Five Elements Escape. However, because the Lord Thousand Eyes is coming, opening such a field will inevitably make the Thousand Eyes Totem Their integration was affected, so they did not do so. Unexpectedly, this time they allowed the other party to take advantage of the loophole.

"No!" Xu Zhiyang looked at the direction in which the colorful light belt extended, and his expression suddenly changed: "He wants to go to the main altar... chase him quickly!"

When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they all chased after Xu Zhiyang.

On the colorful light belt, Lu Yu was already covered in blood.

Even though he acted free and easy, the blow just now still caused great damage to him, and blood was already flowing out along the feathery armor of the peacock armor.

However, this is already the best result among the various coping methods he has simulated in his mind and consciousness. He just made a false shot, making everyone think that he was going to attack Xu Zhiyang, but they didn't know He had secretly prepared a backup plan. First, he did not really enter the center of everyone's fire, and then, under the dual protection of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape and the Peacock Armor, he escaped along the edge of everyone's offensive.

But even so, he still suffered a lot of injuries, and even the armor plates on the Peacock Armor became loose, as if they might disintegrate at any time.

"How are you?" Mrs. Ru asked anxiously.

Because she had been deliberately protected by Lu Yu, she was not actually injured. However, because the two of them were close to each other, she knew very well how bad Lu Yu's condition was at this time. She could even feel the blood constantly flowing from it. Lu Yu's pores came out, making her body wet and sticky.

"I'm fine!" Lu Yu smiled, took out a healing elixir and drank it directly. Then he looked down at the peacock armor on his body and said, "I'm afraid this thing can't be used anymore..."

Mrs. Ru immediately became nervous: "What should we do?"

She is not worried that without the cover of the Peacock Armor, the close contact between the two at this time will be made public... She is more worried that the Peacock Armor is the key to contact the Peacock King. If this armor loses its effectiveness, So it’s hard to say whether they can accurately find the corresponding monument...

"It doesn't matter, I have completed the final steps ahead of schedule, and its mission should be considered completed."

As Lu Yu spoke, he turned around and looked around, as if he was searching for somewhere. Finally, his eyes settled on a certain place in the southeast.

Mrs. Ru followed his gaze and immediately saw a strange bird-shaped character floating on a towering sacred monument. It was the exclusive mark of the Peacock Ming King that Lu Yu had cracked before.

She immediately understood that it was the monument used to worship the Peacock Daming King. In other words, it was also a place where she could directly contact the Peacock Daming King.

"When did you issue the exclusive mark of King Peacock Ming?" Mrs. Ru asked in surprise.

The exclusive mark of King Peacock Ming will automatically search for the aura of King Peacock Ming. This is a very natural thing, and it is not difficult for Mrs. Ru to understand this.

What really surprised her was when did Lu Yu complete this operation?

You must know that she had been sticking closely to Lu Yu along the way, but she was completely unaware of Lu Yu's actions.

"It was already emitted when we encountered the first wave of evil spirit."

Lu Yu said calmly.

"Didn't I say it long ago? We don't have much time left, so we naturally have to locate the monument that can contact the Peacock King as soon as possible."

"Fortunately, everything went smoothly. The Hades Temple never thought of guarding against us. Next, we just need to go there!"

Madam Ru nodded.

Although Xu Zhiyang and others were chasing after them, it was obviously impossible for them to catch up with the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape at their speed.

Unfortunately, the exclusive mark found the location of the corresponding monument, but they did not receive this information before. Now they can only set the landing point on the monument over there after the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape is over.

However, this is not a big problem. I think the Hades Temple would never think that the real purpose of their intrusion here would be a remote monument, and they also planned to use this remote monument to complete the final kill of the Thousand Eyes God.

The two flew on the colorful light belt for a long time, but still did not reach the final landing point.

At this time, Madam Ru suddenly found that something seemed wrong, because the location they were floating towards was exactly where the Thousand Eyes Totem fell, and they were getting closer and closer to the main body of the Thousand Eyes Totem.

"Where are we going now?" Madam Ru asked.

Although she knew that the situation was urgent just now, and Lu Yu did not know the location of the Peacock King's Monument when he launched this Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape, but it seemed that with his usual style, he would not set the landing point at random. His setting must have made sense...

"That's the location of the Sword of Miracles."

Sure enough, Lu Yu directly stated the reason.

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should also be the location of the young lady."

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