Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1915 Beyond the Gods

The consumption of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape is related to the target of delivery.

When the target of delivery is only one person, the consumption of real energy is huge, but it is acceptable to Lu Yu. When the target of delivery is two people, the consumption of real energy will increase exponentially. Even Lu Yu needs The restoration of the ethereal realm can be seamless.

As for more than three people, for each additional person, the consumption will double on the original basis. If the number reaches five or six people, even for Lu Yu, this is an unbearable weight, although it will not be impossible to perform. , but as soon as it is used, the whole person may collapse immediately.

Of course, this is only for living people. If the target of delivery is a dead object, it is a completely different concept. Otherwise, Lu Yu would not have been able to roll up a large amount of earth through the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth in Da Rui Imperial Capital. He directly suppressed Mr. Kou who was trying to escape.

It can be seen that the more targets the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Escape projects, the greater the consumption will be.

This rule is also true in reverse. When the number of targets is reduced, or even when the number of targets is zero, the amount of real energy consumed will reach the minimum. For a cultivator like Lu Yu, who has an extremely majestic Qi sea, It's almost negligible.

Because of this, Lu Yu was able to split light continuously, because the colorful light strip he separated at this time did not have any target at all.

Originally, such an operation made no sense. Although he could split the light continuously, no matter how many times he split the light, it would not have any impact on the final landing point and trajectory.

However, the strong light launched by the old man at the moment is tracked by the characteristics of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth. The trajectory of the colorful light belt is like a lead that attracts the strong light offensive. Under such circumstances, the originally meaningless manipulation becomes Has extraordinary meaning.

Although the opponent took action in an instant, he also completed the response in an instant. In terms of adaptability, Lu Yu's reaction was no less than that of the opponent.

"Humph, dying struggle!"

The old man snorted and raised his hands again, but this time he raised both hands at the same time.

Lu Yu's response is indeed wonderful, but this method of response is also unsustainable. Although delivering empty targets can minimize the consumption of real energy, the mental loss caused by being distracted is unavoidable. Therefore, the current conflict between the two sides The struggle between the two has actually evolved into a game of spiritual ideas.

For such a game, the old man has full confidence. In the past long years, he has communicated with the gods in the void many times, listened to countless oracles, and his spiritual thoughts have been trained to be extremely powerful... He believed that he was definitely the closest person to God in the world.

The other party actually wants to escape in this way. This is completely a trick and overestimating one's own abilities!

In an instant, the old man's ten fingers emitted strong light at the same time, shooting towards Lu Yu in mid-air.

The ten bright lights were fast and slow, in order, so that even if the first few were confused by Lu Yu's split light, the remaining ones could still track Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru until they died.

Seeing this, Lu Yu waved his hands again, the movement was fast and elegant, full of a strange rhythmic beauty, just like playing an elegant guqin, but what he was playing was not the strings, but the laws of heaven and earth in this world.

Suddenly, the colorful light belt was divided into four again, not one of them was divided into four, but each one was divided into four, and in the blink of an eye, it became sixteen colorful light belts surrounding the sky. , several more than the bright lights activated by the old man.


The old man couldn't help being a little surprised, but he didn't take it too seriously and sneered: "Let me see how capable you are!"

After saying that, he waved his hands again and again, and with each wave, ten rays of bright light shot out.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was filled with countless bright lights and countless colorful light bands, densely packed and intertwined.

Facing the old man's numerous bright light attacks, Lu Yu could only continue to split the light, and the movement of his inner breath and the drive of his thoughts almost reached the extreme...

Tracking and counter-tracking, interception and counter-interception, all kinds of chaotic scenes emerge one after another, and wonderful battles of wits take turns taking place in the void.

Hundreds of miles away, Xu Zhiyang and others followed and saw the chaotic scene ahead, and they couldn't help but stop in place.

"After all, it's still a step too late. The boy has already reached the main altar..."

"However, the main hall master seems to have taken action!"

"Just be sure nothing goes wrong..."

"The chief palace master has already taken action, what else will be the problem?"

"Don't worry about the rest, but I'm afraid it will affect the coming ceremony of the God..."

For a while, everyone was talking about it, wondering whether they should move on or stay where they were and wait and see.

"Xu Shensi, among us, you are the only one who has dealt with Lu Yu, and you are the only one who knows his details best. What do you think we should do now?" A Tianhuang Realm expert asked Xu Zhiyang said.

Xu Zhiyang couldn't help frowning and sneered: "I know him best? Are you kidding, Zheng Shensi? I think you know him better. At least before today, I didn't know anything about him. His real name is Lu Yu!”

By now, Xu Zhiyang has also understood that he was completely manipulated by his colleagues. In fact, the Hades Temple had already obtained information about Lu Yu from the Thousand-Eyed God, and knew that he had an extraordinary origin and was named by the God. He was captured alive, but no one told him all this. Instead, he deliberately sent him to the Great Evil Empire, just to test Lu Yu's depth.

This was due to the God's instructions to capture Lu Yu alive, and also to the factional struggle within the Hades Temple. But in short, he was the one who was sacrificed... Fortunately, he was lucky enough. In the end, not only did he save the day, but he also Taking advantage of the situation, he captured the pure blood of the Guanlan clan alive, thus reversing his original embarrassing position in one fell swoop.

Hearing the dissatisfaction in Xu Zhiyang's tone, Zheng Shensi smiled and said: "Why is Xu Shensi still so worried about this trivial matter? I have already explained it. There was a reason for it. This matter was classified as top secret at the time. The entire Only a few people know about the Temple of Hades, so I didn’t tell you..."

"Now that the matter has come to an end, you have also gotten a blessing in disguise. It was the pure bloodline of the Guanlan clan that you brought back from the Great Evil Empire that made it possible for the Thousand-Eyed God to come to the world. As long as today's advent ceremony is held Once it is completed, you will be the most popular person in front of God, why bother about it?"

Xu Zhiyang snorted coldly. After all, he did not pursue the matter further. He silently observed the chaotic scene in front of him for a moment, and finally said: "Although Lu A Feng's escape trajectory is ever-changing at this time, the final landing point has already been OK... we don’t have to waste time here, just go to the landing point and wait for him!”

Zheng Shensi couldn't help but be startled.

Although they could already see the general direction of the final landing point of the colorful light belt, the entanglement between Lu Yu and the main hall master had not yet decided the winner. If Lu Yu were here, he would be directly killed by the main hall master. If caught by the strong light, nothing would happen next... How did Xu Zhiyang know that Lu Yu would definitely be able to escape?

"Are you sure?" Zheng Shensi said in surprise.

You must know that the two sides are now engaged in a game of mind and consciousness, and the main hall master is very good at this. In fact, it is his strategy that drags the opponent into such a situation, so as to avoid being interfered by the opponent during the advent ceremony. The progress of... Zheng Shensi would never believe that the chief palace master who is worthy of being a god would lose to others in this category!

Xu Zhiyang was silent for a moment, and his mind couldn't help but recall the scene when he was trapped by the other party with rings in Suyu Yunchi. That painful and desperate experience still makes him frightened to this day...

Perhaps, the thoughts and consciousness of the main hall master are comparable to those of the gods, but this guy named Lu Yu's thoughts and consciousness have already surpassed the gods...

Finally, he shook his head gently: "He will definitely escape..."

After saying that, without any more words, he flew straight ahead in the predicted direction.

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