Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1913 Altar

Mrs. Ru became excited for a moment, and then quickly calmed down.

"It should be more dangerous over there, right?" she said hesitantly.

The round of confrontation just now has fully proved Lu Yu's previous point of view. It is indeed an extremely dangerous thing to break into the Hades Temple to rescue Fu Jing. If they didn't have the peacock armor to protect them just now, they would have no way to escape. Out of the siege.

Although Mrs. Ru is eager to save her daughter, she also knows that now is not the best time to rescue Fu Jing.

Only by following Lu Yu's plan and leading the Peacock King to fight with Thousand Eyes King from the void, causing the entire Hades Temple to fall into chaos, might there be a chance of success.

"It is indeed more dangerous..." Lu Yu responded, "But our landing point is not the exact location of the lady, but just in the area near her. If we just walk around, I think it won't be a big problem. Besides, it's like this It will also be more able to confuse the people of Hades Temple, isn’t it?”

Mrs. Ru felt at ease, but then she realized something was wrong: "But, why are we approaching the center of the totem? Could it be that... the place where Jing'er was imprisoned happened to be the place where Lord Thousand Eyes descended?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but have a flash of gloom in his eyes. In fact, he had already sensed the specific location of the Galaxy Sword from the moment he entered the Hades Temple. Judging from the location, it happened to be the center where the Thousand Eyes Totem dropped, but it had always been... There was no chance to mention it.

He didn't know whether all of this was a coincidence or whether it was done deliberately by Hades Temple. If it was the latter, the situation might be even more dire.

"I don't know what the situation is, but we will see it soon... Anyway, let's take a look at the situation over there first!" Lu Yu said briefly.

The figures of the two people flew along with the colorful light belt, getting closer and closer to the main body of the Thousand Eyes Totem, and the sense of oppression became stronger and stronger.

At this time, they suddenly saw a strange light in front of them.

Although with the arrival of the Thousand Eyes Totem, there were dazzling lights everywhere in the sky and on the ground, this light was particularly different. There were circles of halo around it, which was constantly rhythmic, like It has the rhythm of breathing.

"It's Jing'er!" Mrs. Ru immediately shouted excitedly.

They had seen similar scenes more than once before, which were caused by the special force field formed during Fu Jing's retreat.

Lu Yu couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the halo of light. His eyesight was naturally better than Mrs. Ru's, and the scene he saw was clearer.

In his sight, he not only saw the rhythmic scene of circles of light on the periphery, but also saw that these halos were actually emanating from a purple and white plant... According to Mrs. Ru's previous description, at that time, During the Suyu Cloud Pond, Fu Jing hid in a purple and white bead for seclusion, and was then abducted by Xu Zhiyang and the purple and white bead together.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jing still hasn't come out after so long, and the people in Hades Temple still can't do anything to her. I just don't know if her retreat has not ended yet, or if it has already ended. She is using this purple and white plant to ward off the people in the Hades Temple to prevent it from falling into the hands of the other party.

To figure this out, there may be no way for others, but for Lu Yu, it is very simple. Just let him contact the Galaxy Sword and it will be immediately clear. Just control it through the air with your mind, and then from the power feedback of the Galaxy Sword, you can immediately judge Fu Jing's current state.

However, at this distance, Lu Yu was still unable to control the Galaxy Sword through the air. At this time, he had sensed that the Galaxy Sword and Fu Jing were staying inside the Zibai Zhu, but he was still unable to make any further attempts.

The colorful light belt continued to approach, and more details in the front were revealed. At this time, even Mrs. Ru saw the purple and white plants in the halo, and also saw more of the scene...

"This, this...what is going on?" Mrs. Ru's expression changed in shock.

I saw that the place where the purple and white trees were was a huge square. There were various strange magic circles arranged around the square, and many members of the Temple of Hades were worshiping in the square, as if they were holding some kind of evil ceremony. ceremony... and the purple and white plant was placed in the middle of the square, looking like a sacrifice.

"He, they are using Jing'er as a sacrifice to summon the Lord Thousand Eyes to come?" Mrs. Ru said in disbelief.

Although all this seems unreasonable, after all, Fu Jing is a pure bloodline cultivated by the Hades Temple with great efforts. They should have a bigger intention for her, and use it as a sacrifice. Summoning the King with Thousand Eyes to come was a bit unreasonable...but the situation in front of her couldn't help but think so!

Lu Yu glanced lightly, and immediately took in the entire square. He quickly simulated the situation in his mind and consciousness, and quickly came up with the answer.

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