Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1916 Suddenly unsheathed

"Really? I don't believe it!"

Zheng Shensi shook his head and said.

Xu Zhiyang has been secretive about the details of his last experience in the Great Evil Empire, but a discerning person can still tell at a glance that he was the one who suffered the loss during the fight with Lu Yu. Otherwise, how could he be so silent with his character?

In Zheng Shensi's view, Xu Zhiyang's behavior was clearly like "Once bitten by a snake, he will be afraid of well ropes for ten years."

He naturally knew that Lu Yu was by no means an easy person, but in the minds of the higher-ups of the Hades Temple, he was not qualified to rise to the status of a "strong enemy" like the most powerful men in the past. The reason why the Hades Temple had not treated him Take active action mainly because you think he is too "tricky".

The "troublesome" reason comes from the Thousand-Eyed God, because the Thousand-Eyed God has repeatedly emphasized that he needs a living Lu Yu and cannot let him lose a single hair... This makes everyone in the Hades Temple The senior management felt very embarrassed.

It wasn't until Xu Zhiyang returned from the Great Evil Empire and the Renaissance Alliance suddenly emerged in Fenghe Province that everyone had a new understanding of Lu Yu... But no matter what, Zheng Shensi did not believe that this person would be powerful enough to compete with the main hall master. The point of contending, especially now that he has fallen into the trap of the main hall master!

At this time, although the sky is a mess of light and shadow, it still looks like an even picture. But in fact, as long as you look carefully, you will find that the strong light activated by the main hall master has quietly occupied the outer part without even realizing it.

This is like a game of chess. The opponent is still obsessed with local fighting, but their general palace master has completed the overall layout.

Maybe Lu Yu still has room for struggle at this time, but he will eventually find that he has lost everything. This is the gap in the overall situation!

"Xu Shensi has already seen this person's superb methods, but it's a pity that we haven't had such a chance yet... Let Xu Shensi take the first step, I want to see how this person can escape!"

Zheng Shensi said to the people around him.

He did not lower his voice deliberately. With the distance that Xu Zhiyang flew, he should still be able to hear these words, but Xu Zhiyang did not react at all, as if he heard nothing.

On the main altar, the old man's mood was far less relaxed than that of Zheng Shensi and others.

Although the scene was evenly divided at this time, as the offensive side, he only needed to be responsible for launching the offensive. The strong light would automatically track according to the trajectory characteristics of the Five Elements Escape. There was no need to do other unnecessary operations. On the other hand, Lu Yu's side To calculate the trajectory of each light strip, and even to induce strong light collisions through the trajectory, the mental power required far exceeds that of the old man.

As far as the game of mind and consciousness was concerned, the old man knew that he had actually lost.

"He is indeed a person who makes the gods fear him. He is indeed unique..."

The old man said with emotion.

"But so what? You still lost after all!"

Just as Zheng Shensi thought, although Lu Yu's performance on the local battlefield was brilliant, the old man had already completed the overall layout. At this time, the strong light offensive had already firmly controlled the periphery, no matter what Lu Yu did By all means, he has become a turtle in the urn, and defeat is only a matter of time.

"Stop struggling fearlessly and just surrender! This can also be regarded as a great gift to welcome God's arrival!"

After speaking, the old man raised his hands again and waved them repeatedly.

This time, dozens of bright lights were activated. These bright lights were like tightening a rope in a dragnet, instantly making the bright light offensive all over the sky more compact.

Although Lu Yu can still continue to split light, the space left for him has become very cramped. His thoughts and consciousness are nearly infinite, but the space for him to exert them is limited. At this time, he is like a The fish caught in the net will be fished out of the water soon...

However, even in the face of such a situation, Lu Yu remained calm and smiled instead: "Old man, is this your limit?"

"If it's just this level, then I'll be rude!"

After saying that, Lu Yu once again used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape, but this time he did not split the light and directly changed his own movement trajectory.

After the colorful light belt is cast, although the final landing point has been fixed, the trajectory during the operation can be adjusted by casting the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape again, thereby achieving a roundabout effect.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yu has been dealing with the old man until now. It is not that he has not used such means to make adjustments before, but no adjustment has been as large as this time.

The colorful light strip drew a huge arc and completed a 180-degree turn in the blink of an eye, from escaping outwards to rushing towards the center of the altar.

All the old man's previous plans were aimed at Lu Yu's escape, so numerous bright lights formed a dragnet around the altar. But at this time, Lu Yu suddenly rushed in a completely different opposite direction, immediately disrupting everything. The layout, those dragnets arranged on the periphery have become decorations instead.

The old man couldn't help but be stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Lu Yu to do such a move.

Not to mention that the altar is the center where the Thousand Eyes Totem hangs. The power of the Thousand Eyes Lord has been able to reach this place to a certain extent. There are many members of the Hades Temple behind him.

These people are not just decorations, but because the distance between the two sides was too far before, the old man could only attack Lu Yu with strong light. But if Lu Yu took the initiative to approach, it could be said to be playing into their plans. Everyone on the altar can participate in this battle that was originally only between two people.

"court death!"

The old man sneered.

This time, he did not make any move, because he believed that these subordinates behind him alone were enough to make Lu Yu irrecoverable.

Sure enough, all of the subordinates were staring at Lu Yu with their eyes fixed on him. Their bodies were as straight as statues, but the gazes in their eyes were clearly getting sharper, like the shining lights of a bow being strung. Like a sharp arrow.

The old man was actually a little worried that Lu Yu would not be able to withstand the combined offensive of everyone. If he was beaten to death and affected the plan of the Thousand-Eyed God, it would be more of a loss than a gain.

Therefore, he has been silently preparing to take action at the critical moment, at least to save Lu Yu's life...

Lu Yu continued to move forward.

The battle between the two sides is about to break out.

With the number and strength of the opponent's personnel, even with the dual protection of the dazzling light belt and the peacock armor, it is still difficult to resist, just like when he was besieged by everyone when he first landed, not to mention the peacock armor on Lu Yu's body at this time. A can no longer exert any effect, it is just a decoration...

However, just when Lu Yu was about to enter the attack range of everyone and was about to be attacked by a group of people, a gorgeous sword energy leaked out at this moment, like a galloping galaxy appearing across the sky.

The source of this galaxy is the purple and white plant in the center of the altar.

Lu Yu finally reestablished a mental connection with the Galaxy Sword, causing the Galaxy Sword to unsheath suddenly.

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